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Each moviegoer has their own personal preferences.

Initial reviews and criticism are

frequently to blame when a movie bombs at the box office. The opportunity to watch and
analyze a film again is provided by the release on streaming services. By 2023, OTT will
grow from a Rs 2,590 crore sector to one worth Rs 12,000 crore. It has already reduced the
revenue of the entertainment sector by 7% to 9%.
Filmmakers may think about putting their movies on OTT as well for a number of reasons. It
gives the movie's creators a safety net to protect them from any potential box office losses.
Movies can occasionally vanish into thin air as a result of poor marketing and public relations
strategies. In these situations, OTT platforms let viewers see these films without having the
box office sector dictate when, how, and where they can do so. Little or bad public perception
of a movie may deter people from seeing it.
Certain people become the targets of movie critics. Critics frequently have the power to make
or break a movie since they have enough authority to influence viewers to skip a certain
release. Filmmakers redistribute their films on OTT in an effort to make up for the negative
critical and box financial receptions.
OTT operators prefer big-budget films to open in cinemas before they are broadcast on their
platforms because it can somewhat reduce their marketing expenditures. When theatres were
closed due to the pandemic, a number of films were "digital-first" and released only on
streaming services. Digital platforms that work with limited marketing budgets and spend
most on big-ticket content they believe will fetch eyeballs. Even if they earn a percentage of
the cash based on viewing, some producers might not even get paid ahead.

Despite facing competition and pressure from the rising cost of living, Netflix has managed
to stop losing customers. The major streaming service claimed that between July and
September, 2.4 million additional households joined its user base. That stopped the
company's losses from the first half of the year when it raised pricing in significant markets.

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