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Break sb’s Get on well Cuddle up with Fall for sb Fall in love

heart with sb sb with sb

Have a fight Ditch sb Go out with To be over To feel blue
with sb moon
To be on cloud To be over To have crush To fall out To beg sb for
nine moon on sb with sb smth
To propose To break up To have a date To get Not sb’s type
with sb with engaged with
To be sb’s To get
type married

Task 1. Sort the expression according to their meaning: positive or

Expressions with positive Expression with negative
meaning meaning
Task 2. Sort the expressions into synonyms and opposites
Cuddle up To be over To date sb To be head over To ditch sb
moon heels in love
with sb
To be crazy Hug sb To break sb’s To be on cloud To make up
about sb heart nine
To have a fight To fall in love To feel blue To fall out with To go out
with sb

Synonyms Opposites

Task 3. Paraphrase.
1. Children would be extremely happy _________________if you played with
2. The boy cozied up ____________to his mother and fell asleep.
3. She has been going out with him________________ for 2 years now.
4. Did you argue with ____________William?
5. He has dumped her____________for no good reason. And now her heart is
broken and she feels depressed ________________. Guess he just doesn’t
love her anymore_______________.
6. I fell for him the first time I saw him. That was________________.

Task 4. Make up sentences of your own using the love-related

expressions and idioms. You are also welcome to create a story.

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