SQL Interview Question 4

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What is the Advantage of Implicit Records?

Implicit records are handy since they do not require hard-coded descriptions. Because implicit records are
based on database table records, any changes to the database table records will be reflected in the implicit
records automatically.

What are the Ways of Commenting in PL/SQL?

In PL/SQL, comments help readability by describing the purpose and function of code portions. Two
types of comments are available in PL/SQL. They are as follows:

 Single-line Comments: Single-line comments start with a double hyphen (- -) at the beginning of a line
and go all the way to the conclusion.
 Multi-line Comments: Multi-line comments start with a slash-asterisk (/*) and terminate with an asterisk-
slash (*/), and they can span across several lines.

What is %TYPE?

The %TYPE property is used to declare a column in a table that includes the value of that column. The
variable’s data type is the same as the table’s column.

What is %ROWTYPE?

The %ROWTYPE property is used to declare a variable that contains the structure of the records in a table.
The variable’s data type is the same as the table’s columns.

Differentiate between a Temporary Tablespace and a Permanent


A temporary tablespace is used to store temporary items such as sort structures, while a permanent tablespace
is used to store things that will be used as the database’s genuine objects.

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