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Project: ElectricityForTheWorld - EFTW Goals: Trascendence - Consumerocrazy


Past External Factors
First we test the market with some type of
We offer a service. We sell electricity for the
It seems that global mind is beginning to survey campaign to see the acceptance that
change, technologies allow alternatives in the
home/company with green origin and for Accounting, legal and labor advice we could have, see the potential before That other existing companies
social/environmental purposes. We are not a
production of energy and the human being
company dedicated to the private sector, but
launching. want to copy our business
seems to be beginning to be aware that the Marketing (focused on campaigns) model Not reaching minimum
we want to differentiate ourselves, we look for
Earth is fragile and if we do not do something, After verifying the fostering, we launch the
we can destroy it.
the 4 sector, we combine the approaches of the
plan to go on the market: customer acquisition levels
private sector with social and environmental
influencers Drastic changes in the
objectives because we care about the world . Recruitment electricity market That the
REQUIREMENTS Creation of the company
GOALS Suppliers and subcontractors for customer wants to generate
Start of activity
Smart social/environmental actions First customer and first profit entry their own electricity
Bring 100% renewable energy to homes/companies
and not only that, but the money paid for electricity Requirements of the client:
is accompanied by social/environmental actions. TEAM DELIVERIES DEADLINE
-Not extremely expensive.
We are going to create a new concept in the energy Corporate partners:
sector, the client will not only not generate -That I can see that what is Acquisition of 5,000 customers in
emissions/negative impact on the plan, but will said is being done. the first year
William -> Operations Q1 -2023 Test
contribute to reducing them/generate a positive management and business
Brand recognition Q2 - 2023 Final development
impact -That maybe I can participate development
Q3 - 2023 Marketing Bombardiment.
in one of the campaigns and Q4 - 2023 Energy Operating
Alex -> Marketing and product Promise to change the type of
BENEFITS be part of the change.
marketing energy model
-Understanding not an Own workers: Energy savings for the customer
We do not fight for economic electric bill, but how it
benefit, we fight for a social worsens or helps the planet. Senior and Junior in the purchase
benefit. We seek that each client of electricity, depends on William
stops generating approximately
500kg of CO2 per year and also -Make it easy.
Senior and junior in customer
with our actions the planet will acquisition, depends on Alex
have subtracted about 60kg of CO2 -That it does not pose any COSTS
in a year and more than 500 in 4 problem and if you have one Administration Assistant
years. Beneficial for the client, that is close to be able to fix
because it will bring internal well- Forecast of €500,000 to
being. Benefit for the planet. serve the 5,000 clients
We define the objectives to be achieved in the short, medium and long proposed for the first year
term, as well as the short-term thresholds for withdrawal and cessation About 200,000 in human
of the activity. Prohibited bad gestures with the client Prohibited wasteful capital and about 300,000 in
behavior within the team. business operation.
Business Model Canvas

To get and keep the 100% renewable energy for Strong relation that makes
Banks and investors Individuals
accreditations to operate homes or companies. complicated to swap to
on the energy market. other companies Over 25 years age.
Changing the planet with
Non-core collaborators: actions financed by the Customer like major High level of education.
The purchase of the energy
customer consumption of priority Technological profile.
at a competitive price.
- Software and energy:
digital platforms Automated system User of social networks.
Customer communication
- Legal advice - Plant trees Mainly owners of homes.
and acquisition Communities to become
- Tax advice - Cleaning the seas
- Laboral advice - Build renewable more involved with Maybe they already
Customer service collaborate with NGO or
facilities customers social entities
- Collaborate on R+D+I
Suppliers, subcontractors projects Companies
and collaborators focused - To bring progress to Social networks
Social responsibility
on the social and underdeveloped
environmental actions places Collaborations with influencers More than 15 workers
The staff or famous high valued profiles
Electricity bills greater than
on environmental area 500€
The finances 4thsector company, because
we care about the world. Website Moderately powerful
Software with IA facilities
integrated Customer like part of our family Through happy customers
that want to change the world
Internet campaigns

CRM and APP with IA integrated

Cost of the purchase of energy Cost of the human capital External services Invoice for energy consumption.

Amortizations Subscriptions Marketing | Financial costs Sale of energy with a profit margin of more than 35%

Operating costs related to the office. We invoice the energy monthly in arrears
• 100% renewable Energy • Organic growth from scratch
• Changing the planet with actions • Low experience on trading energy in demerit of
• CRM ans APP with AI integration to be close to the margin.
the customer. • We need to get high requirements to be able to
• No battle on price operate.
• Apparently new market not explored • Needs of high specialized team.
• System scalability on the energy and marketing • Business model could be copied quite easily
area • Cash Flow, we pay in advance with the risk that
customers could not pay

• There is an entry procedure that can be complicated • Very changing sector, law, regulation, technologies
• The Spanish electricity market is highly efficient, etc.
allows the market to be flexible and able to adapt. • The market can be volatile and dependent on
• The Spanish electricity market has a good mix of international factors, so risk for the investors.
energy sources, so has a solid base of renewable • Customer could generate their own energy.
energies and increasing. • Saturated electricity market, customers receives
• To be in a hybrid model of fourth sector. many value propositions.
• Change of mind of the society to sustainable models • Existing companies could pivot towards our market
• Volatility of fossil fuel market in favor of renewable. segment.
• To get profit of technological advances.
• Excellent communication of the message od • To hire experimented profiles to:
sustainability and actions for the planet. • To combat the lack of experience of the
• Well rated APP’s and software behind the company.
system attending on the demands of customers. • To get operating requirements.
• Clear segmentation of the customers, to arrive • To customize the model and include the customer
to the correct ones. like part of the Project, to avoid be copied easily.
• Focused on the improvement of the scalability, • High net worth customer, to avoid non-payment
to be prepared for the growth of the company


• To be prepared and external collaborations to be
updated for the changes.
• To work on a highly performance algorithm based • Volatility could be combated with a good planification
mostly on IA to be able to adapt perfectly with the and forecasting
market. • Promotion the local projects to increase the
• To invest and reinvest on renewable projects. productive capacity and reduce dependency.
• To reinvest benefits on technological improvements • Offer the customer the opportunity of generate their
• A lot of marketing related on the change of mind of own energy with our help.
the society to sustainable models, with speech of • To reach 5 times more customers than the
famous and highly valued guys if the society. competition reaches ours and engage with our
unique value proposition.

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