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Your country

1. Where exactly is your country?

2. What is your country famous for?

3. What do you love about your country?
4. Tell me about the different seasons there

Sports and hobbies

1. Which sports or hobbies do you enjoy?

2. How often do you play/ do…?
3. What new hobby would you like to take up?
4. What activities don’t you enjoy?

Learning English

1. What do you enjoy about learning English?

2. How English helps you improve your life?
3. What is the most difficult part at the time of learning the English language?

Job / studies

1. What is your job?

2. Where do you work or study?
3. DO you like your job/course? Why or why not?
4. What would your dream job be?

Eating habits and cooking

1. What is your favorite dish?

2. Do you follow a special diet
3. What can you cook?
4. Tell me how to make a dish from your country

Your home

1. DO you live in the city or in the countryside?

2. Describe your town/city
3. DO you live in a house or an apartment?
4. Describe your ideal home

Films, TV, music and podcast

1. What tv/fil genres do you prefer?

2. Do you ever listen to podcast?
3. What kind of music do you listen to?

Your family members

1. Tell me about your family

2. Do you still have friends from your childhood?
3. How do you keep in touch woth family/friends?
4. DO you have any friends from other countries?

Leisure time

1. Do you enjoy dining out, nightclubs, concerts?

2. What would your ideal holiday be?
3. What do you usually do in your free time?
4. Where do you usually go on holidays?

Technology and social media

1. Do you use social media? Which platforms?

2. How often do you use social media?
3. What else do you use your smartphone for?
4. Do you use any apps to help you learn English?

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