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1. It is the study of motion: Kinesiology

2. The applicatioon of mechanics to the living human body: Biomechanics
3. Concerned with bodies at rest or in uniform motion: Statics
4. Treat the bodies that are accelerating and decelerating: Dynamics
5. Science of motion of bodies in space: Kinematics
6. Movements of the bones: Osteokinematic
7. Movements between joint surfaces: Arthrokinematic
8. Forces that affect motion, enumerate: Gravity, Muscle tension, externa7l resistance, friction
9. The movements of the bony partners or segments that make up a joint: Osteokinematic
10. What is the standard anatomical position: Head, toes, and palms facing forward, stand
erect and fingers extended.
11. What are the three cardinal planes: Frontal, Sagittal, Horizontal
12. The distal segment of the chain moves in space: Open kinematic chain
13. The distal segment is fixed, and proximal part moves:Close kinematic chain
14. Close-packed position - ovoid joint match perfectly in only one joint position, maximum
area of surface, lkigaments are farthest apart and under tension, capsular structures are taut,
joints mechanically compressed and difficult to distract.
15. Open-packed position - ovoid joint surfaces doi not feet perfectly but are incongruent,
ligamentous and capsular atructures are slack, allo necessary motions of spin, roll and slide,
joint surfaces may be distracted several milimeters .

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