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This is a step by step look at how we, at Experience Dental Studio, build a porcelain fused to gold crown with

a 180
degree porcelain margin.  The final shade of the crown is A3.  The porcelain and opaque used was d.Sign brand, by
Ivoclar Vivadent.
Coping in Wax Form

Coping after casting and finessed to final workable coping 

Coping Opaqued in A3 d.Sign Opaque 

Porcelain margin is applied
Margin Results after 1st bake

A thin layer of Margin A3 is applied to fill in any porcelain shrinking that may have occured during the 1st
margin bake

Margin results after the 2nd bake
A3 Deep Dentin is applied all around the gingival 1/3 to block out any gingival opaque show through

A3 Body is then applied over the entire coping and built into occlusion with the opposing teeth

A slight incisal cutback of roughly .5-.75 mm depending on available room is necessary to make room for
incisal layering. 

A thin layer of d.Sign Transpa Neutral is applied to the incisal and marginal ridge areas around the entire
occlusal table

Incisal TS-1 and TS-2 are layered on the entire crown alternating between the TS-1 and TS-2 pulling the
incisal porcelain almost to the margin

d.Sign Deep Dentin B3 is applied to the occlusal floor of the crown to create the warmth of the natural tooth

A3 Body is applied to the primary plane ridges.  This will help defuse the color of the Deep Dentin B3

Results of the 1st bake

Final body build up is done with d.Sign Incisal TS-1.  TS-1 is also used to fix any cracks on the occlusal and
used to stack in the secondary anatomy
Results of 2nd bake, prior to final contouring

Restoration after final contouring

 Final restoration after glaze and polish have been completed

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