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Kenya is located in East Africa, near the Indian Ocean.

2. In 1969, the Kenyan population was only at 10.9 million. Since then, it started to in-
crease. The birth rate was gradually growing as well. The highest growth is expected
to be since 2009 until 2030, almost twice.
3. The difference between the male and female populations is not quite big. a - the popu-
lation under the age of 15 makes the majority of population, beginning at 15% and
ending 13% for men and 12% for women. b - the population from the age of 15 is be-
ginning at the higher number of 11 percent, and ends at less than 5 for both men and
women by the age of 64. c - the population over the age of 65 is even less, however the
number of people over the age of 80 is higher than those between the ages of 65 and
79. The percentages for women are higher than they are for men.
4. Lower mortality rates, high fertility rate, better situation for living.
5. Lack of good education; women having less access to education; lack of sex ed; poor
medical services.

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