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I. Reported Speech   

Convert the following from direct to indirect speech.

1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked.
2. "How are you?" Martin asked us.
3. He asked, "Do I have to do it?"
4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter.
5. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend.
6. "What are they doing?" she asked.
7. "Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me.
8. The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?"
9. "How do you know that?" she asked me.
10. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me.
11.Raja said to Mohan, “Are you going home today?”
11. My friend said to me, “Will you not help me?”
12. Shyam said to Dalip, “Did you eat mangoes?”
13. Sima said to Meena, “Could you solve the question yesterday?”
14. Hafiz said to Hanif,” Do you really want to leave this book?”

II. Editing & Omission   

Q1: Identify mistakes in the passage and correct them.

Passage Incorrect Correct

Discipline is a structural and fundamental unit _________ _________
of a success person. It is essential for us at home, _________ _________
for soldiers on the battlefield, for students at school, for _________ _________
players in the playground. A team of experience players _________ _________
can also lose a match because to indiscipline in the team. _________ _________
Every tough battle can be win by a disciplined army. _________ _________

Q2: Locate errors in the passage and rectify them.

Passage Incorrect Correct

Books help us knew more about our civilization. _________ _________
Through books, we come in contact to great scholars, _________ _________
poets and philosophers. Book never misguide us. _________ _________
They help us in building their character. By reading _________ _________
books, our knowledge is elevated. If us are _________ _________
on a long journey, books gave us good company. _________ _________
Everyone, therefore, should develop the habit to reading books. _________ _________

III. Modal Verb   

A. In each of the following sentences, provide the blanks with suitable modal of
permission, ability, possibility, probability etc according to the context of the

1. Ruchira is ill today. She……………… not come to school.

2. ……… I talk to Ms Shailaja, please?
3. The sky is not clear today. The flight to Goa………. be delayed.
4. If you believe in yourself, you…………… definitely do it.
5. …………..I request you for your name madam?
6. The lid of the box is very tightly fixed. ……………… help me to open it?
7. When Riya called up, Shreshth was not home. He………. be there at his friend’s home.
8. Nicky, you………………. wait for the Director in the lobby. He………….. be here in
20-30 minutes.
9. Driving without putting on the seat belt……… really prove to be harmful.
10. He………….. solve even complex mathematics in a jiffy.

B. Pick out the sentences with correct usage od modal from among the four sentences in
each of the following examples.

1. (a) I was able to pass the exam. But I could not appear for it
(b) I could pass the exam. But I did not appear for it
(c) I was able to pass the exam. But I did not appeared for it.
(d) I was able to pass the exam. But I did not appear for it
2. (a) Nobody knows his whereabouts. He may was there in Doha
(b) Nobody knew his whereabouts. He may be there in Doha
(c) Nobody knews his where abouts. He is there in Doha
(d) Nobody knows his whereabouts. He might be there in Doha
3. (a) The drug addicts may not be tortured but should be rehabilitated
(b) The drug addicts can not be tortured but must be rehabilitated
(c) The drug addicts should not be tortured but might be rehabilitated
(d) The drug addicts must not be tortured but should be rehabilitated
4. (a) You ought to help the blind to cross the road
(b) You must to help the blind to cross the road
(c) You ought to help the blind to crossing the road
(d) You should help the blinds to cross the ‘ road
5. (a) You need not worry at all. I am take care of your luggage
(b) You need not worry at all. I will take care of your luggage
(c) You need to not worry at all. I will taking care of your luggage
(d) You need not worry at all. I will be take care of your luggage
6. (a) Everyone should follow the path shown by his or her parents and teachers
(b) Everyone may be follow the path shown by their parents and teachers
(c) Every should be follow the path shown by his or her parents and teachers
(d) Everyone might follow the path shown by his or her parents and teachers
7. (a) Abhi can achieve his goal if they have strong determination
(b) Abhi may achieve his goal if he had strong determination
(c) Abhi can achieve his goal but he has strong determination
(d) Abhi can achieve his goal if has strong determination
8. (a) This seems to be difficult. But I will make this happen
(b) This seemed to be difficult. But I may make this happen
(c) This seems to be difficult. But I shall make this happen
(d) This seemed to be difficult. But I should make this happen

IV. Phrasal Verb   

A. Complete with one of these phrasal verbs: are through, go on, fill in, took off, stayed out,
speak up.

1. Could you ………. this application form, please?

2. I´ll never talk to you again. We ………. !

3. If you don´t ………., we can´t hear you.

4. I´m tired because I ………. too late last night.

5. The plane ………. late because of the bad weather.

B. Complete with one of these phrasal verbs: went off, put off, see off, take off, turn off.

1. Let´s go to the airport to ………. them ……….

2. The plane doesn´t ………. till 5 o´clock.

3. He was sleeping soundly when the alarm clock ……….

4. The meeting has been ………. till next month.

5. Don´t forget to ………. all the lights when you leave.

C. Match the phrasal verbs with their corresponding synonyms.

1. put off a. cancel

2. call off b. switch off

3. look up c. postpone

4. go off d. continue

5. carry on e. explode

6. turn off f. check

V. Voice   

Change the following from active to passive voice.

1. Should we pay you for the work?

2. What were you driving ‘?

3. Did the hunter kill the deer?

4. Had the girls cooked the meal?

5. Haven’t they invited all of you?

6. Are they planting trees?

7. Doesn’t the audience love the play?

8. Shall you ever forget her?

9. Are the guards watching his house?

10. Is she playing badminton?

11. Didn’t they throw away the rubbish?

12. Why did he scold you?

13. How do you operate a patient?

14. Where have you kept my pen?

IV. Subject –Verb Agreement

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.

1. Either Tina or Rohit ____ telling lies. (is/are)

2. A number of people _____reported to have fallen sick after drinking the water from
the tubewell. (was/were)
3. The government ____ criticised by the Supreme Court for their actions. (was/were)
4. No one ____ a greater collection of books than my friend Reeshav. (has / have)
5. Somebody ____ waiting at the door for you. (is / are)
6. Two ____ ago, here is the place where the accident took place. (year/years)
7. Fast food, like burgers and street food, ____ harmful to our health. (is/are)
8. All the students ____ excited to visit the museum after school. (is/are)
9. Neither Joseph nor his family ____ French. (speaks/speak)
10. Either Ross or Joey ____ broken the glass. (has/have)
11. If anybody _____ for me, do let me know. (calls/call)
12. The plumber, along with his helper ____, expected to come soon. (is/are)
13. Several neighbours _____ complained about the loud sound coming from that house.
14. Neither Penny nor Amy ____ went to work. (has/have)
15. The Olympics ____ held every four years. (is/are)

B. Go through the following sentences and use the right form of the verb in the blanks to
complete the sentences.

1. Every one of us ____ here. (is/are)

2. None of them _______ completed their assignments. (have/has)
3. Jithu _______ a BMW car. (has/have)
4. What do you ______ about wasting food? (think/thinks)
5. Veena ______ that it would not be okay for us to go out at this time. (feels/feel)
6. ______ anyone seen the movie? (has/have)
7. We ______ at the park yesterday. (were/was)
8. The movie _____ great. (was/were)
9. The curtains _____ the wall colours perfectly. (matches/match)
10. Boney and Heera ______ moving to Bangalore. (are/is)

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