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Writing Suggested Answers

Writing Suggested Answers

WRITING 1 children get to understand that you don’t get an allowance
unless they live up to their end of the bargain.
Task 2: Essay (Opinion)
To sum up, I am in favor of offering an allowance for doing
Suggested Answer household chores. It teaches teens the connection
between responsibilities and compensation, thus allowing
Responsibility is an important thing for any child to learn
them to behave responsibly. It also allows young people to
and many parents use chores and household duties to
have the opportunity to have some personal independence,
teach this skill within the family. Some combine this with
which is an invaluable life lesson for such formative years.
an allowance in order to show the need to meeting one’s
As child behaviorist Patricia Schroer said, “Give your child
obligations and ways to be financially independent. It
a handout and they will learn to put their hand out, give
seems that incorporating an allowance as a reward for
your child an allowance, and they will learn how to earn.”
fulfilling one’s duties is a sensible and practical way to
develop a child’s sense of responsibility.
Providing an allowance is a great way to motivate a child
and reinforce positive behavior as well as a respect for
Task 2: Essay (Opinion)
personal duties. For one thing, this approach teaches
children the value of hard work and its link to financial Suggested Answer
compensation. Children get to learn that money is not
Many high school graduates pursue further education
simply given, but the result of our labors, an essential life
after graduation and go to college. Some of them, however,
lesson to help them understand the way society functions.
think that going directly to college is the best option, while
Moreover, young people learn how to budget their money.
others prefer deferring their studies to take a gap year. I
This is something that is increasingly important in the
am in favor of taking time out before commencing
modern age when we look at the things that teens are
university studies, and believe it is beneficial for numerous
interested in buying for themselves. A recent study, for
example, showed that over half of teens spend their
money on higher cost items such as clothing and A lot of high school students can feel rushed and pressured
electronics. Since these items cost more than a child to make huge life decisions while in high school. This is
would receive as a weekly allowance, it’s necessary for often the result of deadlines that educational institutions
them to set targets and goals with a parent so they can place on teens which is not helpful for young people
learn how to save for whatever they would like and not just because it places too much stress on them. How many
ask for it and expect to get it. teenagers know at such a young age what they want to
spend the rest of their lives doing? Many people can end
Learning to be independent is also an important lesson for
up picking something to study at college that they aren’t
teens. This is something else that can also be achieved by
really that passionate about, merely because they did well
offering financial incentives for doing household chores.
at it at school and it seemed like a good idea. Such
For example, by having a pool of money that they have
decisions can often leave students trapped in paths of
earned, young people don’t need to ask their parents to
study with very specific career options and little opportunity
get them things. Teens have the chance to “stand on their
to change direction academically. Naturally, taking some
own feet” financially. Not only does this raise self-esteem,
time off gives students the chance to really think carefully
but it also allows young people to learn self-respect and
about their future and what it is that interests them, leading
the chance to take pride in what they’ve achieved.
to a much more enjoyable college experience and future
Furthermore, they get to feel more grown up and mature.
career options that are more closely aligned to a student’s
Something that many teenagers, especially, are eager to
Apart from the above, our teenage years are crucial times
These views are not shared by everyone, however. There
for personal and emotional growth. We learn about who
are parents who argue that providing an allowance for
we are and how to live our lives in a positive way. For one
doing chores isn’t helpful, and could even be
thing, taking time off before studying gives teens a chance
counterproductive. They often say that such chores and
to pursue that. This is a key consideration for significant
responsibilities are the minimum obligations of all family
numbers of young people. In fact, a recent survey showed
members, particularly teenagers. In effect, offering a
that this is the main reason given by students for pursuing
reward for doing what should be done anyway equates to
a gap year. It is important to so many people as it allows
bribery and sets a bad example. That being said, the
teenagers the chance to enrich themselves both personally
practice of rewarding hard work actually reinforces respect
and socially. They can travel and learn about other peoples
for chores. It shows the need to fulfil family obligations as
and cultures, or they can take the opportunity to get some
Writing Suggested Answers
practical work experience or build some savings. ability, to express their ideas through language as well as
Furthermore, it allows them the chance to mature and losing sensitivity for what is or isn’t socially appropriate.
develop emotionally so that they can be better prepared How many times, for example, have you seen someone
for the responsibilities that independence brings when respond to bad and positive news with the same “thumbs
they will be alone on campus. up” icon? This shift in communicative habits has far
reaching consequences, especially when we consider the
There are some people who don’t agree with taking a gap
scale of social media use. Another cause for the decline in
year, however. One reason is that they believe it is better
communicative skills comes down to simply being too
to continue pursuing further studies so as to better
busy. Filling our every moment has become the norm,
develop and make use of academic skills while they are
especially professionally. More and more people are doing
still fresh in the mind, strike while the iron is hot, as they
extra hours, something we can see in the results of a
say. Such people feel that an extended gap in studying for
recent survey which found that ten million Americans are
a year or more might place students at a disadvantage to
working an extra twenty hours a week on top of their
their peers who continued without pause. That being said,
standard full-time hours. This does not leave much time
there is actually evidence that suggests that the direct
for themselves, let alone for their friends and family. As a
opposite of this is true. According to a recent study, the
result, the few interactions they do have with them become
Grade Point Average scores of both sophomores and
quick and to the point, almost in a managerial style.
freshmen actually increased after taking a year off, by as
much as ten percent. Nevertheless, several solutions exist. To address the
obsession with social media, a good strategy would be for
In conclusion, I am convinced that not only are gap years
friends to make time to meet each other in person. People
a good idea, they are something that all students should
could also agree not to look at their phones at these times.
consider pursuing. They offer students a chance to take a
This is important as even when people are in front of each
step back and consider their future before making any life
other, simply accessing their phone negatively affects a
changing decisions, as well as the opportunity to grow
conversation. To take things one step further, friends can
and develop as people. The life skills that a gap year can
even make a game out of ignoring their phones. For
offer are essential benefits that can’t be gained anywhere
example, they could put their phones in the middle of the
else, and when combined with academic study, they can
table and if someone uses theirs, they have to pay for
create lifelong benefits for young people and society as a
everyone’s meal or coffee. By doing this people will
actually talk to those they agreed to meet in the first place
and become more comfortable in a social setting.
WRITING 3 Furthermore, a solution to help with our busy lifestyle is to
allocate time to see each other more often. That is to say,
Task 2: Essay (Problems & Solutions) to be proactive and have more human contact. For
Suggested Answer instance, set up a scheduled meeting once a week, such
as sharing a coffee or going for a walk. Thus forming a
We are social creatures by nature and seek out others to new habit and guaranteeing face-to face time which will
share our experiences. Recently, however, our ability to lead to a more meaningful connection. As it becomes a
have a conversation in person has begun to diminish. This routine, people will start planning around these types of
drop in interpersonal and communication skills is quite activities because it will be part of their set schedule.
troubling to say the least. However, there are various ways
to tackle this trend. In the end, I am certain that by applying some simple
solutions people will not only strengthen their social and
The problem can be attributed to many reasons. One communication skills, but they will also forge more
reason could be that technology and new trends in the meaningful relationships. It is as simple as putting our
applications that we use have caused us to totally phones down, taking a break from the rat race, and
reconsider the ways and methods that we use to catching up.
communicate with others. For example, on social media
the simple “like” function allows engagement with our
friends without having to type anything. Users don’t even WRITING 4
need to write a message; they can show a variety of
emotions such as happiness, affection, and sadness with
Task 2: Essay (Cause & Effect)
a single click of a button. This is a growing trend, as shown Suggested Answer
by a recent study that discovered that over half of people
Illnesses and health problems resulting from stress are
nowadays prefer using social media for their interactions.
now increasingly widespread in society. They affect people
Consequently, people are losing the need and perhaps the
Writing Suggested Answers
of all age groups, from children to the elderly. What are the WRITING 5
causes of stress however, and how does the condition
impact our physical well-being? Task 2: Essay (Cause & Effect)
One cause of stress in our daily lives is our financial Suggested Answer
situation and any possible financial difficulties that we
In 1943, Thomas Watson, the chairman of IBM, famously
might be experiencing. In short, money problems and
said “I think there is a world market for maybe five
burdens are a serious issue and have a powerful effect on
computers.” Subsequent decades, however, have proven
us. In fact, a recent study showed that seven in every ten
how wrong he was, and today computer technology has
people experience some kind of anxiety as a result of their
permeated every aspect of our lives. Without a doubt, our
economic situation. What makes matters worse is that
era will go down in history as the digital age. There are
people feel pressured to take out loans in order to alleviate
several reasons for this growth of computer technology,
their struggles and ease the burden. While this can seem
specifically the convenience that they bring to our lives
like a quick fix and a solution, it serves only to further add
and their desirability and popularity.
to the problem. People feel that they cannot afford to go
out or on vacation, things that actually reduce stress. One reason for the widespread use of computers in the
Consequently, a vicious circle is created where stress only modern world is the convenience that technology brings
builds as a result of increased anxiety and a lack of a to our daily lives. Simply put, they make our lives easier
release valve, leading to emotional and psychological and hassle free. This is applicable to all areas of life at all
problems such as depression. ages and the widespread use of computers can be seen in
the numbers sold, as shown in a recent study that reports
Another contributing factor to stress is the workplace. Not
that 72.9 million computers were dispatched to customers
to mention the fact that today’s fast paced work
last year alone. These devices are used for numerous
environment has sped up our ability to compete with one
reasons. For example, a mobile device such as a laptop,
another. This can lead to many people feeling overwhelmed
tablet, or smartphone allows huge benefits in the working
by a seemingly unending chain of deadlines and pressures.
world. With such devices you can work anywhere and at
For instance, a recent poll found that the large majority of
any time that is convenient to you. Technology allows a
workers (61 percent), find work always or often stressful.
plethora of new possibilities for education also such as
While 30 percent admitted that it occasionally causes
online classes, interactive lessons, and multimedia
them stress. As a result, working people across generations
applications. The result is that people are no longer limited
find themselves affected by stress on a daily basis in an
to their offices and learning is stimulating and exciting for
environment that they are unable to escape. This can have
learners in incredible new ways.
a big impact on one’s physical health, especially in a
working context, as a weakened immune system due to Another contributing factor is the fact that computers are
fatigue can leave people more susceptible to numerous highly desirable. People want to have the latest gadget
illnesses such as colds, flu, and viruses. Workplace stress because they are cool and fashionable. This is particularly
can also impact our bodies by leading to chronic pain or true of young people who love keeping pace with their
injury regardless of whether the environment is a sedentary friends. A recent survey found that teenagers constitute
office or a workplace that requires hard manual labor. With an especially large number of computer users, with 87
a worn down body we are much more likely to experience percent owning a desktop or laptop and 58 percent
back pain or pulled muscles. owning a tablet computer. Young people are also more
likely to follow the latest releases on the market and
In summary, stress is a significant problem that has
upgrade a device, even when their existing one was only
numerous causal factors and negative impacts on our
released a year prior and is perfectly fine for use.
mental and physical health. It is essential that we tackle
Consequently, the numbers of computer users not only
the issue of stress head on as the evidence shows that its
rapidly increase but also become deeply rooted in society
impact on society is far reaching. Perhaps we need to take
as whole new generations adapt to technology with an
more time for ourselves and remind ourselves to smile
insatiable hunger.
from time to time. After all, as writer Terri Guillemets once
said, “If your teeth are clenched and your fists are In summary, the surging use of computer devices is an
clenched, your lifespan is probably clenched.” issue with multiple causes that affects all areas and
generations of society. Computers are changing the way
that we live our lives and this is a trend that shows no
signs of slowing down. Whether you like them or not our
digital friends are here to stay.

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