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Klari is one of the sub-districts in the Karawang district which is where I live. flanked in two areas,
namely East Karawang and West Karawang, There are many automotive factories, although there are
still beautiful natural scenery such as rice fields and pine forests. Its geographical location is surrounded

by sub-districts that are still included in the area.

Klari is one of the sub-districts in the Karawang district which is where I live. flanked in two areas,
namely East Karawang and West Karawang, There are many automotive factories, although there are
still beautiful natural scenery such as rice fields and pine forests. Its geographical location is surrounded
by sub-districts that are still included in the area

city of Karawang. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Karawang Regency (in the
Karawang Regency Book in Figures 2018), the population of Klari District in 2017 reached 169,121
people, occupying an area of 59.37 km2, so the population density reached 2,849 people per year. km2.
This district has historical tourism, namely the Walahar dam, which is located in the village of Walahar,
this sub-district is also crossed by the Curug highway that connects Karawang Regency with Purwakarta

Rege ncy.

According to existing historical records, during the royal period, the Citarum River was the main route of
trade and transportation, while land routes had a higher risk. The existence of the Karawang port which
is now the Karawang Square and the relics of the temple in Batujaya which was built by the
Tarumanegara Kingdom are proof of the importance of the Citarum River since the first. There are
several tourist attractions that we can enjoy with friends and family.

So, if you go on vacation, don't go anywhere other than visiting the Klari area. The place is

very good and cheap and the people are very nice and friendly. Welcome to the new one

destination, our beloved area. tegreen house coffeeshop is a place to hang out

on Klari Highway. it is also very worth to visit

because it's delicious

the place and the price is cheap. In

Besides that, the green house coffeeshop too

provide free wifi and provide

spacious parking lot

city of Karawang. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Karawang Regency (in the
Karawang Regency Book in Figures 2018), the population of Klari District in 2017 reached 169,121
people, occupying an area of 59.37 km2, so the population density reached 2,849 people per year. km2.
This district has historical tourism, namely the Walahar dam, which is located in the village of Walahar,
this sub-district is also crossed by the Curug highway that connects Karawang Regency with Purwakarta

According to existing historical records, during the royal period, the Citarum River was the main route of
trade and transportation, while land routes had a higher risk. The existence of the Karawang port which
is now the Karawang Square and the relics of the temple in Batujaya which was built by the
Tarumanegara Kingdom are proof of the importance of the Citarum River since the first. There are
several tourist attractions that we can enjoy with friends and family.

So, if you go on vacation, don't go anywhere other than visiting the Klari area. The place is

very good and cheap and the people are very nice and friendly. Welcome to the new one

destination, our beloved area. tegreen house coffeeshop is a place to hang out

on Klari Highway. it is also very worth to visit

because it's delicious

the place and the price is cheap. In

Besides that, the green house coffeeshop too

provide free wifi and provide

spacious parking lot

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