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Discussion Questions






Discussion Questions

1. Compare and contrast classic, retrograde and volume neurotransmission. Note any

specific neurotransmitters that are produced each way

The three forms of neurotransmission, classic, retrograde, and volume, involve chemical

or electrical communication within or between neurons. While classic neurotransmission

involves releasing neurotransmitters from the presynaptic nerve ending and binding to the

postsynaptic receptor, retrograde neurotransmission is a reverse of classic neurotransmission. In

this case, retrograde transmission involves the release of neurotransmitters from the postsynaptic

cell and binds to receptors on the terminal of the presynaptic neuron. Retrograde transmission is

chemical neurotransmission in which postsynaptic neurons transmit chemicals to presynaptic

neurons. An example of a chemical produced through retrograde neurotransmitters is

endocannabinoids (Stahl, 2021). On the other hand, volume transmission is neurotransmission

without synapse. In other words, volume transmission is a non-synaptic diffusion. While classic

and retrograde transmission involves synapses, volume transmission occurs without synapse, and

chemicals are released at sites distant from the target cells (Stahl, 2021).

2. Provide a brief overview of signal transduction cascades

The signal transduction cascades consist of four types: G-protein-linked

neurotransmission, ion-channel linked neurotransmission, hormones, and neurotrophins. Signal

transduction is a cascade of events occurring as a result of postsynaptic receptor stimulation

(Stahl, 2021). Communication through signal transduction involves different phases of

messengers; first, second, third, and fourth messengers, which lead to the activation or

inactivation of a phosphoprotein. It is similar to a molecular "pony express," whereby messages


are handed over to the next specialized molecule until they reach a functional destination, such as

gene activation or expression (Hisamoto & Matsumoto, 2017).

3. Discuss whether or not you think drug companies should be permitted to advertise their

products (prescription medication). 

Although advertising prescription medication by drug companies may enhance patient

information on newly available treatment options, I believe the damage outweighs the benefits.

Allowing drug companies to conduct direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising

encourages the use of new drugs even before their harmful effects have been established (Yang

et al., 2018). Furthermore, advertising would be associated with additional costs to the company,

which they might transfer to the drugs. This would lead to higher drug costs and overall

healthcare costs by substituting expensive and new drugs without treatment advantages (Yang et

al., 2018).


Hisamoto, N., & Matsumoto, K. (2017). Signal transduction cascades in axon regeneration:

insights from C. elegans. Current opinion in genetics & development, 44, 54-60.

Stahl, S. M. (2021). Stahl's essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical

applications. Cambridge university press.





Yang, Y. M., Lee, J. J., Jeong, E., Kim, S. Y., Han, M. A., & Choi, E. J. (2018). A survey of

perceptions and attitudes about direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs

among college students in South Korea. PloS one, 13(7), e0201108.

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