Learning Nest: Shivam Dumbare, Sarang Suryawanshi, Siddhant Kadam, Pratik Gulave

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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:03/Issue:07/July-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com

Shivam Dumbare*1, Sarang Suryawanshi*2, Siddhant Kadam*3, Pratik Gulave*4
*1,2,3,4Information Tech, NDMVP’S KBT COE, Nashik,422013, India.
Learning Nest is the new web-application created as Learning Resource Management that will help both the
students and the teachers to simplify the process of assignment submission. A web application is created as
well using the Python Django framework for all type of users using devices such as IOS, Android, Laptop’s and
for the easy access for the admin as well as teachers. The goal of our project is to strengthen this interaction
between students and teachers, by solving the problem of availability, ease of access, proper validation, and
most importantly the proper and constant feedback to the students without any stressful situations to the staff
that they used to undergo with the traditional system.
Keywords: Online Assignment Submission, Web-Application, Learning Resource Management, Quiz
Today college campus needs modern solution for information availability, transfer, and reception for both staff
and students and to provide easy access and availability to the information that is provided. In order to achieve
this goal, we created ‘Learning Nest’ Android and web application that has a pleasing user interface that
everyone can work with easily and features like easy assignment upload, give quizzes online as and when they
are published by the staff, place to write the blogs that will enhance the student’s ability to write relevant,
meaningful and knowledgeable content that will help both the students and staff to verify the ability of that
particular student to write original content and at the same time sharing valuable knowledge with our
colleagues. Traditionally, for coursework submission the student needed to physically reach-out to staff’s office
based on their availability and then ask them to verify if the assignment done was valid or not. This was not a
problem when possibly a handful of students needed to visit the staff, however as the number of students
visiting staff increased, the problem of availability of staff and proper feedback to student based on the
assignment submitted aroused, as the staff becomes unable to be available for each and every student and
check the assignment with proper concentration and then verify it, as the task had became hectic. Another
problem of physical space needed to store the assignment submitted, keeping records of students that were
unable to provide the coursework on-time, and then manually asking them the reason. This task becomes hectic
and laborious and does not allow the staff to provide proper time to student, also this damages the bond
between teacher and student interaction. The goal of our project is to strengthen this interaction between
students and teachers, by solving the problem of availability, ease of access, proper validation, and most
importantly the proper and constant feedback to the students without any stressful situations to the staff that
they used to undergo with the traditional system.
The system proposed to solve the problem is an Web-application named ‘Learning Nest’ that has features such
as online assignment access and upload, as and when uploaded by the staff, similarly give the quiz online
related to subject’s units or sub-units, to understand whether the student has grasped the concepts well or is
unable to do so and needs staff’s attention. The student will first need to create an account and enroll in the
coursework and year that he is involved in. Once this is done, he is able to access the assignments uploaded by
staff, view study material sorted by units and sub units in the form of PDF documents, images, videos. The staff
can upload quiz that were single and multiple choice questions. For the web application, a proper dashboard is
provided to understand the total no. of students enrolled in a particular course, information of teacher assigned
to particular course, etc.

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:03/Issue:07/July-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com


1. Hardware Requirement:
a) Operating System: Windows OS.
b) Processor: Intel Atom Z250 Processor Z2520 1.2 GHz, or faster processor
c) Storage: Between 850 MB and 1.2 GB, depending on the language version.
d) RAM: Minimum of 512 MB, 2 GB is recommended
2. Software Requirement:
a) Programming Language: Python Django Web-Framework, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
c) Database: MySQL Database
3. Algorithm:
a) The algorithm used in this web application is AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). This algorithm is used
for authentication purpose by the Python Django framework.
The dashboard has a easy and understandable UI with colour combinations taken that are soothing for eyes.
The dashboard provides important information, along-with the pie charts that show the information
graphically and change dynamically as and when the data changes in the system. Following information is
provided in the dashboard:
1. Total number of students and staff enrolled in the application.
2. Total courses and subjects that are inserted in the system.
3. Pie charts represent this data graphically:
 Student and staff chart.
 Total subject in each course/department.
 Total students enrolled in each course.
 Total student in each subject.

Figure 1: Dashboard

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:03/Issue:07/July-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com

Figure 2: Login and Signup

Login or Sign-up page
Manage Staff
In this section the admin can add/delete staff. The following fields are required to add/edit the staff
1. Email Address
2. Password
3. First & Last Name
4. Username
5. Address

Figure 3: Manage staff

Manage Student
In this section the admin can add/delete students. The following field’s are required to add/edit the staff
1. Email
2. Password
3. First/Last Name
4. Username
5. Address
6. Course and Session Year
7. Profile Picture

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:03/Issue:07/July-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com

Figure 4: Manage Student

Add Quiz : In this section of the project, you enter the course name and the session year that you are in, then
manually enter questions and their possible options, after that you give the correct answer for the question.
Similarly you enter all other questions. For total marks you enter the marks for each individual question.
Solve Quiz: The quiz is then viewable at the student end of the application, and then the student can give the
quiz. At the end the student is able to view his score for the quiz.

Figure 5: Manage Quiz

Notification Module
The admin can send notification to the staff and student. In this module the admin can send the message to the

Figure 6: Notification Module

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:03/Issue:07/July-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
We have come to a conclusion that the propose system will not only help in the automation to the college, but
will also help to digitize the system and in turn help to deploy resources efficiently. In this pandemic situation
our education system needs this type of modern solutions to handle the increasing needs of both staff and
students. Also the staff is able to communicate properly with students regarding assignments and solving
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[3] Davies.P, Hansen.S, Salter.G, Simpson.K,( 1999). Online assessment with large classes: issues,
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[4] Dawson-Howe, K. (1995). Automatic submission and administration of programming assignments.
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[5] DeLoughry, T. J,(1995). Well-appointed web pages, Chronicle of Advanced education, 41, (37), A19- 21,
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[6] http://www.wcrl.ars.usda.gov/download/itquiz.zip.
[7] http://wcrl.ars.usda.gov/cec/udt/exam-f.htm
[8] http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/0073052337/student_view0/chapter2/multiple_choice_

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