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1. Acknowledgement
2. Executive Summary (300-500) words
Summary of the entire work in brief. Idea is that the reader should get the overall view
of the entire report through the executive summary.

3. Introduction (300-500) words

 Overview of the company
 Goals, achievements and financial projections of the company

4. Introduction to the Industry (300-500) words

 Key Competitors
 Market analysis of the concerned Industry (overall market scenario)
 Key factors responsible to get competitive advantage in the given Industry

5. Introduction to the Company (Plant or Industry Visited) (300-500) words

 What does the company do? What it manufacture / process?
 What problem does it solve?
 Market analysis of the company
 Procurement methods and strategy
 Number of employees under different departments
 Overview of its Production and Operation Management
 Organization structure

6. Operational Area (300-500) words

 Visited places / regions / areas of operation
 Other places / regions / areas of operation
 Regions for selecting the given place for operation in the context of raw material
procurement, operation, market, manpower (Please also mention any other factor if
it is relevant)

7. Production Division (300-500) words

 Production division (Visited)
o Its total operational capacity
o Capacity being utilized
o Its usability in the entire production process
o Overview of the plants and machinery installed / used at the given production
o Total number of employees being engaged in the concerned production
 Other production divisions

8. Market Channel (300-500) words

 Marketing channels used for B2B / B2C (Whichever is applicable)
 Level of channels being used
 Description of its distributive channel (A distribution channel refers to the flow of
business that occurs between a manufacturer and a consumer. It is the path that a
transaction follows)
 If possible, please highlight the transaction path of the product
 Competitive advantage attained through the market channel

9. Finance (300-500) words

 Company overall financial health
 Overview of Income statement
 Key financial implication being extracted from annual report
 Source of finance

10. Human Resources (300-500) words

 Number of employees in the division visited
 Hierarchical levels

11. Observation (300-500) words

 You need to highlight your view or observations regarding the industrial visit
 Gap (if any) in terms of production, procurement, market or distribution channel
 Key take ways in terms of knowledge acquisition

General Guidelines
 Make sure that you visit the website of the company you are visiting
 Download the annual report and try to get as much data as possible regarding the above
 Note down the gaps to be discussed during the industry visit
 The Report word count has to be between 3000-5000 words
 Many of you would be visiting the same company. Data collected could be identical but
presentation of data cannot be identical.
 The assessment shall be in the form of a viva (50 marks) with Vidyasagar University

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