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Know Which Vitamin Helps In Blood Clotting

Coagulation, or blood clotting, is an integral process in the body. If you have landed on this page
searching which vitamin helps in blood clotting, you will get your answer right away! It is
vitamin K!

It can also be considered a top vitamin for blood circulation in the legs. Continue reading to
know about how this vitamin helps in blood clotting and all related facts!

Pay Attention To Food Labels To Keep Your Vitamin K

Intake Consistent
Vitamin K foods can be included in your diet on a regular basis as long as you are mindful of the
portion and keep the overall intake of vitamin K-rich foods consistent, says .

For instance, you can choose to have a vitamin K rich food every day, every week, or three times
in a week as long as you keep this portion and frequency consistent, she says.

If necessary, you can discuss including regular sources of vitamin K in your diet with your
doctor in case your warfarin dosage would need to be adjusted, she adds. You will want to tell
your physician how often you eat foods high in vitamin K and how much of those foods you eat.
Being knowledgeable about vitamin K is a key to managing it in your diet.

There are a variety of vegetables that contain lower amounts of vitamin K. These include:

 Tomatoes.
 Sweet potatoes.
 Squash .

Iceberg lettuce is low and romaine is also fairly low, so most people can eat either if them daily.
In addition, be sure to read labels on multivitamins as they have varying amounts of vitamin K.
Talk to your doctor about what vitamins you should take.

 Foods with more than 100 mcg per serving:

 ½ cup of cooked kale
 ½ cup of cooked spinach
 ½ cup of cooked collard greens
 1 cup of cooked broccoli
 1 cup of cooked brussels sprouts
 1 cup of raw collard greens
 1 cup of raw spinach
 1 cup of raw endive

 Foods with 50 to 100 mcg per serving:

 1 cup of raw broccoli
 ½ cup of cooked cabbage
 1 cup of green leaf lettuce
 1 cup of romaine lettuce
 Foods with 15 to 50 mcg per serving:
 4 spears of asparagus
 1 medium kiwi fruit
 1 cup of raw blackberries or blueberries
 1 cup of red or green grapes
 ½ cup of cooked peas

Examples of supplements which may reduce warfarin’s ability to thin the blood include
vitamin K, ginseng, St. John’s wort, and, in very high doses, green tea. CoQ10 is chemically
similar to vitamin K2 and may also decrease the effects of warfarin, although the evidence for
this is mixed.

Additionally, can you take vitamin C with blood thinners? Warfarin — There have been rare
reports of vitamin C interfering with the effectiveness of this blood-thinning medication.
However, if you take warfarin or another blood thinner, talk to your doctor before taking
vitamin C or any other supplement.

Likewise, people ask, which vitamins are blood thinners?

Vitamin E reduces blood clotting in a few different ways. These effects depend on the amount
of vitamin E that a person takes.4.Vitamin E

What supplements should not be taken with warfarin?

Common supplements that can interact with warfarin include:

 Coenzyme Q10

 Avoid These 15 Foods If Your Blood Is

Too Thin
 Reviewed By:
 Pramod Kerkar, M.D., FFARCSI, DA
 Blood in an individual can be thinner than normal for a number of reasons and one of the
main concerns with this issue is the danger of bleeding to death in case of injury. People
with unusually thin blood or people taking anticoagulants; which are medications
commonly known as blood thinners, need to avoid certain foods that are known to further
thin out the blood.

 Avoid These 15 Foods If Your Blood Is Too Thin

 The 15 natural blood thinners to avoid when your blood is already too thin; are as listed
 Green Tea Leaves
 Green tea is a naturally occurring blood thinner that might not be for everyone.
Individuals who have been prescribed and take a regular dose of Warfarin, which is a
pharmaceutical blood thinner, should avoid drinking green tea due to its blood thinning
properties. This also includes individuals who have a medical condition characterized by
thin blood, such as hemophilia. Aspirin and green tea is also a deadly combination in
some cases, as they prevent blood from clotting and may result in unabated bleeding after
an accident.
 Salmon
 Fishes such as salmon, mackerel and tuna are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are
mostly known for their health benefits. But for people with thin blood, these fishes can
cause greater harm and can further prevent blood from clotting in the aftermath of an
accident. This can lead to profuse and possibly fatal bleeding.
 Red Wine
 Red wine is technically a beverage, but makes an important part of the diet of certain
people who like to drink a glass or two of wine with their meals. This may not be the best
idea for those suffering from conditions, such as hemophilia which causes excessively
thin blood. Red wine has blood thinning properties that have been proven by various
studies and needs to be avoided by people whose blood is too thin.
 Cinnamon
 Cinnamon, which is a very effective anticoagulant, is best left out of the diet of
individuals who are afflicted by conditions characterized by thin blood and who are
taking anticoagulant medications. Long term and excessive use of cinnamon can also lead
to damaged liver, which is another reason to use this spice sparingly.
 Turmeric
 Turmeric is a food colorant and spice used in kitchens in many parts of the world;
however, it is best avoided by people who have blood that is too thin or are on
pharmaceutical blood thinners like Warfarin.
 Almonds
 Delicious and rich with vitamin E; the downside of almonds and its high vitamin E
content is most evident in people with dangerously thin blood. Vitamin E is a powerful
anticoagulant and can impair blood clotting when it is most needed and hence should be
avoided by people with thin blood or who are taking anticoagulant medications.
 Cayenne Peppers
 The high content of salicylates in cayenne peppers have a pronounced blood thinning
effect, which is definitively detrimental to individuals with abnormally thin blood or
those who are on prescribed blood thinning medications.
 Ginger
 Ginger is a widely available spice used in food all over the world, but this popular root is
best avoided by people with thin blood. Ginger contains acetyl salicylic acid, which is a
blood thinning agent also found in aspirin.
 Garlic
 While garlic has been long known to reduce blood pressure, it can be dangerous to those
with abnormally thin blood because of its effectiveness as a blood thinning agent.
 Olive Oil
 Olive oil is well known as a healthy cooking oil and salad dressing oil with an abundance
of antioxidants that prevent inflammation; however, these are the same properties that
make olive oil an effective blood thinning dietary addition proving to be detrimental to
people having blood that is already too thin.
 Pineapple
 Pineapple is a highly-favored tropical fruit, imported all over the world. However, the
blood thinning properties of pineapple have been studied closely and this fruit has proven
to be detrimental to those with blood conditions primarily characterized by thin blood.
 Ginseng
 Ginseng is considered a miracle root with the ability to cure a wide range of ailments in
Asian herbal medicine. This could very well be true, but studies have proven without a
doubt that Ginseng is a blood thinning agent that might not be suitable for consumption
by people with thin blood or people who are taking anticoagulant medicines.
 Chamomile Tea
 Chamomile tea is widely touted for its calming effect and for being a rich source of
antioxidants; however, this popular beverage is also a blood thinner that may not be
suitable for all, especially people who have thin blood or those on anticoagulant
 Kelp
 Kelp and other edible seaweeds are naturally occurring blood thinners. Doctors will
almost always advice you to avoid kelp if your blood is too thin or you have been
prescribed pharmaceutical anticoagulants.
 Aspirin
 Aspirin may not be a food, but is a popular over the counter medication used to treat
headaches. Aspirin is known to negate blood clotting and is best avoided by people with
hemophilia and other conditions characterized by thin blood.

7. Bleeding Disorders

In rare cases, green tea can trigger bleeding disorders (11). Compounds in green tea decrease
levels of fibrinogen, a protein that helps clot blood. Green tea also prevents the oxidation of fatty
acids, which can lead to thinner blood consistency. If you suffer from a blood clotting disorder,
avoid drinking green tea.

Green tea contains antioxidants that hinder the iron absorption in the human body. A meta-analysis
showed that this side effect can be a particularly dangerous for people who suffer from anemia or other
disease where iron deficiency is present (6). One case study found that green tea caused anemia in a 48
year old businessman who consumed 1500 milliliters (6 cups) of green tea every weekday for years (7).
To avoid this side effect, add lemon to your tea. The vitamin C in lemon promotes iron absorption,
counteracting this side effect. Alternatively, you can consume gren tea one hour before or after a meal.
This gives your body time to absorb iron without the inhibition caused by tannins. As a precaution, avoid
green tea if you have anemia.

9. Irregular Heartbeat and Blood Pressure

Some small studies show that green tea may cause irregular heartbeat. This side effect is rare and
more research is needed to examine the exact compounds behind the heart rate increase. While
research shows that drinking tea can help lower blood pressure, some studies have shown that
green tea may still effect blood pressure in certain individuals. One study found that green tea
raised blood pressure due to the presence of caffeine (13). Another study found that drinking
green tea may interfere with certain blood pressure medications including Corgard (14). If you
suffer from heart disease, seek medical advice from your healthcare professional before
consuming green tea.

Green Tea and Blood Clots

Several green tea and blood clots studies found that drinking tea cuts clotting risk.

Thrombosis is a leading cause of heart disease and stroke.

Green tea acts like aspirin and blocks the formation of thromboxane A2, thus reducing the risk of
heart attack and thrombotic stroke.

Thromboxane narrows our arteries. It also causes blood clots by clumping together blood
platelets, which then cling on to the arterial walls. 

Together with cholesterols and fat, they may thicken and block the entire artery, causing a heart
attack or stroke.

As we grow older, our arteries naturally harden; the loss of elasticity may cause high blood

It is the production of thromboxane in our body that hardens the arteries. By blocking the
formation of thromboxane, green tea keeps our arteries supple and can reduce high blood

In addition, green tea also prevents blood clots in other ways.

Green tea inhibits a clotting agent called platelet activating factor (PAF) and a protein found in
blood called fibrinogen, which is involved in the formation of blood clots.

If you are taking blood thinning medication, consult with your health adviser and use green tea
Green tea may contain vitamin K, which, when used in large quantities, can reduce the blood
thinning effects of warfarin (Coumadin®), a phenomenon that has been reported in a human

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Green Tea and Heart Heatlh

Green tea and heart studies have always been controversial and conflicting. But increasing
scientists are uncovering evidence of its real benefits.

Green Tea and Heart Health

Six Cardiovascular Benefits
Green tea and heart studies have always been controversial and conflicting, but increasingly
scientists are uncovering evidence of tea's real benefits.

For centuries green tea has been touted as a miracle beverage with wide ranging health benefits.
Although by no means conclusive, scientific studies have increasingly shown that there are at
least six different ways it may improve your heart health:

 Expand your heart artery and improve blood flow

 Reduce heart attack incidence
 Reverse organ damage from heart attack and stroke
 Keep your arteries clear and prevent the buildup of harmful plague
 Reduce cholesterol and triglycerides levels
 Reduce the risk of abdominal artery exploding

Not impressed yet? You will be. When you arrive at the end of this article, you will come to
understand why even doctors are urging us to drink more green tea!

Green Tea and Heart Benefit #1:

Dilate Heart Arteries

A 2008 Greek study investigated the flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the heart artery after
drinking green tea. 14 healthy adults participated. They drank either:

 6 grams of green tea (containing 125 milligrams of caffeine)

 Caffeinated water (containing 125 milligrams of caffeine)
 Hot water

The results showed that after 30 minutes, those who drank green tea experienced 3.7% dilation,
whereas those who drank caffeine or water did not show significant change.
"We found very promptly [that] after drinking green tea, there was a protective effect on the
endothelium," says Dr. Charalambos Vlachopoulos, a cardiologist and one of the authors of the
green tea and heart study.

The scientists speculated this is because green tea works as an antioxidant and helps prevent
inflammation in body tissue. This keeps your blood vessels flexible and relaxed, and improves
their ability to withstand changes in blood pressure. Drinking green tea may also protect against
the formation of blood clots, which are the primary cause of heart attacks.

Although green tea acts fast, its effect is cumulative and lasting. After two weeks, the researchers
found that the subjects' blood vessels were more dilated than they had been at the beginning of
the study.

"It's something that needs to be investigated, but we think that if someone takes green tea for one
or two months, the beneficial effect will be even greater," says Vlachopoulos.

Green Tea and Heart Benefit #2:

Live Longer

One of the largest population study ever conducted, the Ohsaki National Health Insurance Cohort
Study monitored 40, 530 Japanese adults aged between 40 to 79 years for 7 to 11 years (1995 to

All forty thousand participants were healthy adults without history of stroke, coronary heart
disease or cancer.

"The most important finding is that green tea may prolong people's lives through reducing the
risk of cardiovascular disease”, said Dr Shinichi Kuriyama, who led the research. He concluded:

Green tea consumption is associated with reduced mortality due to all causes and due to
cardiovascular disease but not with reduced mortality due to cancer.

Therefore, drinking green tea may help you live longer by cutting your risk of dying from any
causes, and especially from heart disease.

Green Tea and Longevity - Japanese Secret?

Green Tea and Heart Benefit #3:

Role of Catechins

One reason why the role of tea on heart health is still not being acknowledged by the American
Heart Association and the FDA is because population studies have been throwing out
inconsistent results.

In 2001, a team of researchers from Netherlands wanted to test whether or not tea antioxidants
catechins are responsible for its heart protective effects.
Although catechins are found in the highest concentration in green tea, they are also found in
other foods such as chocolate and apple. Perhaps it is the failure of past studies to properly allow
for these other catechins sources which may explain the inconsistency?

806 men aged 65–84 were given catechins in doses 72 ± 47.8 milligrams, mainly from black tea,
apples, and chocolate. It was found that a 7.5 milligrams increase of catechins intake from
sources other than tea was associated with 20 percent reduction in ischemic heart disease.

There was no association between catechin intake and stroke incidence.

The researchers concluded that consuming catechins, whether from tea or other sources, may
reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease but not from stroke.

Find out which are catechins rich food and beverage!

Green Tea and Heart Benefit #4:

Reduce Heart Attack

Consuming green tea may reduce your risk of having a heart attack.

A 2002 Dutch study analyzed the data collected from the Rotterdam study - a population-based
study of men and women aged equal to or greater than 55 years.

4,807 adults with no history of heart problems were followed for 5 to 7 years. The researchers
discovered that drinking 375 millilitres or more of tea daily may reduce your risk of having a
heart attack by 43%. More significantly, it may cut your risk of dying from heart attack by a
whopping 70%!

Other non tea flavonoids (such as quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin) have similar effects and may
reduce fatality by 65%.

The researchers concluded that tea and flavonoids may help prevent occurrence of coronary heart

Want more green tea and heart studies? Read Green Tea and Heart Attack.

Green Tea and Heart Benefit #5:

Aid Recovery

It is still early days, but there is emerging evidence that green tea compounds EGCG and GA
may help reverse cells damage after the occurrence of heart attack or stroke.

A 2005 study conducted by the Institute of Child Health in the United Kingdom found that
drinking green tea after a stroke may speed up the recovery process by blocking the action of a
protein called Stat 1, which plays a part in inducing cell death.
Another 2007 study conducted by the University of California-San Francisco reported a similar
benefit, but through a different mechanism.

Researchers found that green tea extract gallotannin (called GT) can protect against post-
ischemic brain damage. It does so by inhibiting the action of PARG, an enzyme that kills brain
cells by inhibiting cell repair.

Green Tea and Stroke

Green Tea and Heart Benefit #6:

Remove Atherosclerotic Plague

Atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) is a predominant problem in the Western world. Our poor diets
and sedentary lifestyles certainly contribute to the problem, but there is also a natural genetic
tendency in some people to develop atherosclerosis.

As we grow older, our arteries naturally harden. Fats, cholesterols and blood platelets accumulate
in the artery wall, forming a layer of atherosclerotic plaque. When they thicken and block the
entire artery, a heart attack or stroke occurs.

It has been found that green tea may keep your artery passageways clear by:

 Reducing LDL, the bad cholesterol, while leaving HDL, the good cholesterol alone. HDL
is good cholesterol and has been found to remove atherosclerotic plaque.

 Reducing blood level triglycerides, the chemical form fat that exists in our blood. Too
many triglycerides in the blood can cause heart disease.

 Reducing lipid peroxides, free radicals that can cause cellular damage to LDL
cholesterols and other lipids or fats. They have been linked to heart disease.

 Reducing fibrinogen, or a protein found in blood involved in the formation of blood clots.

A 2018 UK study conducted by Lancaster University and the University of Leeds have
discovered that a compound found in green tea, currently being studied for its ability to reduce
amyloid plaques in the brain in Alzheimer's disease, also breaks up and dissolves potentially
dangerous protein plaques found in the blood vessels.

Atherosclerosis is the build-up of fatty material inside our arteries that can reduce the flow of
blood to the heart and brain. In advanced stages of the condition, a protein called apolipoprotein
A-1 (apoA-1) can form amyloid deposits, which are similar in structure to those associated with
Alzheimer's disease.

These deposits build up within atherosclerotic plaques. Here, they increase the size of the
plaques, further restricting blood flow, and may also make the plaques less stable, increasing the
risk of a heart attack or stroke. Researchers found that epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), most
commonly associated with green tea, binds to the amyloid fibres of apoA-1. This converts the
fibres to smaller soluble molecules that are less likely to be damaging to blood vessels.

Green Tea and Heart Benefit #7:

Protect from Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

According to a 2016 study by Kyoto University, drinking green tea can help protect your
abdominal artery from exploding.

A Kyoto University team has found that abdominal aortic aneurysm - a condition in which the
main abdominal artery becomes overstretched and bloated - developed less frequently in rats that
drank green tea polyphenol, a major component of green tea.

Without treatment, abdominal aortic aneurysms eventually rupture and lead to death 50% of the

"The type of polyphenol found in green tea has recently been shown to regenerate elastin, an
essential protein that gives the artery its stretchy, yet study, texture," explains lead author Shuji
Setozaki. "Considering that abdominal arterial aneurysms are caused by inflammation and the
degradation of elastin components in the arterial wall, we thought drinking green tea may show
promise for treatment."

"Japanese people have the longest lifespan in the world, and studies show that 80% of the
population drink green tea on a daily basis," says co-author Hidetoshi Masumoto. "We believe
daily intake of green tea should be considered as a new preventative strategy for abdominal
aortic aneurysm; the focus of future studies will be to investigate optimal doses."


These studies are just part of an ongoing attempt by scientists to discover the true potential of tea
as a heart-healthy food.

The American Heart Association does not yet include the beverage in its dietary
recommendations, but more studies may change that. Until we have unlocked the secrets of this
miraculous beverage, keep drinking your tea to stay healthy!


Shuji Setozaki, Kenji Minakata, Hidetoshi Masumoto, Shingo Hirao, Kazuhiro Yamazaki,
Koichiro Kuwahara, Tadashi Ikeda, Ryuzo Sakata (2016). Prevention of abdominal aortic
aneurysm progression by oral administration of green tea polyphenol in a rat model. Journal of
Vascular Surgery, 2016; DOI: 10.1016/j.jvs.2016.06.003

Alexopoulos, Nikolaos; Vlachopoulos, Charalambos; Aznaouridis, Konstantinos; Baou,

Katerina; Vasiliadou, Carmen; Pietri, Panagiota; Xaplanteris, Panagiotis; Stefanadi, Elli;
Stefanadis, Christodoulos (2005). The acute effect of green tea consumption on endothelial
function in healthy individuals. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation.
15(3):300-305, June 2008.

Shinichi Kuriyama, Taichi Shimazu, Kaori Ohmori, Nobutaka Kikuchi, Naoki Nakaya,
Yoshikazu Nishino, Yoshitaka Tsubono, Ichiro Tsuji (2006). Green Tea Consumption and
Mortality Due to Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, and All Causes in Japan. JAMA.

Ilja CW Arts, Peter CH Hollman, Edith JM Feskens, H Bas Bueno de Mesquita and Daan
Kromhout (2001). Catechin intake might explain the inverse relation between tea consumption
and ischemic heart disease: the Zutphen Elderly Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
Vol. 74, No. 2, 227-232, August 2001.

Johanna M Geleijnse, Lenore J Launer, Deirdre AM van der Kuip, Albert Hofman and
Jacqueline CM Witteman (2002). Inverse association of tea and flavonoid intakes with incident
myocardial infarction: the Rotterdam Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 75, No.
5, 880-886, May 2002.

I just read that Ivermectin and vitamin D work against cancer.

 6 hours ago

Chlorine dioxide absolutely obliterates it and everything else harmful to the body!.
Everything 💥

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