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Soaring high above the sky,

Like a remarkable sight to behold,

The soothing moonlight of the night,

Illuminating the world in silver and gold

The brilliance of this celestial body,

Casts a magical spell over me,

The mysteries of the night,

Are exposed by the moon’s pure light to see

Amidst the dark blanket of night,

The moon’s beauty stands so bright,

Its shadows dancing on the ground,

Radiating a heavenly sight

The moon’s phases of wax and wane,

A cycle that keeps on spinning,

The waxing gibbous and waning crescent,

The sky with its phases in perfect syncing

The moon’s shimmering brilliance,

Glittering in the night sky,

The moon’s reflection on the still waters,

Beneath the stars so high

The bright and full moon of the night,

A sight that captivates and thrills,

The moon’s light that guides us,

On nights when darkness looms and chills

The lunar cycle of the moon,

A complex and wonderful thing,

The moon is with us through our days,

On its journey around the world it brings.

The moon is a faithful companion,

To us in our time of need,

Its comforting light shining so bright,

Its beauty to us will always heed.

The beauty of the moon,

As it reflects the sun's light,

A symbol of peace and hope,

For us on a starry night

The moon’s glow brings us peace and serenity,

It's graceful beauty a sight to behold,

The majestic moon, shining in the night sky,

An everlasting symbol of strength and courage untold

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