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0016-7037/85/$3 00 + .

Georhrmrca o Cosmc-zhhrmrco
Acla Vol. 49. PP. 385-395
0 Pergamon Pra Ltd. 1985. Pnnted in U.S.A.

The effects of thermal maturity on distributions of dimethylnaphthalenes and

trimethylnaphthalenes in some Ancient sediments and petroleums
Petroleum Geochemistry Group, School of Applied Chemistry, Western Australian Institute of Technology,
Kent Street. Bentley, Western Australia 6102, Australia

(Received July IO, 1984; accepted in revised form October 29, 1984)

Abstract-The distributions of di- and trimethylnaphthalenes in two sedimentary sequencesfrom Western

Australia have been examined by capillary gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry. A general decrease was observed in the relative proportions of aadimethylnaphthalenes
and aa&trimethylnaphthalenes with increasing thermal maturity. Similar trends were also observed for
six crude oils which have very different ratios of ethylcholestane epimers indicating very different thermal
histories. These results suggest that changes in the relative abundances of certain methyl substituted
naphthalena may be useful indicators of thermal maturity of sedimentary organic matter. and the use of
a number of isomer ratios is illustrated.


and MAYER, 1971) resulted in the identification of
ALKYLNAPHTHALENES are common constituents of
eleven TMN isomers in petroleums. Capillary gas
petroleums derived from various type of sediments
chromatography has proven to be a suitable method
for accurate analysis of the complex aromatic mix-
and DOUGLAS, 1955; ROSSINI, 1960; MAIR and
tures, (e.g. MAIR and MAYER, 1964; YEW and MAIR,
MAYER, 1964; YEW and MAIR, 1966; DUSWALTand
1966: DUSWALT and MAYER, 1970; TE~A~IK et al.,
1978; MUTTON, 1979; WHITE and LEE, 1980; AL-
et al., 1983a). They have been reported to occur
EXANDER ef al.. 1983a) and recently, the relative
widely in Ancient sediments and coals (e.g. KARR ef
abundances of ten TMN isomers in an Australian
al., 1967; WOLLRAB and STREIBL, 1969; ALBRECHT
crude oil has been reported (ROWLANDef al., 1984).
et al., 1976; RADKE et al., 1982a,b) where they are
In this paper we present compositional data for
believed to be derived, at least in part, from degra-
DMN and TMN isomers in a number of sediment
dation of natural terpenoids (e.g. HANSON, 1959:
extracts from Northwest Western Australia, and in
some crude oils from China, Nigeria and Australia.
TARI and FUKUSHIMA, 1979; ISHIWATARI, 198 1a.b).
Samples were chosen to represent a range of thermal
Alkylnaphthalenes have also been reported to occur
histories, source types, geological ages and geographical
in Recent marine sediments (SMITH, 1954; MEIN-
locations so that the effects of these factors upon the
SCHEIN, 1959; JONES e[ al.. 1983), and the same
relative abundances of DMNs and TMNs could be
precursors were proposed (BYERS and ERDMAN.
Changes observed in the relative abundances of
dimethylnaphthalenes (DMNs) have been used to
obtain information about the thermal maturity of Samples
sediments. RADKE efal.( 1982b) reported that changes The sediments studied comprised five samples of cores
in the abundance of the l,5-isomer relative to those obtained from the Cape Range-2 well in the Camarvon
of the 2,6- and 2,7-isomers correlated with increase Basin, and fourteen samples of well cuttings from the
in coal rank, and ALEXANDER et al. (1983~) showed Jupiter-l well located in the Exmouth Plateau; both wells
that the relative abundance of the l,8-isomer was are located in Northwest Western Australia (Fig. 1). The
main geological features and some of the geochemical
also a sensitive indicator of thermal maturity of properties of the sediment sample-sare given in Table I.
sediments. The effect of biodegradation on the distri- These sediment sequences were selected because they have
bution of dimethylnaphthalene isomers in crude oils been well characterized and have experienced quite different
has also been reported (VOLKMAN et al.. 1984). thermal regimes (Moo=, 1980; Coon and KANTSLER,
1980; MARTINand SAXBY,1980; BARBER,1982). The six
Trimethylnaphthalenes (TMNs) were first identified
crude oils examined were obtained from reservoirs ranging
in a Rumanian crude oil by GAV~T and IRIMESCU in age from Miocene to Jurassic in Nigeria, Australia and
(1942). Subsequent investigations (CARRUTHERSand China (see the description in Table 2). These oils were
selected for study because they cover a range of geological
ages and also because of existing published data on source
type and thermal history for similar oils (e.g. for some
t Present Address: Organic Geochemistry Unit, Depart- Nigerian oils see EKWEOZORet al.. 1979a,b; for some
ment of Geology, University of Newcastle, Drummond Chinese oils see SHI JI-YANGet al.. 1982; for Muderong
Building, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE I 7RU, United Kingdom and Barrow oils see VOLKMAN et al.. 1984). The differences

R. Alexander et ai

r margin of Northwest Western Austraha. This area rncom-

passes the Camarvon Basin and the Exmouth Plateau which
are separated by a gentle downwarp across the central
I eastern part of the Plateau, the SSW/NNE trending Kangaroo
Trough (Fig. I: BARBER,1982). Jupiter-l lies to the North

West of the area on the Exmouth Plateau and close to the
continental slope. Cape Range-2 lies to the South in the
Camarvon Basin and near to the Pre-Cambrian shield (Fig.
I). The geology of the region has been described in detail
(PLAYFORDet al.. 1975). The sediments of the Exmouth
Plateau area comprise a thick sequence of Permo-Triassic
strata overlain by much thinner Jurassic, Cretaceous and
Cenozioc cover due to the fact that the Plateau was isostat-
ically positive and aerially exposed for much of the Mesozoic
and Cenozoic (BARBER,1982). Sediments in the Cape Range
area comprise a much greater thickness of Jurassic rocks
because, unlike the Plateau, the area was not isolated from
the major sources of sediment supply by extensional rifting
during Jurassic time and did not experience the major
erosional events of the Callovian Break-up (BARBER,1982).
The thickness of the strata in the study area generally
decreases to the East (i.e. the sediments thin against the Pre-
Cambrian Shield). The Exmouth plateau has a geothermal
gradient of 23°C km-’ measured for Jupiter-l (BARBER,
1982). It is therefore. broadly speaking, a region of low-
FIG. 1. Map showing well locations in Northwest Western moderate heat flow compared to an estimated world average
Australia. range in sedimentary basins of 15-50°C km-’ or to other
proposed values (TISSOTand WELTE, 1978). BARBER( 1982)
has calculated that the bottom 800 m of the Mungaroo
in thermal maturity and source type between the oils for formation had reached early maturity (I&, = 0.5-0.7) by
which little published information is available were inferred early Jurassic time. but did not reach full maturity (&,
by using sterane biological marker data (Table 2). This = 0.7-1.3) until the Upper Cretaceous. The Cape Range
approach has been widely advocated as useful for these area has a higher heat flow, with an average and measured
purposes (e.g. SEI~=ERT and MOLDOWAN,198 1: MACKENZIE geothermal gradient of 30°C km-’ (MOORS, 1980). Table I
et al., 1980, 1982, 1983). shows that values for vitrinite reflectance in the Cape Range-
7 well range from 0.37 at 1378 m. present temperature.
Geologicalsating 61 “C. through to 2.56 at 3911 m, present temperature.
133°C: the comparatively high value for & suggests that
The two sequences of sediments examined in the present palaeotemperatures and palaeotemperature gradients in the
study were taken from wells drilled in the continental sequence have been higher than at present. The difference

TABLE 1: Oeoohemioaldata for sadimnt samples.

QeOlOgiOal Depth Tsrqature* Rob T_'

Ul* Looation m Lithology cm) ( C)

Cap*Itallge-2 C8lYlWVO~
cot-a 18 JUIWSSiC Siltstone 1378 61 0.37 416
core 19 JlllV,SSiC Siltstone 2256 61 0.95 no data
core41 Jurassic Siltatone 1850 94 1.62 443
Core 56 JUlXBaiC si1tl)tone 321s 101 2.03 no data
core 78 JWXSSiC Siltstone 3911 133 2.56 459

Jupiter1 BZploUth
TPlpsSiO sand and clay 1400 71 0.38d 425
TPiADSiC sand and 01ay 2555 74.5 no data 432
TPtiaIIiC sand and ClPY 2700 7a 0.38 434
TriMSiC sand and clay 2910 82.5 0.49' 433
Tri4SaiC sand ami o1ay 3150 88 0.57 429
TriMsi sala and 01ay 3450 95 no data 436
TriMal sand md 01ay 3600 98.5 0.63 429
Tl.irsBiC saod ux3 clay 3770 102.1 no data 437
Tl-iuaiC sand and OlW 3900 105.5 o.a3 436
TFiMSiC %nd and clay 4050 109 no data 441
TriMal sand and 018Y 4220 112.5 0.77 440
Tt‘iM8if sand and 01ay 4100 119 0.86 433
TI%USiC Smld and clay 4672 123 no data 437
TPiMSiC sand and clay 4815 126.5 1.36 453

Data mum for Cap. RambZ maples: artin aal Suby, 1980. Data sQI1'0afor Jupiter-1Slolple,s:
Earbar. 1982: otb.r ".lues in tbia a0ri.s: 0.76s at 4399m and 1.3&at 4946E.
' TIw valuu mre d&WaUmd loaordingto the l tf~dmtiRook-Hal pIWO6We (qpittiidti U..1977).
otb*r va1u.a w: for cq tuga-2 aeri*s:485 C at 192C (Core IS1 .ad 440 C at 254h (Corn 34);
ror .Jup1tm-1"rim: 441 c at 43ssm ati 459 c at 4946m.
d Suple depth: 22500.
' Smpla depth: 3OOOm.
Methylnaphthalenes in sediments 38-l

TASLE 2: Coochemical data fo&%P~ai ‘6x1s.

Field or A@ ot API
Yell Ram Loaat1on Rs~rsolr Gravity 2WZORa

Shangli China cretaoews n.a. 0.7

North Apol Ni@ria niocene 42.2 0.8

Lubert Rankin Platform. TrtiSiC n.a l.Ob

Northusst Western

Parrow 199DmC Barrow Field, Naooooian 36.ld l.Od

Northwest Western

Barrow 2010mc Barrow Field. Upper Jurassic 39.6d l.ld

Nortbwsat Western

Parrow Condensate Barrow Field, JlWaSSiC 40.5 1.1

(Top Zone) Northwest Vestem

a Ratio 2OS-So~H~,14a~H~,17o~A~-etbylcholestcme / 20R-Sa(H).lla(H).17o(H)-

b ethylohol~stanc.
Philp & &. ,
4 Dln(yo Clayatone Formation (see Yolkman .& &..1993).
” vo1kman &pI.*l9(3.
n.a.: data ape not available.

in heat flow between the two areas appears to be caused by The crude aromatic fractions were subjected to a thin
the thickness of the sedimentary column-where the sequence layer chromatography separation on alumina plates (Merck
is thinnest, the sediments more rapidly reach thermal equi- Alumina G; 0.6 mm, activated at 120-14O’C for at least 12
librium with the basement heat source. Migration of hot h). The plates were developed with n-hexane, and the
fluids along fault lines in the Cape Range Fault Zone may required band (Rr = 0.3-0.7). comprising di- and trinuclear
also be a factor in this region. incomplete dissipation of aromatics, was located using short wavelength UV light.
deformational energy from fault reactivation in the Miocene The alumina bands were extracted with dichloromethane
may add to this (Mm, 1980). The Jupiter-l well sediments (20 ml) and the solutions were concentrated to l-l.5 ml in
are probably cooled further by deep (>looO m) circulating a Kudema-Danish apparatus. In several trial experiments,
waters (BARBER, 1982). aromatic fractions isolated Born crude oils directly by TLC
The sediments examined in this study comprised fluvio- gave identical results to fractions which had been subjected
deltaic elastic deposits of the Triassic Mungaroo Formation to the prior silicic acid fractionation. Accordingly, we now
(Jupiter-l) obtained from depths of 2400-4946 m, and recommend the use of direct TLC for isolation of DMN,
siltstones of the Jurassic Dingo Claystone Formation (Cape TMN, and phenanthrene fractions.
Range-2) obtained from 1378-3911 m depths. The source
material type for each sequence has been shown to be Type GC and CC-MS anai.vses
II-II1 organic matter using 01 and HI measurement by
Rock-Eva1 pyrolysis (Jupiter-l) and by kerogen-typing using Gas chromatogmphy was performed using Hewlett-Packard
C, H, 0 elemental compositional data (Cape Range-2) (HP) chromatographs, either HP 5880 or HP 589OA. fitted
(BARBER, 1982). with 50 m WCOT columns (0.2 mm i.d.) coated with either
OV-I, OV-1701, 5% crosslinked phenylmethyl silicone or
Organic extracts and crude oils separations crosslinked methyl silicone as described elsewhere (ALEX-
ANDER et al.. 1983a; ROWLAND et al.. 1984). In a typical
Air-dried cuttings and core samples (IO-50 g) were crushed analysis, using HP 589OA and 5% cross-linked phenylmethyl
to ca. I50 pm in an N. V. Tema grinder at room temperature. silicone. hydrogen was used as carrier gas at a linear velocity
The crushed samples were extmcted with redistilled dichlo- of 30 cm XC-‘, detector (RD) and injector temperatures
romethane (320-350 ml) using a kinematic high speed were 300°C and 280°C respectively, and the oven was
blender (IO minutes). The extracted material was separated temperature programmed from 45°C to 155°C at 1°C
from the sediment by filtration with a Buchner system and min-‘, then from I55’C to 2 I5’C at 2°C mitt-’ and finally
was then recovered by removing the solvent in two steps, to 300°C at 15°C mitt-‘. Peak areas were automatically
first by a fractional distillation through a I5 cm column integrated using an HP integrator. Mass spectra were recorded
packed with Raschig rings, followed by a careful evaporation using an HP 5985B GC-MS system fitted with one of the
to a volume of 1 ml or less using a Kudema-Danish above mentioned WCOT columns. Typical mass spectrom-
apparatus. eter operating conditions were: ion source temperature,
These organic extracts were subjected to a column chro- 250°C; electron voltage, 70 eV; mass range, 50-450 amu in
matography separation on silicic acid which had been acti- 1.3 second cycles; and EM voltage of 2600 V. Methylnaph-
vated at 250°C for 24 hours. A stream of dry nitrogen was thalenes were assigned by mass fragmentography of the
used to assist the passage of the eluting solvents through the molecular ions (m/z 142, 156, 170) and by comparison of
column. The saturated hydrocarbon fraction was eluted with retention times with those of authentic isomers (ALEXANDER
n-pentane, then a crude aromatic fraction was obtained by ef al., 1983a; ROWLAND et al., 1984). 1,8Dimethylna-
eluting with n-pet&me: ether (95:5). Excess solvent was phthalene occurred at very low concentrations in sediments
removed in a Kudema-Danish apparatus, leaving a volume and oils. It was therefore necessary to perform selected ion
of 100-200 cl. An aromatic fraction was isolated from the monitoring GC-MS techniques to identify and quantify this
crude oil samples in a similar manner. compound. The level of I.8-DMN was related to those of
3xx R. Alexander ef ai

the other isomers using their ratios to the level of acenaph-

thene, knowing that the latter eiutes approximately 30
seconds after I,%DMN (cfVASSLAROS PI nl.. 1982). using ~._~.._~___.. ~____
the procedure described in ALEXANDER er al (1983a).
Dimsthyinaphtbalensa (C)=
Sanp1e ----II~-_ __ .I.^_._
RESULTS AND DI!YXXJSSION (oetrss) I.2 1.3r1.7 2,3+1.4 1,s 1,6 2.6 :1 7
-_--_-- _.-,-.-
The proportions of DMN and TMN isomers in 2400 5.9 32.6 22.4 IO.2 14.7 6.6 ?.6
zsss 6.8 29.6 lV.V 9.3 18.1 9.4 lx.9
sediment extracts are given in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6 2700 7.6 29.8 21.5 7.3 17.8 7.2 8.3
2910 2.4 31.8 22.3 9.6 18.9 6.7 8.3
as a percentage of total isomers of each group. The 3150 9.6 29.3 20.V 7.9 17.8 6.8 :.,
values reported are the average of at least two anaiyses. 3450
18.3 8.8
18.9 5.2
Since the Cape Range-2 samples were analyzed using 3770 9.7 17.7 17.4 7.1 19.9 10.5 ?.7
3900 7.9 29.8 15.9 6.2 19.4 15.0 5.8
two different GC columns, values for all DMN 4050 9.1 17.6 13.8 6.J 23.2 12.3 7.5
4220 7.7 29.9 15.0 6.2 20.4 11.7 0.1
isomers were obtained. The Jupiter-l samples, how- 4500 17.3 21.1 28.4 5.1 15.0 7.4 5.7
ever. were analysed using only one type of column 4672 6.7 28.5 12.6 6.0 22.8 14.4 9.0
4815 4.9 29.2 17.? 5.0 22.8 9.1 10.6
(phenylmethyl silicone). and because co-eiution of --
a Does not include 1.8~DIU.
the 1,3-. I,7-DMN and X3-, 1,CDMN isomer pairs
occurred, individual abundance of each isomer could
not be measured. The results of similar analyses that most parameters exhibit good correlations with
carried out on the six crude oils using two different depth (r > 0.85).
GC columns are presented in Tables 7 and X. The rate of increase of these parameters with
It is apparent from these results that the n@ and increasing depth (tern~~tu~) is generalfy greater
&3 DMN isomers (1,3-. 1,6-. l-7-. and 2.6. 2,7- within the Cape Range-2 sequence than within the
DMN) are present in all samples at greater concen- Jupiter- I sequence. This observation is consistent
trations than are the a(~ isomers (I,CDMN. 1,5- with the higher palaeotemperature gradient and greater
DMN. and especially, I,&DMN). Further. in the thermal maturity range of the Cape Range-2 sediments
sediment samples one observes that the IA-DMN compared with those from the Jupiter-i sequence
and the I,5-DMN concentrations decrease shghtly (MWRS, 1980;BARBER,1982). Theseresults show
with increasing depth. and the I.&DMN concentra- that the thermal maturity range of the Jupiter-i
tion decreases dramatically with increasing depth. samples cover a range beginning with that usually
The major TMN isomers are 1.3.6 and 1.3.7- associated with the onset of petroleum formation
TMN (a&3). The lowest concentration IS exhibited (Re, 0.5; MPI- I, 0.29) through to maturities associated
by 1,2,4-TMN (on@): however. the various isomers with peak petroleum formation (Re, I .2; MPI-1,
possible with l.8-substitution were not present in 0.81) (BARBER, 1982). The range is extended within
detectable amounts. Compared with those for the the Cape Range-2 sequence to include sampies from
DMNs, relative abundances of the TMN isomers maturity zones usually associated with condensates
exhibit a more irregular vanation (see Tables 5. 6 and wet gas through to dry gas zones (& > 2, MPI-
and 8). however a tendency of the 1.2.6-. i.2.7- and 1 r I).
1,6,7-TMN to maintain a fair)? constant level is
Two widely-accepted maturity parameters. vitrinite
reflectance (R,) and Rock-Eva1 7.,,,, (see TISSOTand Figure 3 shows a plot of some selected ratios of
WELTE, 1978). and also a recently proposed one. the methylnaphthalenes for these sedimentary sequences.
methylphenanthrene index MPI (RAKL (‘1 al., The ratios involving dimethylnaphthalene isomers,
i982a,b; 1983) have been plotted against sediment DNR-I and DNR-2, and the ratio of trimethylnaph-
depth for Jupiter-l and Cape Range-2 samples (Fig. thalene isomers TNR-1 (Tabie 9) a11 change in a
2, A-D). Each parameter increases with depth of regular manner with increasing depth and matu~ty
sediment burial at both locations. The correlation of the sediments. They show similar trends to those
coefficients for the linear regression analysis show of the established maturity parameters in that similar
linear correlations with depth occur and a greater
range of values was obtained for the Cape Range-2
TABLE3 sequence than for the Jupiter-f sequence. The DNR-
I parameter was first proposed by RADKE el al.
( 1982b) who reported that it correlated with increased
coal rank and vitrinite reflectance. He suggested that
with increasing thermal maturity the %a-substituted
isomer (1,5-DMN) might rearrange to yield the W
substituted isomers (2,6- and 2,7-DMN). The DNR-
2 ratio shown here is similar in that it too incorporates
both a,a- and ~,~-su~titut~ compounds, and results
in a relative decrease in the abundance of the a,(~-
Methylnaphthalenes in sediments 389

TABLE 5: Distributions of ~%W8l@tWbtW.W..iS~~ in Cm i*ape-2

samples aa percent&w or the total trimthyln*phthaleneb

Triathylnaphtbalenes W
(meres) 1.3.1 1.3.6 1.4,6+1.3.5 2.3.6 1.2.1 1.6.1 1.2.6 1.2.4 1.2.5

1378 13.5 36.9 19.9 4.2 O.Ua 1.9 2.5 5.6b 14.7
2256 1.8 14.2 16.4 13.4 3.5 15.8 8.9 2.2 17.8
2850 10.8 17.4 19.8 12.1 3.1 13.1 8.5 2.0 13.2
3215 15.4 23.8 13.7 18.6 5.1 9.6 8.2 0.4 5.2
3911 1.9 20.4 7.6 31.3 3.4 6.2 11.6 1.4 10.2

; Approximatevalue.
Unidentified co-aluting COmPOUnd.

isomer with increasing thermal maturity of the sedi- via 1,2-methyl shifts, disproportionation via transal-
ments. Again the TNR-1 parameter incorporates a kylation processes and degradations such as reduction
ratio of compounds with different substitution pat- or dealkylation. The extent to which the latter pro-
terns. In this case the presumably more stable &/3.@- cesses occur in sediments is largely unknown. Dis-
substituted isomer (2,3,6-TMN) increases relative to proportionation reactions in which a moderately sub
the a,a,&substituted isomers (1,4,6- and 1,3,5-TMN) stituted aromatic is converted by transalkylation pro-
with increasing thermal maturity, suggesting that the cesses into one component with a higher degree of
DMN and TMN isomers with the greatest degree of substitution and another with lesser substitution than
a-substitution and which are presumably less stable the reactant are apparently of minor importance in
are also the most susceptible to change with increased sediments. This conclusion is based upon the obser-
thermal maturity. Further supporting evidence is vation that no major change in the distribution of
provided by the absence of the highly reactive a,a,a- aromatics towards unsubstituted and highly substi-
substituted TMN isomers even in the comparatively tuted aromatics is observed with increasing thermal
immature sediments. maturity of the sediments. Such reactions, which are
The greater reactivity of the a-substituted isomers bimolecular in character, will be less favoured than
can be rational&d in terms of steric strain. Substit- unimolecular reactions when the reactants are dis-
uents located at these ring positions have strong peri persed in sediments. The unimolecular isomer&ion
interactions either with hydrogen or other methyl process is therefore likely to be a favourable process
substituents (MILLIGANeIal., 1956; PACKER el al., to occur in sediments. Such processes have been
1958; BALASUBRAMANIYAN, 1966). This steric strain, extensively studied for methyl substituted aromatic
which will clearly be greatest for compounds with hydrocarbons under laboratory conditions (MAYER
two methyl groups with peri relationships such as and SCHIFFNER,1934, CULLINANEand CHARD, 1948;
1,I-DMN, promotes chemical reaction, particularly MCCAULAY and LIEN, 1952; BROWN and JUNGK,
when the reaction intermediate involves relief of this 1955; DEWAR, 1959, 1963; SULD and STUART, 1964;
strain. SHINE, 1967: OKU and YUZEN, 1975; LAMMERTSMA,
Reactions which may be favoured by a-substituted I98I ) where it has been established that: acid catalysts
naphthalenes therefore would include isomerisations are required: ring isomerisation occurs by 1,2-methyl

TABLE 6: Distributionsof trlmethylnaphthalene lsmera in Jupiter1

samples as p%rceatqes of the total triathylnaphthalenes

(meres) 1.3.1 1.3.6 1.4.6+1.3.5 2.3.6 1.2.7 1.6.7 1.2.6 1.2.4 1.2.5

2400 12.8 21.0 21.1 9.3 3.7 10.1 4.1 2.1 15.8=
2555 11.8 17.2 19.9 8.5 6.0 11.1 3.5 0.5 21.8'
2700 13.6 17.7 17.2 10.9 4.6 15.0 5.2 1.0 14.8
2910 6.8 18.7 19.7 9.0 3.7 13.4 6.1 0.9 21.1
3150 11.2 21.0 18.8 9.3 4.3 12.2 7.0 0.5 15.7
3450 13.5 21.2 18.9 9.9 5.1 12.0 7.0 1.0 11.4
3600 12.1 19.9 17.1 9.7 5.6 10.8 6.6 0.7 17.5a
3170 11.3 19.4 15.7 10.5 6.1 12.4 9.1 0.6 14.9
3900 10.6 19.5 15.6 11.4 6.6 12.2 10.9 0.5 12.7
4050 10.9 17.0 15.3 10.7 5.1 12.7 9.4 0.6 18.3a
4220 12.3 18.5 16.2 12.1 5.1 12.7 9.1 0.6 12.8
4500 8.0 10.3 11.4 12.8 5.9 12.0 8.6 0.2 30.8'
4672 15.2 19.4 16.0 10.4 5.4 10.0 6.3 2.0 15.3
4815 14.3 15.3 11.2 13.0 2.9 9.1 5.1 1.5 27.6'

a Unidentifiedco-alutingcoaparnd.
K. Alexander

TABLE 7: Distributionsof di~thylaPphtha.leneisaoers in crude oils

aa perasntsges of the total dimthylnaphthalenes

1.2 1.3 1.4 1,5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.3 2.6 2,'

Shsagli 6.9 12.4 4.7 5.8 26.3 13.9 0.22 8.4 10.9 10.6
North &aoi 3.0 15.7 3.9 3.4 22.6 14.8 0.045 1.3 13.S 14.8
Lasbort' 3.0 17.3 3.2 4.1 21.1 13.0 0.02 1.1 16.8 14.3
Barrow 189Om 4.0 15.7 3.0 4.0 21.1 IS.5 0.015 6.1 IS.7 14.3
Barrow 201om 3.7 15.4 3.0 3.9 21.2 lS.6 0.012 6.1 16.0 14.5
Barrow Condensate 2.4 16.2 2.3 3.5 20.7 14.8 0.0043 6.0 18.4 15.6

shifts via o-complexes as intermediate species; the compatible with a ring isomerization process involving
reaction obeys first order kinetics; migrational barriers 1,tmethyi shifts.
exist between adjacent aromatic rings and between Figure 4 shows a plot of four dime~ylnap~th~ene
adjacent ,~3positions; disproportionation reactions ratios (DNR-2 . . . DNR-5) against depth in Cape
proceed to a negligible extent. Range-2 sequence. These ratios were chosen to rep
The demonstrated acidic properties of clays (e.g. resent compounds with different substitution patterns
BROOKS, i 948, t 952; FRIPIAT and ~RUZ~MP~I~, (see Table 9) and hence different s~~b~h~ towards
1974; JOHNS, 1979; SIEWND et al., 1979; SHAW, chemical reactions in the sediments. These ratios are
1980) and some petroleum source rocks (e.g. GOLD based upon I,8-DMN which is the most reactive
STEIN, 1983) suggest that suitable acidic sites are DMN isomer. They exhibit a much greater sensitivity
available to catalyze such reactions in sediments. to changes in thermal matu~ty compared with DNR-
TUCHIHASHI and HANZAWA ( 1942) reported the 1 which is based on 1,5-DMN; values for the latter
isomerization of 1,6-DMN (&I) into 2.6~DMN (p/3) ratio range from 4 to I 1 (Fig. 3) whereas the DNR-
in the presence of a “Japanese acid clay”. Mortiand 2 . . DNR-5 ratios have values ranging from 50 to
and coworkers have detected charge-transfer com- 240. Clearly this effect is consistent with the lower
plexes formed from aromatic hydrocarbons, as ad- stability and hence greater reactivity of 1,8-DMN
sorbed species, and cations in lattice positions of @eri-methyl-methyl interaction) compared with IS-
clays (DONER and MORTLAND. 1969: MORTLAND DMN @&methyl-hydrogen interaction).
1971). It is known (DEWAR, 1959, 1963; SHINE, Methylnaphthalene ratios in crude oils
1967) that ring isomerisation reactions can proceed
by similar charge-transfer complexes. Our previous In order to further assess the generality of DMN
studies of aromatic hydr~en-exchange reactions of and TMN isomer ratios as indicators of thermal
naphthalene on the day surfaces (ALEXANDER ~'f al.. maturity, we have measured these ratios for a suite
1982, 1983b) have suggested that these reactions of crude oils which were selected to represent oils
could occur in sedimentary environments due to the from sources of different maturity. An independent
acidic properties of clays. If, as is presumed, proton- assessment of thermal maturity was made on the
exchange occurs via a protonated intermediate. these basis of the C-20 epimer ratios of ethylcholestane.
intermediates might be expected to undergo 1.2- The concentration of 20R-5a( H), 14a(H), 17a(H)-
methyl shifts. The observed greater reactivity of the ethyicholestane decreases relative to that of the cor-
more highly a-substituted isomers compared with the responding 20s epimer with increasing thermal ma-
&substituted counterparts in sediments is therefore turity. The epimer ratio 20S/20R increases with

TABLE 8: Distributionsof'trimsthylnaphthaleneismw's in crude oils

as psrcsntegasof the total triwthylnaphthtalenes

Trlmthylnaphthalensa (W

1.3.7 1.3.6 1,4,6+1,3,S 2.3,6 1.2.7 X,6,7 1.2.6 1.2.4 3.2,s

Shsn&li 24.1 20.6 19.3 9.8 2.9 S.l 5.9 -= 11.7b

North A~01 17.3 27.1 17.0 10.1 4.4 7.0 8.2 1.1 7.8
Lambert 21.7 30.7 19.9 11.9 -a 7.1 2.6 0.9 3.2
&lrrow 1890s 16.7 22.8 17.5 14.6 3.0 10.8 S.0 4.8 S.6
Barrow ?.Ololp 21.0 28.2 18.6 13.6 2.1 7.7 4.7 - 4.1
Barrov Condensate 20.2 23.2 15.7 16.0 2.2 9.0 6.2 4.2 3.3

; Not detected.
Unidentifiedco-elutiw ComPound.
Methylnaphthalenes in sediments 391

. MPI-2

5_ : g
123 3 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1
FIG. 2. Geochemical maturation parameters for Jupiter-l (0) and Cane Range-2 (0) sequences: A.
Mean maximum vitrinitc reflectance; B. Rock-Eva1 T,,,,,; C and D: Methylphenanthrene indices MPI-I
and MPI-2 respectively (see Table 9).

maturity up to the equilibrium value of around 1.1 20R values, indicating that both DNR ratios are
(MACKENZIE et al., 1980, 1982, 1983; SEIFERT and sensitive to change in thermal maturity. It is interesting
MOLDOWAN, 198 1; VAN GRAAS et al.. 1982). Table to note that the Barrow Condensate sample, which
2 shows the value for this ratio obtained for six crude has a 20!3/20R value indicative of equilibration, has
oils from China, Nigeria and Austraha together with DNR ratios considerably greater than that of the
some geochemical data for each sample. Figure 5 other samples. This suggests that it separated from
shows a plot of these vahres for each sample against source beds which were appreciably more mature
the parameters DNR-2 and DNR-5. It is apparent than were those from which the other samples were
that the DNR values increase with increasing 2OS/ derived. It also shows that the DNR parameters have

TNR- 1

FIG. 3. Dimethylnaphtbalene and trimethylnaphthalene isomer ratios plotted against depth for
Jupiter-l (0) and Cape Range-2 (0) sequences. For definitions refer to Table 9.
R. Alexander el ai

NO. Abbreviation Definition= Pattern RefelW”W

1 WI-1 Radke 81 a.,


2 “PI-2 Radke at &.


3 DNR-1 Radke fi a..


4 DNR-2
This York

5 DNR-3 This work

6 DNR-4 This K)rk

1 DNR-5 This work

8 TNR-1 t2.3.6-Ml em This work

tl,4,6-ll4Nl+~l,3.S-TWll acle + oell

= P-phenantbrmc

a greater dynamic range than does the parameter tages over those based on biological marker com-
based on epimer ratios. Figure 6 shows a similar plot pounds. The DMNs and TMNs are abundant in
using the TNR-1 parameter. Again a correlation is most crude oils and are usually present in higher
observed between the two variables indicating that it concentrations than are the steranes and triterpanes
too is reflecting changes in the thermal maturity of particularly in light crudes and condensates. Their
the source beds at the time when the crude oils high relative abundance means that the use of alkyl-
separated, and migrated into reservoirs where thermal ated naphthalenes as maturity indicators is less sus-
alteration apparently proceeded at a lower rate. ceptible to interference. For instance, in circumstances
The use of dimethylnaphthalene and trimethyl- where multiple generation and accumulation episodes
naphthalene relative abundances as oil maturation have occurred, one oil which is only a minor com-
indicators has some advantages and some disadvan- ponent of the total accumulation may provide erro-


4.8, DNR-4

400 1200 2000


FIG. 4. Variation with depth of dimethylnaphthalene ratios based on 1.8dimethylnaphthalene in Cape

Range sequence. For definition of DNR-2 (0). DNR-3 (*), DNR-4 (A) and DNR-5 (0) refer to Table 9.
Methylnaphthalenes in sediments 393

Secondly, DMNs and TMNs abundances are affected

by microbial degradation at an earlier stage than are
1.1. . -.. . 1
&jR_5 steranes
(VOLKMAN et al., 1984). Finally, as RADKE
. .. . et al. (1982a) have pointed out, the volatility of the
dinuclear aromatics makes them more susceptible to
evaporation losses during separation and analysis
. .
than are the trinuclear aromatics. They are also more
0.0 IT
volatile than steranes. However, we have shown (AL-
EXANDER et41.. 1983a) that this is not a problem in
@al 1000 3ooo
‘200 DNR the present context. The use of ratios of isomers with
FIG. 5. A plot of C-20 epimer ratios of ethylcholestane very similar physical properties does not result in
versus DNR-2 (0) and DNRJ (A) ratios. distorted values even when some evaporation has
occurred from the sample: apparently equal propor-
tions of the compounds involved are removed, and
neous biomarker maturity results if it is enriched in
evaporative losses are minim&d by using very volatile
biological marker compounds due, for example, to
solvents during separations (ALEXANDER et al.,
biodegradation (cf VOLKMAN et al.. 1984).
DNR-2 and DNR-5 ratios have values ranging
from 50-100 for immature samples to values in
excess of 1000 for mature petroleum (Fig. 5). By
contrast, epimetization at chiral centres in biological ( 1) In two sedimentary sequences from Northwest
markers usually produces ratios which vary between Western Australia the proportions of certain di- and
0.2 and 1. I (e.g.MACKENZIE ef al.. 1982). DNR-2 trimethylnaphthalenes changed in a regular fashion
and DNR-5 (as well as other ratios based upon 1.8- with increasing sediment maturity as determined by
DMN relative abundance) are therefore more sensitive vitrinite reflectance, Rock-Eva1 T,,,,, and methyl-
indicators of thermal maturity differences than the phenanthrene index. Similar behaviour was observed
sterane ratios. The sterane ratio also has a restricted when the same proportions were compared with C-
range of application in that epimerization reaches 20 epimer ratios of ethylcholestane in some crude
equilibrium either before or at about the stage of oils from China, Nigeria and Australia.
maximum oil generation in sediments. DNR and (2) Ratios of compounds which involve the isomers
TNR measurements have an advantage here in that with a high degree of a-substitution to the others
they appear to undergo a regular change through the with a high degree of &substitution are the most
region of the oil window (as defined by vitrinite sensitive to changes in thermal maturity.
reflectance) and have a useful range which extends (3) The methylnaphthalene isomer ratios provide
into the wet gas zone. a useful additional technique for assessment of petro-
The use of methylnaphthalene ratios also has certain leum maturity.
disadvantages for assessing oils maturity when com-
pared with the biological markers ratios. Firstly. the A~,knou,led~ements-We are grateful to G. Chidlow and R.
low concentrations 1.8-DMN are more difficult to Noble for help with GC-MS analyses, to P. Lester for
measure accurately than are those of sterane epimers. obtaining Rock-Eva1 data and to Dr E. Horstmann for
helpful discussions pertaining to the geological aspects. We
thank Phillips Australia Oil Company and West Australian
Petroleum Ltd. for providing samples. This project was
[2os carried out as part of the National Energy Research Devel-

opment and Demonstration Programme, administered by
[20R 3 the Department of National Development.

Edirorral handling: C. Barker

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