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Reflection task on lecrure 7

Anel Serikbayeva

 One of the goals of ego behaviour is to protect and enhance one’s sense of self. Consider
defence mechanisms: repression; rationalisation; regression; fixation; projection; fantasy;
denial. Give examples of your favourite mechanisms which you used in childhood and at school.

Lets start talking about a common mechanism that I could have had when I was a kid, namely
with displacement.As we know, the act of shifting feelings or impulses toward a different, less
dangerous individual is known as displacement. When I believed it would be risky or foolish to
express my views to the real person responsible for the issue, I would frequently employ this
technique. It is ineffective as a defense mechanism since it frequently involves other people,
which leads to the creation of new issues. For example, when I was younger, I could often speak
out against children younger than me, because they could not do anything to me, but at the
same time I could not say something against people who were older than me. And if someone
took away a toy from me, most likely I also took away toys from other children who were
weaker than me. I should note, though, that when I was a child, I was not even consciously
aware of my displacement. I just know that I am flooded with emotion and that I must direct it
at the closest secure target. And the second mechanism that I often used as a child is
rationalization. The act of rationalizing involves using logic or reasoning to an unpleasant
situation. The true causes of the occurrence were avoided by me in favor of alternative, more
logical-sounding answers. For example, I could break a toy or some other things and I could say,
rationalize that it was almost broken by itself or that it fell by itself.

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