Prepositions, Inf, Gerund

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Infinitive of the verb

 Это глагольная форма, которая не

изменяется по лицам и числам. Узнать
форму инфинитива можно по
частице to, которая стоит перед
 to run — бежать.
Verbs that require an infinitive verb

 expect, claim, threaten, offer,

arrange, refuse, promise, deserve,
afford, hope, learn, decide,
pretend, plan, ask, decide, know,
remember, explain, understand.
Инфинитиву может предшествовать союзное слово, которое
вводит подчиненное
предложение: how (как), where (где), what (что), when (когда)
, whether (разве).

For example: Most visitors ask where to find unusual plants.

I know when to stop.
Verbs that require gerund
 Finish,
suggest, enjoy, avoid, consider, put off,
delay, deny, risk, imagine, give up.
 For example:
We delayed sending the documents.
She denies attempting murder.
You should consider building a new house.
Fill in the gaps with a correct
1. My husband was born … Germany.
2. The dog is sleeping … the grass … our garden.
3. There are two funny posters … the wall … my
4. Let’s meet … the bus station.
5. My room was … the third floor.
6. He left his bicycle … the pavement.
7. There is a big hole … my pocket.
 Have you heard some noise … the street? (Ты слышал какой-то шум на
 My favorite restaurant is … King street. (Мой любимый ресторан находится
на Кинг стрит.)
 I think I know this girl … the picture. (Кажется, я знаю эту девушку на
 A huge fly was creeping … the picture. (Огромная муха ползала по
 I prefer to spend my weekends … home. (Я предпочитаю проводить
выходные дома.)
 Look at those black clouds … the sky. (Посмотри на те черные тучи в небе.)
 You should turn left … the traffic lights. (Тебе нужно повернуть налево у
 Sophie is … the dentist’s now. (Софи у стоматолога сейчас.)
 Tom usually has breakfast … school. (Том обычно завтракает в школе.)
 The clock hangs on the wall, … the table.
 He has played Hamlet … the stage many times. (on/in/next
 The bank is … the post-office and the beauty salon.
 The ball has rolled … the bed. (on/under/above)
 Bob and Jane were sitting in the café … each other.
(between/behind/in front of)
 The gym is … my college. (next to/on/between)
 The monument is … the right. (in/at/on)
 The office address is … the top of the page. (in/at/above)
 He spends all his life … work. (in/at/on)
 The kettle is boiling … the kitchen. (in/at/on)
 in 9. on
 on – in 10. in
 on – in 11. on
 at 12. at
 on 13. in
 on 14. at
 in 15. at
 in/on 16. аt
 2.
 above (Часы висят на стене, над столом.)
 on (Он играл Гамлета на сцене много раз.)
 between (Банк находится между почтой и салоном красоты.)
 under (Мяч укатился под кровать.)
 in front of (Боб и Джейн сидели в кафе друг перед другом.)
 next to (Спортзал находится рядом с моим колледжем.)
 on (Памятник находится справа.)
 at (Адрес офиса – в верхней части страницы.)
 at (Он проводит всю свою жизнь на работе.)
 in (Чайник кипит на кухне.)
Prepositions of time
In (general) On (quite general) At (specific)
1. General periods of 1. Dates (on the 10th of 1. Specific times (at
time June, on Birthday) 10 o’clock, at
(For example: lunchtime, at sunset
in the future, in the past)
(закат), at sunrise
(восход), at the
2. Years/centuries 2. Holidays with “Day” 2. Holidays without
(in 2021, in 19th century) (on Christmas Day) Day (at Christmas, at
3. Seasons (in summer) 3. Days of the week (on 3. At night, at noon,
Monday, on Friday at the weekend
4. Months/weeks 4. Days of the month
(in June, in 2 weeks) (on the first day of
4. Parts of days (in the 5. On time – вовремя (I
morning) came to work on time).
1. Countries (in 1. Streets/roads 1. Address (at 10 High
Ukraine) (on Grigorenko street) street)
2. Cities (in Kiev) 2. Surfaces (on the 2. Specific locations (at
table, roof, floor) the bus stop, at the
3. Neighbourhoods (in 3. Public transport (on 3. Shops (at bakery, at
Hollywood) the train, on a plane, grocery, at butcher’s)
on a bus)
4. Enclosed spaces (in a 4. On the TV, on the 4. Group activity (at a
box, in a taxi, in the Internet, on the news, party, at a concert)
classroom) on the radio)
5. Books/newspapers (in 5. At
the Times, in the home/work/places of
dictionary) study (at a library, at
school), at the
6. Sitting at a surface
(at the table)

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