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First video summary is all about what is website developer and types of website developer and what
specific technologies used by which website developer and their technical skills:

website developer is a person who develop websites using different technologies there are 3 types
of website developer Frontend developer, Backend Developer and Fullstack Developer.

Firstly I will tell about frontend developer , frontend developer is a person who develop website
interface how website looks like he use html, css and javascript and with that he also uses different
framworks actually frameworks makes developer works easy using framworks the developer can
done the work by writing minimum code for frontend website developer the following are the
famous framworks used by the frontend developer :

bootstrap, jquery, reactjs and angular

The backend developer is a person who works on the back of the website like how website should
work and to manage database system server setup getting data and stored it into database after
completion of website deployment is also the responsibility of backend developer there are different
language that can use by backend developer most common are Python, php and now we javascript
too we use javascript framwork node.js

The Fullstack delevoper is a person who does Frontend works as well as backend work he has
command over on frontend language and backend languages including framworks

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