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Pham Thi Thu Trang - 85250

Activity 4

1, HOOK: The trend of using websites to buy cheap air tickets is greatly
received; however, there are some doubts about their quality.
TYPE OF HOOK: conflict

2, HOOK: How many do you have accounts using passwords?

TYPE OF HOOK: Question

3, HOOK: The function of the jury is to weigh up the evidence and to

decide what the true facts of the case are or what actually happened.
TYPE OF HOOK: Definition

4, HOOK: Kale is what has been dubbed one of the “superfoods”

because it has up to fifteen different nutrients.
TYPE OF HOOK: Statement

Activity 5

1, ESSAY 1.2
Thesis statement: Animals must protect ………, and many accomplish
this goal through camouflage.

2, ESSAY 1.3
Thesis statement: To be prepared…….,students should develop study
skills that help them learn a range of new academic materials with
maximum comprehension.
3, ESSAY 2.1
Thesis statement: Fortunately, my own experiences with texting and
driving did not result in a horrible accident, and the damage to my car
was relatively minor.

Activity 6

1, ESSAY 1.3
Because the author gave his opinion on the issue of developing skills to
perform well in the exam.

2, ESSAY 2.1
The expressions are not coherent, making it difficult for the reader to
clearly identify the author's point of view.

3, Texting while driving should be banned because it has many dangers

to human life and property.

Activity 7
Activity 8
1, computers, elections
2, Since voting is critically important to the effective working of society,
government should not rely only on computers for all elections.
3, a suggestion

1, camouflage
2, None of these strategies of camouflage is more effective than the
other, and they all show the range of normal possibilities that nature
offers animals to survive.
3, an opinion

Activity 9
Another essential element of successful studying is time management.
Many students simply "shove" for the test, but doing so prevents long-
term learning because the knowledge that was stored in short-term
memory is later forgotten. In order to achieve their best results for their
study time, Bedford and Wilson urge students to pace themselves
during the semester. Working till you are drained and unable to focus is
not advisable. So, the most efficient method of studying is to approach
it as a lengthy process that lasts throughout the semester as opposed
to a hurried session the night before each test.

Activity 10
1. a weather delay: a delay that is caused by the weather
2. a money shortage: a shortage of money
3. a rice cooker: a machine that cooks rice
4. an air traffic control mistake: a mistake with the control of air traffic
5. an earthquake warning system malfunction: a malfunction with the
warning system for an earthquake
Activity 11
government officials
voting machines
voter registration
paper receipts
paper slips
voting procedure

Activity 12
1. acronym - UFO
2. conceal- hide
3. dispute - disagreement
4. enhance - increase
5. normal- usual
6. pace- speed
7. predator - attacker
8. retain - keep
9. vastly - significantly
10. verify – check

Activity 13
1. In subsequent months
2. flee from the scene
3. blend into your surroundings
4. take an unnecessary risk
5. a vastly different result
6. dread seeing the dentist
7. endure hardships
8. a coherent strategy
9. anormal body temperature
10. enhance the flavor

Activity 14
1. deviation
2. deviates
3. endurance
4. endured
5. enhanced
6. enhances
7. evolved
8. evolve
9. vastly
10. vast

Activity 15
The matter was settled beyond dispute by the court judgment
He was caught trying to flee the country.
The lion will often stalk its prey for hours.
He struggled to retain control of the situation.
I'll leave you to verify whether these claims are true.

Activity 16
1. The candidate's TV commercial was a crucial part of her campaign.
2. Some animals have developed very clever ways of protecting
3. In many courses, the final exam is worth as much as 50% of the final
4. The three largest countries in South America are Brazil, Argentina,
and Colombia.
5. Selling a product successfully in a foreign country may require
making changes to the product.

Activity 17
1. The main cause of the problem is a severe lack of naturalresources
such as coal and oil.
2. The president and vice-president played a part in passing abill that
raises taxes on sodas and other sugary drinks.
3. In the experiment last week, the scientists placed coffeeplants in
special containers to see how much oxygen theplants would produce

Activity 18
Should parents be allowed to bring their young baby to anupscale
restaurant? Recently there has been some debate about this issue.
Restaurant customers sometimes complain that acrying baby can ruin
their special evening out. They say that it is not acceptable that they
have paid a lot of money for a special evening and then a crying baby
spoils their experience. Some parents say that everyone has the right to
eat in any restaurant. For them, the price of the meal should not
determine who can and cannot eat at that restaurant. Restaurant
owners find themselves in a difficult situation because they do not want
to lose affluent customers who are willing to spend a lot of moneyat
their places of business. However, these same owners do notwant to
appear to be cold-hearted when it comes to children.It is in deed a
difficult situation.In the mean time, it appears that different restaurants
will have different policies about customers bringing young babies with

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