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Peer reviewed and RefeReed JouRnal, (ICIR- 2019)


Madhusudan Das
Resercher A.P.J Abdul Kalam University. Faculty of Education, Indore(M.P)

Abstract - In Indian constitution prohibited for peace. All of the people live together and the
peaceful negotiation has no conflict. Indian believe in non-violence and spread into the
thought of Basudhaibo kutumakam. Rabindranath Tagore and his cultivation of peace
known to all. His Ashram thought process concurred the Nobel Prize in 1913. Many of saint
born in Birbhum district and their education of peace followed world wide.
Key word- Peace Education, Birbhum district, West Bengal.

‘I believe that every person has the not just the absence of war; it is the
potential to be a perfect embodiment practice of love. In a peaceful society,
of non-violence. If you generate the people would work together to resolve
quality of non-violence within you it conflicts, develop morally, treat each
will spread out to the world from you other with justice, satisfy basic needs,
like a mighty storm’.----Mahatma and respect each other. In essence, they
Gandhi(1920) would live in unity. The most significant
The significance of 21St century has way of promoting a culture of peace is
been the emergence information era. Now through peace education. Peace education
most accurate and up to date information needs to be accepted in all parts of the
can be made available to anyone where in world, in all societies and countries as an
the world within the mouse click. We are essential element in creating a culture of
living a critical juncture in human peace. To meet effectively the challenges
history. Today the world is shrinking to a posed by the present Complexity of our
global village on the one hand peoples are time, the young of today deserves a
migrated from one place to another place radically different Education one that
in the world, on the other hand, there is does not glorify war but educates for
growing intolerance violence race caste peace, nonviolence, and international
sex creed discrimination and fanaticism. cooperation.
There is no denying the fact that crime is
also becoming globalized. There is hardly 2. LETERATURE REVIEW
any full proof way to overcome the Mishra.L (2015) conducted a study to
dangers of civil war and widespread identify strategies for integrating peace
violence involving weapons like AK -47, education concepts into the Teacher
machine guns and explosive like RDX as Education curriculum. Two research
now a become a common feature which is questions and two null hypotheses were
frequently used in an ever growing used. A total of hundred B.TC trainees of
number of criminal activities. Looking at Bijnor District of State utter Pradesh were
the world today any sensible person feels used as the sample for the study. A 15-
disheartened and even horrified to see the item questionnaire structured on a 3-
kind of violent acts being committed by point scale was used for data collection.
man against man and nature. It is sad to The findings identified strategies like the
realize that we are live in an era of integration of peace education contents
unprecedented violence in the forms of such as cultural similarities, human
terrorism. Educating future generation rights, global challenges, hostage taking,
into the competencies, perspectives, imperatives of evolving democracies, value
attitudes, values, and Behavioral patterns systems, inter-caste marriages, local
that will enable them to build and languages and natural resources and
maintain peace. Peace is the main resource problems and religion concepts
Characteristic of a civilized society." From into the Teacher Education curriculum.
the point of view of not only some children The findings also identified co-curricular
but some adolescents and adults, peace is and instructional strategies for use in

VOLUME :06 Special Issue 05 Paper id-IJIERM-VI-V, September 2019
Peer reviewed and RefeReed JouRnal, (ICIR- 2019)

teaching the identified peace education and violence in secondary school

concepts. It was recommended that the students. The concepts of peace and
identified peace education concepts could peace education are naturally abstract
be added to the Teacher Education and elusive, and secondary school is
curriculum and the thematic approach complex to investigate. Peace education in
should be used in restructuring the the secondary school curriculum may or
Teacher Education curriculum. Devi may not be delivered to students in both
Prasad, B (2006) Spare the Rod and Save overt and covert ways. In order to gain the
the Child: A Study of the Corporal best understanding of the whole picture,
punishment in urban schools of Andhra quantitative and qualitative approaches
Pradesh, Child Rights Advocacy needed to be integrated Using mixed
Foundation- Vijayawada, conducted a methods can enhance the credibility of
Research in urban schools in Andhra the research findings by triangulating
Pradesh in 2006 found that 59% of information from both quantitative and
students said they had been hit on the qualitative methods. Both quantitative
palms of the hands with a cane by a and qualitative approaches were
teacher and 71% had witnessed this kind conducted at the same time. In the
of punishment in school. Other kinds of quantitative approach, the survey method
corporal punishment experienced by was used to gather the views from
children included forcing them to kneel in students on a larger scale which was not
uncomfortable positions, slapping or possible to obtain from qualitative
spanking and beating on the knuckles. approaches. In the qualitative approach,
45% of students said that they had semi-structured interviews, focus groups
witnessed corporal punishment which and documentation were employed to
caused swelling and 22% had seen it investigate deeper and richer information.
because bleeding. 13% had witnessed Moreover, the data collected was not
corporal punishment which necessitated exhaustive. The strength of a study is
a visit to a doctor. Only 25% of students greater than either qualitative or
who experienced corporal punishment at quantitative research.
school chose to tell their parents about it.
23% of those who did not tell their 3.1 Aims of Peace Education
parents said that this was because their Peace education is about helping students
parents would beat them too. Children to understand and transform conflict in
from lower income groups were more their own lives, in the community and in
likely to experience corporal punishment. the world at large. Education for peace
The research involved nearly 600 children should promote key values in various
and over 300 adults, including teachers faiths and ethnic national groups that
and parents, through interviews and had been recognized by interfaith and
group discussions.” immunity and nations, such race,
Compassion, justice, love, respect,
3. METHODOLOGY reciprocity, kindness, freedom, tolerance,
This chapter describes the methodology empathy, responsibility, trustworthiness,
applied in this research. The research discipline, patience, mercy, honor,
questions and objectives are addressed. benevolence, fairness, equity, diversity,
The philosophical underpinning of the forgiveness, reconciliation, sharing
research relating to mixed methods i.e., harmony, sincerity, acceptance,
case study approach, methods, truthfulness, humaneness, harmony,
questionnaires, semi-structured integrity, truth, humility ,generosity,
interviews, focus groups, and documents. gratitude, hope, solidarity, empowerment,
A mixed methodology was employed in and sustainability. Education for peace
this research. The reason for using both seeks to enable the student to:
quantitative and qualitative approaches  To understand the nature and
for the methodology was because of the origins of violence and its effects
nature of the research objectives. The on both victim and perpetrator;
research seeks to understand the conflicts

VOLUME :06 Special Issue 05 Paper id-IJIERM-VI-V, September 2019
Peer reviewed and RefeReed JouRnal, (ICIR- 2019)

 To create frameworks for achieving  To identify the causes of violence

peaceful, creative societies; among secondary school students of
 To sharpen awareness about the West Bengal.
existence of non-peaceful  To assess the causes of conflicts
relationships between people and among secondary school students of
within and between nations; West Bengal.
 To investigate the causes of  To classify the concepts and
conflicts and violence embedded components of peace among
within perceptions, values, and secondary school students of West
attitudes of individuals as well as Bengal.
within social and political  To adjudicate the perceptions of
structures of society; stakeholders towards Peace
 To encourage the search for Education programs in secondary
alternative or possible nonviolent school.
skills;  To develop a structural framework
 To be equipped with personal of peace education for secondary
conflict resolution skills. schools.
 To analyzes the framework of Peace
Peace education aims to help students Education for secondary schools of
develop Skills, such as being able to: West Bengal.
 Solve problems and conflict in
positive ways including through 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
negotiation and mediation 4.1 Interview with Parent and Teachers
 Communicate feelings and In the data analysis process, recorded
perspective and transform anger interviews were transferred onto the
 Understand others feelings and computerized interview casting. The form
perspectives consists of context records, descriptive
 Cooperate with others information, descriptive index, interviewer
 Think independently and critically comments, and general comments
 Take part responsibly in decision- sections In the results section, line
making Attitudes, such as having: numbers were shortened in the form of
 Concern for others and the (st) and used in direct quotations. In this
environment section, findings are organized and
 A desire to help and be of service presented according to the themes
 Honesty, trustworthiness, and produced by research questions. 6 themes
fairness emerged at the end of the interviews are:
 respect other cultures, religions, (1) Definitions regarding the concepts of
and lifestyles peace, global/national/individual peace,
 Tolerance, generosity and and peace education (2) The most
compassion Knowledge of how important role in peace education (3) The
problems and conflicts can be role of educational in institution in
solved establishing peace (4) Peace education as
 The values of oneself and others an alternative to violence (5) The qualities
 human rights and responsibilities peace education teachers should have (6)
The place of peace education in the
3.2 Research Objectives instructional program.

VOLUME :06 Special Issue 05 Paper id-IJIERM-VI-V, September 2019
Peer reviewed and RefeReed JouRnal, (ICIR- 2019)

Table No. 1 Perceptions of Teachers and Parents

Sl no Question Different keywords by Keyword by parents
1 Concept of Peace love, respect, understanding absence People love each other And live in
of violence, tolerance solidarity, Peace. Mutual trust, Cooperation
happiness (138), conscience (126), and nonviolence. Truth, beauty,
Reconcilement (12), trust (62), and unity, happiness absence of
harmony (121). Truth (127) unity conflicts, free from tension,
(97) absence of conflicts (89) keeping silence unselfish, respect
other right.
2 Definition of peace education Peace education should Create peace Education which foster values,
with oneself, with the neighbor, skills, and attitudes and respect
Peace with nature and peace with each other, love for the nation
God. We should teach children and and teach to live a peaceful life.
the Politicians about non-violence
and different cultural and spiritual
values. We should create inter-
religious harmony. From nature the
children should also learn about
3 Need of peace education in Mitigating violence conflicts anger Foster Respect, behavior and how
secondary school to tackle conflicts and violence in
the life.
4 Is Peace education YES YES
manage the conflict
and violence in
secondary school
5 Components of Dignity Equality Liberty Justice Life skill education, critical
Peace education Responsibility Secondary Solidarity thinking, creative thinking,
Democracy Truth Honesty innovations, non-violence, co-
Nonviolence Skill building fostering operations. Respect to the
values and attitudes Humanism culture. Human rights values
Spirituality Freedom of speech and Attitudes Responsibility. Truth
expression Conflict resolution by honesty
peaceful means Self-awareness,
Respect and empathy Compassion
6 Methods of Curriculum co-curriculum and Peace activities should conduct
imparting peace extracurricular activities, teacher in school. More stress on
education training both in-service and pre- practical work rather than
service theoretical work More emphasis
on use of media and technology
7 The Role of The schools support students who Student’s centered methods favor
Educational in understand conflicts dynamics in cooperation and group work
Establishing Peace order to empower them with rather than individualistic
communication skill to manage non- competitive learning in order to
violently relationship at School. promote peace at school.
Mediation is another way that can be
used to resolve disputes
8 How included No separate period for peace No separate subject the
In the education Involve students in components of peace education
Curriculum learning Issues of conflicts and must be amalgamated in the
Violence, skills, behaviours and existing curriculum, peace
“dispositions from the Classroom components Should be identified
climate, which is established by the in The adjusting curriculum.
way a teacher structures the lesson.
9 How it is Peace club, conference, seminars, Peace club, conference, seminars,
imparted in celebration of important days, celebration of important days,
co-curriculum conducting yoga classes, morning conducting yoga classes, morning
assembly etc. assembly, meditation etc
10 What impact on Good citizen managing conflicts in Learn respect give respect to
children can be the life can solve problem and face elders protect Indian traditions
expected from peace challenges in the society learn and cultures obeys the laws does
education? respects Learn decision-making no harm to anybody Have
thing critically and act assertively tolerant power working for
dualistically enlighten not corrupt or national integration
does not accept abribe.

VOLUME :06 Special Issue 05 Paper id-IJIERM-VI-V, September 2019
Peer reviewed and RefeReed JouRnal, (ICIR- 2019)

Themes emerged after the analyses of the and skill of problem-solving is viewed by
definition provided by the participants are maximum no of teachers. All the above
presented below in a frequency based are included in the objectives which peace
sequence. Participated teachers defined education intends to achieve. About 73
the concept of peace in relation with the teachers said that Values and attitudes
following words; Love (132), respect (115, related to Human Rights and Democracy
understanding (118), absence of violence topics should include in secondary
(142), tolerance (79), solidarity (54), education curriculum the sub-topics may
happiness (138), conscience (126), be Dignity, Equality, Justice, Protection of
reconcilement (12), trust(62), and the Rights of all peoples, Participation,
harmony (121), truth (127) unity (97) Freedom of speech and expression,
absence of conflicts(89). Ms. Das said, Freedom of belief. Similarly, most of the
“Happiness comes to my mind when I parents are said that Love of peace and
think of peace. Tolerance and harmony interdependence Conflict
understanding are components of peace. resolution by peaceful means, Mutual
There is no injustice. Concerning understanding, co-operation and respect
individual peace, nearly all participants among individuals and societies should be
(117) stated that individual peace meant included in school curriculum. Following
to be at peace with oneself. Other are related sub-themes: being well-
participants perceptions were loving equipped about peace education (3), being
people, being tolerant (15), knowing one’s tolerant and democratic (6), respecting
rights, respecting others rights (7), and differences (1), loving and respecting self
being unselfish (5). From the above and others (1), being fair (2), and being
analysis, it is found that peace means, presentable, and having leadership
good feeling, living in harmony, relax, qualities and world knowledge (1). Almost
compassion, absence of violence, beauty, all the participants stated that they had
love, cooperation and etc. Teachers and most of the fore mentioned qualities, but
parents were asked if they had known still, they needed peace education. A
anything about the concept of peace renowned philosopher Krisnamurti (1988)
education earlier, and what this concept emphasize that teachers should be
meant to them. Approximately, all of the trained in a way that leads to
teachers (137) answered that they had understanding of the whole life process
never heard anything about it. All the for a proper education.
parents are said that they are not known
about peace education, they heard it first 5. CONCLUSION
time from the researcher while asking 1. In total 39% teachers were belongs to
about what is the meaning of peace 25-30 years age group. 35% teachers
education most of the teachers (136) are are in the age group of 31-40 years,
opined that peace education means 17 % teachers are in the age group of
knowledge about peace 84 teachers are 41-50 years and 9% teachers are
also opined that it means values and above 50 years.
attitude of peace, Teachers are also 2. With respect to qualification of the
interviewed for the need of peace teacher 34% teachers were trained
education in secondary school.Youth graduate , 35% teachers are post
mass is engaged with a different type of graduate only one percent teacher
conflicts and violence because of having Ph.D. qualification and 30 %
adolescence period so students will know teachers having other qualification.
about how to manage conflicts and live a 3. In total 35% teachers are having 0-5
peace full life is the answer of 87 teachers years of teaching experience and a
of the entire sample district. Students few percentages of teachers having
must know the different type of skills above 20 years of teaching
which peace education will give the experience.
knowledge of communication skill, active 4. It is found that in all most all the
listening, self-expression ability to students agreed that the physical
cooperate, affirmation, critical thinking violence is commonly seen among the

VOLUME :06 Special Issue 05 Paper id-IJIERM-VI-V, September 2019
Peer reviewed and RefeReed JouRnal, (ICIR- 2019)

secondary school students of West superiority of some classes,

Bengal, it is in the form of Threats of preferential treatment of certain
physical assault, bullying Physical students by the teacher's difference of
assault (shoving, hitting, fist fights), the social cultural background are
Physical assault with a weapon the common poses of conflicts among
(knife, razor), Physical assault with a secondary school students.
Stick. 12. A high percentage of students are
5. Schools are plagued with Verbal also agreed that limited resource,
aggression like Teasing, Verbal different target goal among students,
Assault (name calling, cursing), reward of individuals, the
Verbal Threat to harm, Verbal Threat dictatorship of the teachers is the
to kill self or others, Verbal Abuse poses conflicts among the students.
regarding race or sexual orientation, 13. Most of the teachers agreed that poor
Gossip and rumor which was also supervision by school authorities peer
agreed by the almost all the students group influence, lack of interest in
of sample district. school, students dislike of teachers,
6. Most of the students are agreed that teachers attitude to work, home
verbal comments are seen among the background of students, parental
secondary school students, similarly influence, day dreaming, adolescent
56% students agreed that physical period of the students, exposure of
threats and 81% students agreed violent films, lack of recreational
molestation activities are done by facilities, strike action of teachers,
secondary school students. absence of teachers from the
7. Vandalism is also seen among classroom, lack of guidance and
secondary school students different counseling, lack dedication of
activities like Vandalism of school teachers, use of mobile phones, and
property, theft of school property, attraction to opposite sex is the cause
Vandalism and theft of personal of violence and conflicts in secondary
property, theft of friends school box, schools.
geometry box etc. are seen among the 14. All most all the parents agreed with
students which were agreed by most the above statement which is agreed
of the secondary school students. by teachers are the common cause of
8. A Very high percentage of students violence and conflicts. While most of
agreed that social exclusion and the parents stress on the statement
social intimidation are also seen that uses of mobile phones and
among the students. Hazing and impact of bad movies are the
religion/casteism is also a common disturbing students to do violent acts
type of violence in secondary and conflicts.
students. 15. It was evident during all the Focus
9. Almost all the students agreed that Group discussions with students,
teacher’s activities like corporal parents and teachers schools are
punishment insulting students in the plagued with four type violence i.e.
classroom, using abusive words in physical, sexual, verbal and mental.
the classroom and partiality nature of It is also found that family
the teachers also create violence dysfunction, poverty; media, mental
among students. illness, low academic achievement are
10. A very high percentage of students the common cause of conflicts and
agreed that there are five types of violence.
conflicts seen among the secondary 16. With respect to peace education,
schools. intrapersonal, interpersonal, most of the participants agreed that
inter-group, inter-group and the education can play a vital role in
individual and the organization. mitigating the conflicts and violence
11. A high percentage of students agreed i.e. in the form of peace education. It
that discrimination from the top is a pedagogical effort to nurturing
students (captain, perfect) feeling of students about peace.

VOLUME :06 Special Issue 05 Paper id-IJIERM-VI-V, September 2019
Peer reviewed and RefeReed JouRnal, (ICIR- 2019)

17. In FGD it was found that growth, specially with parents in the
duty, violence, unity, compassion, curriculum sector national harmony
love, respect, understanding, and co- democratic principles, human rights,
operation are the components of gender equity, environmental
peace. These components should be conservation, justice, practical skills,
included in the school curriculum is and social responsibility, ideas
History, English, Bengali, should be included.
mathematics and science. 21. Most of the parents and teachers
18. All most all the parents and teachers stress that peace education means
viewed that it is not necessary to Knowledge about peace, it means how
design curricula for implementation to live in a peaceful life. It fosters
of peace education in schools, or to values attitudes skills among the
allocate specific time period in the students. Peace education embraces
timetable. Peace concept should skill building among the students. It
permeate the whole curriculum as empowers students to creative and
well as being represented in the live non destructive ways to settle
competency, citizenship education, conflicts to live in harmony with
and governance curriculum, problem themselves, others and their world.
solving, creative thinking and critical 22. With respect to the component of
thinking can be emphasized and peace Education, most of the
accessed in every subject of the teachers and parents are viewed that
curriculum. The teacher education truth nonviolence, unity ,tolerance,
curriculum must be stressing the justice, equality, liberty ,humanism,
above skills so that teacher must spirituality, freedom, speech of
acquire the knowledge of the peace expression, self-awareness self-
education. respect, empathy and compassion
19. In the NGO members it is found that components should be included in
peace education is the each about the the curriculum.
alternative of violence, peace 23. All the stakeholders are viewed that
education should include peace education should be imparted
nonviolence, human rights, human in curricular, co curricular and
security, culture of peace, history, extracurricular ways, also teacher
religion, political dimension, training and research on peace
emotional dimension, ecological education will be strengthened.
violence, national integration, 24. Peace education builds respect, love,
international understanding, and caring, kindness, forgiveness, joy,
philosophy of great thinkers. empathy, confidentiality, listening,
20. All most all the administrator of acceptance, honesty and trust. It will
education sector in district level create a population of neighbors
suggest that though it is a new rather than war managers. Building a
concept the teacher should trend on culture of peace will play a role in
this pedagogy as well as teachers creating peaceful schools so every
must have the skills and ability child can learn and achieve his/her
manage the learning environment, potential. Building a culture of peace
teachers, Peace education programme will play a role in fostering peace
with schools will be implemented with within families. Family members will
activities like establishment of peace learn peaceful means of resolving
club, seminars, organization of family conflicts that otherwise.
seminars and conferences, inclusion Building a culture of peace will play a
of shanty geet in morning assembly, role in creating sustainable, peaceful
celebration of birthdays, celebration communities as individuals who
of national importance days, acquire a culture of peace will be
organizing peace march, community committed to peace.
works, sharing of ideas etc. and
discussions with communities

VOLUME :06 Special Issue 05 Paper id-IJIERM-VI-V, September 2019
Peer reviewed and RefeReed JouRnal, (ICIR- 2019)

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VOLUME :06 Special Issue 05 Paper id-IJIERM-VI-V, September 2019

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