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What is the Open Cursor Command Function?

When the OPEN cursor command is used to open a cursor, it performs the following operations:

 Set aside a processing memory region

 Paese the statement SELECT
 Use the memory addresses to assign values to input variables
 Recognize the active set of rows that meet the selection criteria
 Place the pointer exactly before the active set’s first row

How to Delete a Trigger?

To delete a trigger, you need to use the command DROP TRIGGER.

What are the Advantages of Stored Procedures?

Stored procedures have various advantages to help you design sophisticated database systems. Some
of the advantages of stored procedures as listed below:

 Better performance
 Higher productivity
 Ease of use
 Increased scalability
 Interoperability
 Advance security
 Replication

What are the Various Types of Schema Objects that can be Created by

There are various types of schema objects that are created by PL/SQL. Some of them are mentioned

 Stored procedures, packages, and functions

 Object tables, object types, and object views
 Database triggers
 Database links
 Cursors
 Table
 View

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