TD Assignment 02 2022 23 Isem

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Department of Mechanical Engineering



Note: Answer all questions. Submit the assignment on or before 28th February 2023
1. (a) Steam initially at 300 kPa, 2400C is cooled at constant volume. (i) At what temperature will the steam become
saturated vapor, (ii) What is the quality at 800C and (iii) What is the heat transferred per kg of steam in cooling from
2400C to 800C. [CO5]
(b) Steam initially at 2 MPa, 3000C expands reversibly and adiabatically in a steam turbine to 500C. Determine the ideal
work output of the turbine per kg of steam. [CO5]
2. (a) A mass of wet steam at temperature 1650C is expanded at constant quality 0.8 to pressure 3 bar. It is then heated at
constant pressure to a degree of superheat 650C. Find the enthalpy and entropy changes during expansion and during
heating. Draw the T – s and h – s diagrams. [CO5]
(b) A steam pressure of holding capacity 4 m3 contains a mixture of saturated water and saturated steam at 2500C. The
mass of the liquid present is 1 ton. Determine, (i) Quality; (ii) Specific Volume; (iii) Specific Enthalpy; (iv) Specific
Entropy and (v) Specific Internal Energy of steam. [CO5]
3. (a) A mixture of ideal gases consists of 3 kg of nitrogen and 5 kg of carbon dioxide at a pressure of 300 kPa and a
temperature of 200C. Find, (i) the mole fraction of each constituent, (ii) the equivalent molecular weight of the mixture,
(iii) the equivalent gas constant of the mixture, (iv) the partial pressures and partial volumes, (v) volume and density of
the mixture, (vi) CP and CV of the mixture. If the mixture is heated at constant volume to 400C, find the internal energy,
enthalpy and entropy of the mixture. Find the changes in internal energy, enthalpy and entropy of the mixture if the
heating is done at constant pressure. Take γ for CO2 and N2 as 1.286 and 1.4 respectively. [CO5]
4. Atmosphere air at 1.0132 bar has a DBT of 320C and WBT of 260C, Find (i) the partial pressure of water vapour, (ii)
specific humidity, (iii) dew point temperature, (iv) relative humidity, (v) degree of saturation, (vi)density of air in the
mixture, (vii) density of vapour in the mixture and (vii) enthalpy of the mixture. [CO5]
5. (a) An air standard Otto cycle has a compression ratio of 8. At the beginning of the compression stroke the pressure is
1 bar and temperature 260C. If the maximum temperature in the cycle is 10800C, calculate (i) Heat supplied per kg of
air (ii) Thermal efficiency (iii) mep. [CO6]
(b) An engine of 250 mm bore and 375 mm stroke works on Otto cycle. The clearance volume is 0.00263 m3. The initial
pressure and temperature are 1 bar and 50°C. If the maximum pressure is limited to 25 bar, find t: (i) The air standard
efficiency of the cycle. (ii) The mean effective pressure for the cycle. Assume the ideal conditions. (CO6)
6. In an air standard diesel cycle, the compression ratio is 15, and at the beginning of isentropic compression, the
temperature is 150C and the pressure is 0.1 MPa. Heat is added until the temperature at the end of constant pressure
process is 14800C. Calculate: (i) Cutoff ratio, (ii) heat supplied per kg of air, (iii) cycle efficiency and (iv) mean effective
pressure. [CO6]
7. Calculate the thermal efficiency and the mean effective pressure of a dual combustion cycle when the maximum
temperature is 20000C and the maximum pressure is 70 bar. The pressure and temperature at the start of compression
are 1 bar and 170C respectively. [CO6]
8. (a) A power plant operating on the Rankine cycle has steam entering the turbine at 37 bar and 425 0C. If the turbine
output is equivalent to 10000 kW, determine the efficiency of cycle and mass flow rate of steam for condenser pressure
of 0.07 bar. [CO6]
(b) In an air standard Brayton cycle the air enters the compressor at 1 bar and 270C. The pressure after compression is 3
bar. The temperature at the turbine inlet is 6500C. Calculate per kg of air, (i) heat supplied, (ii) heat rejected, (iii) work
available at the shaft, and (iv) cycle efficiency. [CO6]
9. (a) A refrigerator R-12 vapor compression system operating at a condenser temperature of 400C and an evaporator
temperature of -50C develops 15 tons of refrigeration. Determine, (i) mass rate of refrigerant circulated, (ii) power
required per ton of refrigeration, (iii) heat rejected in the condenser (iv) COP and the Carnot COP. (CO6)
(b) An ammonia refrigerator operates between evaporating and condensing temperatures of -160C and 500C respectively.
The vapor is dry saturated at compressor outlet Determine, (i) mass rate of refrigerant circulated, (ii) power required to
drive compressor per kW of refrigeration, (iii) heat rejected in the condenser and (iv) COP. (CO6)
10. 2 kg of air at 500 kPa and 800C expands adiabatically in a closed system until its volume is doubled and its temperature
becomes equal that of surroundings which is at 100 kPa and 50C, calculate (i) Maximum work (ii) change in availability
(iii) irreversibility [CO4]

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