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 Hasn’t been defined authoritatively

 Different interpretations
 Philosophy and instrument of social organisation
 Democracy
o A system of government where whole population/ eligible
members of state is being elected by their representatives
 Socialism
o a hat that lost its shape because everyone wants to wear it
(criticism of democracy)- Prof. Joad
o different perspectives
o Andrew Heywood- core elements are community,
cooperation, equality, and common ownership
 Objectives of Democracy
o political system for choosing representatives of choice
through elections
o protection of the rights of citizens (FRs, writs- 34 and 226)
o rule of law, equality before law
 Objectives of Socialism
o eliminate disease, ignorance, poverty, hunger, etc.
o limit property and privilege- doesn’t support individual
o enrichment- spirituality, etc.
o all citizens to be treated on basis of equity and fairness
o class politics
 Socialism
o derived from Latin word ‘sociare’- to combine or to share
o early 1830 onwards
o Socialism v Communism
 socialism has concept of private and public property,
communism doesn’t encourage private property
 aggressive approach to achieve goals in communism,
socialism is less rigid and flexible
o different types of socialism
 Utopian
 given by St. Simon, Robert Owen (British)-
establishment of collective community in New
Harmony in USA, Charles Fourier (French)-
Phalanstère Street (village) and production was
 ideal concept rather than ideal
 remotely possible only in small societies
 Revolutionary/ Scientific
 coined in 1840 by Proudhon who wrote ‘Property
is Theft’
 a society that is to be ruled by a scientific
government i.e., one whose sovereignty rests
upon reason and a rationality
 Friedrich Engels- reformist society (gradual/
eventual), radical society (drastic/ revolution)
 tilts towards radical views
 destruction of capitalism, since it leans of Marx’s
 class struggle
 Fabianism
 1884

 advocated gradual change to socialism rather
than a revolutionary overthrow
 George Bernard Shaw, Sidney Webb, Annie
Besant, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
 Syndicalism
 under revolutionary socialism
 given by George Sorel
 transferring ownership or means of production to
workers’ unions
 Labour party in France, National Confederation of
Labourers in Spain, Free workers’ union of
 Evolutionary
 Guild
o G.D.H. Cole
o people from same profession to take care of
their own common interests
 Euro-Communism
 Neo-Marxism
 Democratic Socialism
o Pros
 Abolishment of Varna system
 Universal healthcare
 Access of free market (LPG)
o Cons
 disinterest of work in individuals
 powerful unions
o Indian Perspective
 DPSP- Part V of the Constitution of India

 Article 38
 Preamble
 Article 39
 social, economic, and political justice are democratic
ideals that can be achieved through democratic
 Views of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
 ending poverty
 removal of barriers of growth and barriers
 providing opportunities for growth on equal
 mixed economy
 as per SC, principle of socialism is to eliminate
inequality of income and provide equal footings of
standards of life
 Samatha v State of Andhra Pradesh

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