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Source: Danielle Stein Fairhurst (2019).

Using excel for business and financial

modelling: A practical guide. Third edition.

Shortcuts for general windows

Alt + tab to switch program;

Ctrl + tab to switch workbooks;

Alt + F4 to close program;

(check whether your computer has a FN key, next to ctrl. If yes, then you
need to press FN as well for the function keys F1-F12).

Ctrl + N for a new workbook;

Shift + F11 for a new worksheet;

Ctrl + W to close worksheet;

Alt + E + L to delete a sheet;

Alt + W + F + F to freeze (and un-freeze) panes;

Alt + W + Q to zoom in or zoom out.

Navigating in excel

Arrows keys: Use them to move around;

Ctrl + pg up/ down to switch worksheets;

Ctrl + arrow keys to go to end of continuous range and select cell;

Shift + arrow keys to select a range;

Shift + ctrl + arrow to select a continuous range;

Home to move to the beginning of the line;

Ctrl + home to move to cell “A1”;

Shift + enter to move to the cell above;

Tab to move to cell to the right;

Shift + tab to move to cell to the left;

Alt + down arrow to display a drop down list.

Editing in excel

Ctrl + S to save your workbook;

Ctrl + C to copy;

Ctrl + V to paste;

Ctrl + X to cut;

Ctrl + Z to undo;

Ctrl + Y to redo;

Ctrl + A to select all;

Ctrl + R to copy the far left cell across the range. You can set this range with
holding “shift”;

Ctrl + D to copy the top cell down the range. You can set this range with
holding “shift”;

Ctrl + B for bold;

Ctrl + 9 to hide row;

Shift + ctrl + 9 to un-hide row;

Shift + spacebar to highlight row (and ctrl + shift and + for another row);

Ctrl + spacebar to highlight column (and ctrl + shift and + for another

Ctrl + minus sign to delete selected cells.

Shortcuts for formulas in excel

F2 (or ctrl + ‘) to edit a formula/ showing precedent cells;

Alt + enter to start a new line in the same cell;

Shift + arrow to highlight within cells;

F4 change absolute referencing (“$”);

Esc to cancel a cell entry;

= to start a formula;

Alt + = to automatic sum selected cells;

Ctrl + ‘ to copy formula from above cell;

Ctrl + ~ to show formulas;

F9 to recalculate all workbooks.

Checking your work in excel

Alt + M + P to trace immediate precedents;

Alt + M + D to trace immediate dependents;

Alt + M + A + A to remove tracing arrows;

Ctrl + [ to highlight precedent cells;

Ctrl + ] to highlight dependent cells;

F5 + enter to go back to the original cell (for example after you jumped back
with “ctrl + [“);

Shift + ctrl + { to trace all precedents;

Shift + ctrl + } to trace all dependents.

Formatting you cells

Ctrl + 1 for the format box;

Alt + H + 0 to increase decimal;

Alt + H + 9 to decrease decimal;

Shift + ctrl + ~ for a general format;

Shift + ctrl + ! for a number format;

Shift + ctrl + # for a date format;

Shift + ctrl + $ for a currency format;

Shift + ctrl + % for a percentage format;

Alt + H + H to color a cell;

Alt + H + O + I to fit width to cell;

Alt + I + R to insert a row;

Alt + I + C to insert a column;

Alt + H + B + A to add a border.

Source: Danielle Stein Fairhurst (2019). Using excel for business and financial
modelling: A practical guide. Third edition.
J.J.P. (Joris) Kersten MSc BSc RAB (1980) is owner of “Kersten Corporate
Finance” in The Netherlands, and this is an independent M&A boutique
(Mergers & Acquisitions) in consulting on M&As and valuations of medium
sized companies.

Joris performs business valuations, prepares pitch books, searches and selects
candidate buyers and/ or sellers, organises financing for takeovers and
negotiates M&A transactions in a LOI and later in a share purchase agreement
(in cooperation with (tax) lawyers).

Moreover, Joris is associated to ‘AMT Training London’ for which he provides

training in Corporate Finance & Financial Modelling at leading (“bulge
bracket”) investment banks in New York, London and Hong Kong.

And Joris is associated to the ‘Leoron Institute Dubai’ for which he provides
finance training at leading investment banks and institutions in the Arab
States of the Gulf. This for example at Al Jazira Capital in Saudi Arabia and
TAQA in Saudi Arabia.

In addition, Joris provides lecturing in Corporate Finance & Accounting at

leading Universities like: Nyenrode University Breukelen, TIAS Business School
Utrecht, the Maastricht School of Management (MSM), the Luxembourg School
of Business and SP Jain School of Global Management in Sydney.

Moreover, he provides lecturing at partner Universities of MSM in: Peru,

Surinam, Mongolia and Kuwait. And at partner Universities of SP Jain in Dubai,
Mumbai and Singapore.

Joris graduated in MSc Strategic Management and BSc Business Studies, both
from Tilburg University. In addition, he is (cum laude) graduated as
“Registered Advisor Business Acquisitions” (RAB), a 1-year study in the legal
and tax aspects of M&A’s.

Currently Joris is following the “Executive Master of Business Valuation” to

obtain his title as “Registered Valuator” (RV) given out by the “Netherlands
Institute for Registered Valuators” (NIRV). This title will enable Joris to give
out business valuation judgements in for example court cases.

Website M&A consulting:

Website M&A and Valuation Training:
Full bio on Linkedin:

Team Kersten CF:

Office Uden/ The Netherlands

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