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Infant CPR
Cardiac arrest in infants usually results from respiratory
arrest, not from a heart problem. Common causes
include choking, injury, SIDS, and respiratory illness. SCENE SAFETY: Quickly check the
When CPR is started immediately, a rescuer may be able scene before you enter.
to restore normal breathing without the use of an AED.

Infant Age: Younger than 1 year old


Check Response and Call 911:

oo Tap the bottom of the foot and shout.

oo If no response, yell for help.
• Send a bystander to call 911 and get the
• If alone, stay with the infant.
• If a cell phone is available, use it to call 911
and place it on speaker.

Check response
Check Breathing:

oo Scan for breathing for 5-10 seconds.

oo If no breathing or only gasping, start


Perform 30 chest compressions with 2 fingers:

• Position face up on a firm, flat surface.

• Quickly move clothing out of the way.
• Place 2 fingers in the center of the chest just
below the nipple line.
• Compress the chest 30 times.
• Depth: About 1 ½ inches
• Rate: between 100-120 compressions/minute

30 chest compressions
It should take less than 10 seconds
to stop compressions, give 2 breaths,
and resume compressions.

Infant CPR

Open the airway:

oo Tilt the head back slightly and lift the chin

to open the airway to a neutral position.

Do not tilt the infant’s head back too

far. The infant’s airway is not fully
developed, and over-extending the
airway can block it.
Open the airway to neutral

Provide 2 rescue breaths:

oo Maintain an open airway position.

oo Cover the mouth and nose or apply a face
oo Give 2 small breaths for 1 second each breath.
oo Watch for chest rise.
oo Immediately resume compressions.

If the first breath does not go in,

reopen the airway and try one more Give 2 breaths
breath, then resume compressions.
Do not attempt to give additional


Continue cycles of 30 compressions and 2 breaths:

• After 2 minutes of CPR (5 cycles of 30:2), if no one has called 911 and you are alone, call 911 and get
the AED yourself. Return quickly. You may also carry the infant to the phone with you.
• If someone has already called 911, continue CPR until professional responders arrive and take over.
If an additional rescuer is present:

• Change rescuers every 5 cycles (2 minutes) to avoid fatigue.

• Give feedback on the quality of compressions to the rescuer performing CPR.

Use an AED as soon as it is available. Place the AED near the infant’s head. Turn on the AED and follow the
prompts. See the Using an AED section for more information.

Infant CPR

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