Motivational Letter by Mirlanova Dayana

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Motivational Letter

As a young girl growing up in Kyrgyzstan, I never imagined that I would one day pursue a
degree in information technology. However, that all changed when I had a dedicated and
passionate teacher who opened my eyes to the wonderful world of IT and the endless
possibilities it holds. From that moment on, I knew that this was the field I wanted to study and
the career I wanted to pursue.

My childhood was filled with a love for problem-solving and an interest in how things worked.
This curiosity and love for understanding the inner workings of things laid a strong foundation for
my interest in IT. I was always drawn to the logic and problem-solving required in technology
and how it can be applied to make our lives more efficient and better. This early interest in
technology, problem-solving and understanding how things work set the stage for my desire to
pursue IT field.

It was my primary school teacher who sparked my interest in IT was truly a remarkable
individual. They had a unique ability to make complex concepts accessible and understandable,
and they always went above and beyond to ensure that their students had a solid understanding
of the material. Their enthusiasm and passion for the subject were contagious, and they truly
made me excited about the possibilities of IT. They gave me a glimpse of the potential of
technology to change the world, and I knew that I wanted to be a part of that change. I am
grateful for the guidance and mentorship they provided, they truly opened my eyes to the
wonderful world of IT and set me on the path to pursuing a degree in the field.

Then, my interest in IT began to blossom in high school, where I took my first computer science
class. I was immediately captivated by the logic and problem-solving that was required in order
to write a simple program. It was like a puzzle that needed to be solved and I was determined to
figure it out. That was the first step to my interest, my journey started and I knew that I wanted to
pursue a career in IT.

As I progressed through my education, I realized that in order to truly excel in the field of IT, I
needed to pursue higher education in a place that is at the forefront of technological innovation.
This is why I have decided to apply to universities in the United States.

I understand that studying in the United States will be a significant challenge, but I am confident
that I have the determination and drive to succeed. I am excited about the opportunity to learn
from some of the brightest minds in the field and to be part of a community of innovators and

My ultimate goal is to use the knowledge and experience I gain in the United States to improve
the IT field in my homeland, Kyrgyzstan. The country is in the process of modernizing and
developing, and I believe that technology can play a crucial role in this process. I intend to
return to Kyrgyzstan after completing my degree and work towards bringing cutting-edge
technology and innovative solutions to my country.
In conclusion, I am confident that pursuing a degree in IT in the United States will not only help
me reach my full potential as a technology professional but also allow me to make a meaningful
contribution to the development of my homeland. I am excited about the opportunity to learn
from the best, and I am determined to use my education and experience to make a positive
impact on the world.

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