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Question 1. What is the dominant customer value the following companies bring?

a) Starbucks: Starbucks does not only provide their customers with a wide variety of their
products, but also with a place to work or relax while when buying something.
b) The Gap: Gap wants their costumers to feel comfortable and express their style. So they offer
a wide variety of appeal in combination with convenient and engaging store experience.
c) Expedia provides multiple services that are coherent in the vacation business.
Customers cannot only buy airline tickets, but also book a hotel and rent a car all together.

Question 2. What is an example of a product with a primarily push-based supply chain? A product
with a primarily pull-based supply chain?

 A product at Walmart has a primarily push-based supply chain.

 A Dell computer has a primarily pull-based supply chain.

Question 3. What are the advantages of moving the push-pull boundary earlier in a supply chain?
What about later?

 By moving the push-pull boundary earlier in a supply chain you will create the advantages of
not having to hold inventory and postponing product design.
 By moving the push-pull boundary later in a supply chain you will create the advantages of
being able to deliver products faster and reduce the lead time.

Question 4. Explain Amazon’s strategy for slow-moving, low-volume products and fast-moving, high
volume items

 Slow-moving, low-volume products usually have an uncertain demand level. This means
Amazon always needs to keep a certain amount of stock to be able to react on sudden
demand changes.
 Fast-moving, volume products usually have a demand level that can be forecasted pretty
accurately. This means Amazon can predict how much stock they need and keep it in physical

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