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Olivia likes red don't live in hot roses. places. She spends a "They live in the lot of time in “= North Pole. her garden. Do they eat fruit Does she work and vegetables? in the garden _ No, they don't. every day? They eat fish. Yes, she does. Hactosujee npoctoe epems (present simple *) o6paayerca c noMoUbio noANexauero (cywlecTBHTeNb- Horo MN MECTOMMeHHS B MMCHHTeNLHOM naflexe) M CMbICNOBOTO rnarona. B YTBEPKEHAX K CMBIC- NoBOMy rnarony 8 3-M NMYe EAMHCTBeHHOO YUcna OGbI4HO NpMEABNAeTCA OKOHYaHME -S. B BONPOCAX W OTMYaHHAX C MeCTOHMeHHAMH I, You, We, they McronbayeTcs scnomMoratenbHbIM rnaron do / don't, ache, she, it - does / doesn't. Ecnm cmbicnogom rnaron ynorpe6naetes c does / doesn't, oKoHNaHHe -S K Hemy He npuGaensertcaA. * Viorna ynorpe6nserca Tepwun present indefinite. |i II ’wads 390190du aemBoLloeH ) ans I work | do not work | don't work Do | work? You work You do not work You don't work Do you work? He works He does not work He doesn't work Does he work? She works She does not work She doesn’t work Does she work? « ttworks It does not work It doesn't work Does it work? We work We do not work ‘We don't work Do we work? You work You do not work You don't work Do you work? They work They do not work They don't work Do they work? 3-m mye eAMHCTBeHHOrO 4MCHA B coorsererayloulyio KONOHKY. dance, brush, open, try, fix, buy, put, kiss, like, dry, go, catch, wash, sit, fly, copy, teach, play, pass, begin, say a Bruumre npeanoxennsie rnaroni 5 ‘ Bénbwan yacts rnaronos 8 3-m nye enMHcT- BeHHoro Hucna NpHoBpeTaeT OKOHYAHHE -S. K rnaronam, oxaH4nsalouyMMes Ha -Ss, -sh, -ch, - W -0, npMGasnaerca -es. I miss -he misses, | finish -he finishes, Iwatch - he watches, | mix-he mixes, | go-he goes @ Brnaronax, okan4neatouMxca Ha Cornactbiii + y, 8T0 y onyckaercs M npMGasnsercs -ies. | study - he studies, I cry - he cries © K rnaronam, oKaH4MBalouyAMen Ha riacHbili + Y, MpuGasnnerca oKonyaHMe -s. I play - he plays 47 OkoH4anue 3-ro nuya eAMHCTBeHHOrO 4ucna nponaHocuTca Kak: @ /s/, ecnn rnaron oxan4meaeTca Ha SByKM Jth/ Ki, /p/ maw /t/. laughs, kicks, stops, sits @ jz /, ecnw rnaron oxaHuneaeten Ha SByKM Ish 1S] 18/15 /wnn/z/. kisses, washes, watches, changes, closes /2 |, ecnm rnaron oxaH4neaetcs Ha ApyTHe Byki. swims, plays, runs, reads, studies Yoorpecne Present simple ucnonbayetcs ana BbipaKenna: ® nostopsiouxcs # noBceaHesHEIx AelicTBMiA (06bI4Ho co cnenyiowmmn MapKepamn: every day, every week, every Monday u T.2.), She usually plays tennis at the weekend. @ MoctonHHbIx cocToAHMii, He works in an office. wenpenoxibix noTHH nnn 3akoHoB npmpons. The sun sets in the west. Mapxepamu present simple anstotca: every day / week / month / year, usually, always 4 1.A., every morning / afternoon / evening / night, in the morning / afternoon / evening, at night, on Mondays / Tuesdays u 7.0. Brnwurte rnaronsi 8 3-m mye eaMHcT- BeHHOro 4ucna B CooTBeTCTBYIOUIYIO rpathy, a 3aTem npourure ux Benyx. laugh, look, miss, stand, speak, drink, put, catch, drive, brush, ride, walk, open, jump. stay, know, cough, see, dance, rise, help, listen, match, wish, travel, write, lose, eat, rain, arrange Is! laughs, /iz/ misses, Jz] tande, 8 chopmy present simple cKo6xax. 1 | (play) football with my friends on Sundays. 2 Tina .-«. (Walk) to school every day. 3 WE onsen. (GO) to bed at 10 o'clock every night. 4 Penguins (live) in the Antarctic. 5 Tony.... (study) maths at university 6 Jo and Peter (visit) their grandparents every week 7 Sally comnnnnnesnesne (SOAK) Spanish 8 Mike (do) his homework every evening. 9 Susan... .» (wash) her hair every day. 10 Water (boil) at 100° centigrade. Cocrassre sonpocti, ucnonbsys non: eKa3Kn B CKOGKAX, KAK NoKasaHo Ha Apumepe. 1 John's father drives fast. (your brother) Does your brother drive fast, too? Tom plays the guitar every day. (Peter) 3 Sarah goes shopping on Mondays. (Anna and Mary) Fiona likes video games. (Lucy) 5 Mother watches TV in the afternoon. (the chil- dren) s eKxo6xax. eo Noctastre w chopmy present simple This restaurant is called “Vienna”. Ten people 1) (work) here. Julia Thomas is the owner. SHE 2) reersen (GO) to the restaurant at four o'clock in the afternoon. The waiters 3) .. (arrive) at half past four. They 4). (Get) the tables and 5) onc (tidy) the kitchen. The chef, Pierre Rousseau, 6) wits (come) at five o'clock. He 7) . .. (prepare) the food for the evening. The restaurant 8) i (open) at six o'clock. Many people 9) (eat) here because the food is very good. The restau- rant 10) .. (Close) at one o'clock in the morning, and at half past one Julia, the chef and the waiters 11) once (Go) home. VILE CTBETLL Kparkne oTseTb! crpontca c nomouybio Yes unin No, MM4HOFO MeCTOMMeHMA B MMeHHTeMbHOM na exe (I, you, he u 7A.) 4 scnomoratenbHoro rnarona do / don't does / doesn't. Cubicnoson rnaron He NosTopseTca. Yes, I/we do. 2 Do you~? No, liwe dont. Yes, he/she/it does. Does he/she/it ...? . No, he/she/t doesn't. Yes, they do. No, they don't. Mpenctasere ce6e, 4To sbi Gepete eS werrepesto y Abuynun Touac (Jul Thomas). Beinonunte 3agqanne 8 napax. 3agaiire sonpocet 4 oTseTeTe Ha Hux. Hanpumep: 1 you / go to the restaurant / at four o'clock? Yu. A: Do you go to the restaurant at four o'clock? yu. B: Yes, | do. Do they ..? Prese: 2 the waiters / arrive / at four o'clock? Wu. A: Do the waiters arrive at four o'clock? v4. B: No, they don't. They arrive at half past four. you / set the tables? the waiters / tidy the kitchen? the chef / come / at half past four? he / prepare the food? the restaurant / open / at seven o'clock? many people / eat here? the restaurant / close / at one o'clock? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C chopmoit present simple ynorpeGnatorcs Ha- pewns YacToTbI. OHM NoKasbIBaIor, Kak 4acTO 470-70 npowexoanr. K HAM OTHOCATEA: never usually often ‘sometimes seldom/rarely always Hapeuun 4actors! ynotpeGnmotca nepea cmbIc- NOBbIM Fnaronom BO BpeMeHHGH chopme rpynnsi Simple (work, drink w 7.2). Hanpumep: | usually work on Saturdays. They never drink coffee. Ho om cneayior nocne rnarona to be 8 copme rpynni Simple. Hanpumep: It is often cold in winter. He is always late for work. Hapewma YactorbI cneayioT nocne Bcnomora- TenbHbix m MofanbHbIx rnarosios (can, do H T.A,). ‘Hanpumep: He can never wake up before 10 o'clock. * Ooulenpinareii pycckoRabI¥nbi TepMinn oTcyTCTBYeT. ‘Stu Hapesna OTHOGATeR K HapeNinaM HeonpemenenHoro Bpemenn Mocrasete napewns B HyxKHOe MecTo, Kak noxazaHo Ha npumepe. 1 I drink a glass of milk in the morning. (always) 1 always drink a glass of milk in the morning... Kate goes to bed late at night. (never) My mother watches TV. (rarely) You can see clouds in the sky. (sometimes) Ben eats ina restaurant. (seldom) Joanne doesn't get up early. (usually) They are late for school. (often) Noason imple &® Buimonnute saganne B napax. Cnpo- cure y cBoero napTHepa, KaK vacTo OH BbinonHseT AelicTsHS, yKasaHHEIe 8 Ta6nuye. ‘Hanpumep: 4, A: How often do you help with the housework? Yu, B: I seldom help with the housework. b) watch TV in the evenings? ¢) play computer games in your free time? d)go to the cinemo ct the weekends? 6} wake up ot 630? Ago to parties? 4) eat Chinese food? Sarem, ucnonbaya oTseTEI napTHepa, paccKa- 2KMTe © HeM BCemy Knaccy. ‘Hanpawep: Anna seldom helps with the housework but she often watches TV in the evenings.. Mpumewanne. Korma Hapeyne YacToTbI npucyT- cTayeT 8 BOnpoce Wn B OTPMUAHHH, Mbl cne~yeM Npaswnam, WsnoxeHHbIM Ha CTpAHHue 49. Hanpumep: They often go to the cinema. (nepeg cmeicnogeim rnaronom) Do they often go to the cinema? (A ne: Be-stten-they gon) They don't often go to the cinema. (A He: Fhey-do-often- net ge-.) Hanwumre sonpocsi u oTpuyanua, kak noKazano Ha npumepe. 1. Simon likes tea. Does Simon like tea?... mon doesn't like tea. 2 We often play basketball on Saturdays. 10 Bill drives to work every day. Our dog likes biscuits. They live in France. ‘Samantha works in a supermarket. Paul and Mary often go to the gym. David always gets up at 8 o'clock. Miss Jones teaches maths. Sue and Jill usually wear jeans. 4, Nog6epure k orsetam Bonpocet. Soarvamsens --7e.000c8 What's your job? Do you take the bus to work every day? What time do you start work? Do you enjoy your job? ‘What do you do in the evening? How often do you go to the cinema? Do you like comedies and romantic films? Do you live in a house or a fiat? Do your parents live near you? Where do you keep your clothes? | usually go out. 1am a nurse. No, they don't. Some of them. At half past seven. In my wardrobe. About once a month. Ina flat. No, | usually walk to work. Yes, | do.

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