Kambo Intention and Integration Workbook Guide

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Kambo Intention and Integration Guide and Worksheet

Congratulations! You’ve just made the courageous decision to step forward in your human journey to
wholeness by choosing to experience the traditional Amazonian medicine called Kambo. Kambo can be
amazing transformative tool, but at the end of the day, YOU are the one that does the healing work.
The preparation you do in deciding what your desired outcome from doing Kambo is sets the course for a
successful ceremony. Getting clear on what you want from the Kambo experience is important for ensuring
you accomplish your goals. Integration exercises help you review what important lessons you take away
from your experience and how you can create action in your daily life to make sure you stay committed to
your intention.
This guide contains some short and easy exercises to go through that will help you get the most lasting
benefits out of your Kambo experience. You can print this form and fill it out, or fill it out digitally.

Use the checklist below to make sure you complete all exercises.
Before Kambo

☐ Exercise 1- Getting Clear

☐ Exercise 2- Powerful Affirmations

After Kambo

☐ Exercise 3 – Integration Questions Part 1

☐ Exercise 4 – SMART goals

☐ Exercise 5 – Integration Questions Part 2

Copywrite © 2021 by Medicine Frog Kambo

Before Kambo
This is the section to fill out and complete before you have your Kambo experience

Exercise 1
Getting Clear
Here are a few questions that may be helpful in gaining clarity around your intentions.

1. What is my desired outcome from experiencing Kambo?

2. How will achieving this outcome make my life better?

3. What do I hope to release and let go of during my Kambo session?

4. What gift would I like to receive from my Kambo experience?

5. Am I ready to be honest with myself about how I truly feel?

6. How are current behavior patterns hurting me now?

7. How have those current behavior patterns helped me in the past?

8. What choices can I make to change negative behavior patterns?

Copywrite © 2021 by Medicine Frog Kambo

Exercise 2
Empowered Affirmations
Fill in the positive affirmations below. Try to make them relevant to your intention and the questions you
answered in Exercise 1. Read each statement out loud to yourself 3 times in a row before moving onto the
next one.
You can read them again with your practitioner before your ceremony. You can say them to yourself during
your Kambo process. Repeat them multiple times for the most powerful reprograming effect.

1. I am….

2. I am not afraid of…

3. I choose to release…

4. I choose to call in…

5. I embody…

6. I choose to give…

7. I choose to receive…

8. I am…

Copywrite © 2021 by Medicine Frog Kambo

After Kambo
These exercises are for after your kambo session to help you integrate the lessons from your experience in a
positive and thorough way.

Exercise 3
Integration Questions Part 1
Try and answer these questions within 24 hours after your Kambo session.

1. During my Kambo experience I felt…

2. Once my experience was over, I felt…

3. During my Kambo experience, I did a good job at….

4. During my Kambo experience, I could have done better at…

5. If I choose to do Kambo again, what will I do differently next time?

6. During my Kambo experience, I noticed my thoughts were…

7. During my Kambo experience, I witnessed myself…

Copywrite © 2021 by Medicine Frog Kambo

Exercise 4
SMART Goals for Accountability
It’s important to make real changes to our behavior in order to make real changes to our life. In this
exercise, you are going to use SMART goals to make sure you are doing the work required to actually make
lasting changes. SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based.
Write down 3 action goals that you can do in the next week that support your intentions for doing Kambo.
Make sure all of them fit the SMART goal criteria.
For more information about SMART goals:

Restate your intention below.

My intention for doing Kambo was….

3 Action Goals
In order to achieve this intention, I will…



Copywrite © 2021 by Medicine Frog Kambo

Exercise 5
Integration Questions Part 2
Try and fill out these questions between 3-10 days after your Kambo experience.

1. How is my perspective different after my Kambo session?

2. Have I experienced any new or intense emotions after my Kambo session?

3. What have I gained clarity on since my Kambo experience?

4. Is there anything that I am confused about since my Kambo experience?

5. What is one thing I have learned from my Kambo experience?

6. After doing Kambo, I am more…

7. After doing Kambo, I am less…

8. Have I completed my 3 SMART goals? If no, why not?

10. What choices did I make that facilitated or blocked me from accomplishing my 3 SMART goals?

11. How can I take what I have learned from the Kambo experience and make my life better?

Copywrite © 2021 by Medicine Frog Kambo

Kambo is a powerful substance. There’s no denying that it can help us become a better
version of ourselves. We hope that these simple exercises provide opportunities for being
honest with yourself, taking proactive steps and insightful reflection. You are the writer of
your own story. Kambo simply gives you the courage and clarity to step into a more true
version of yourself. At Medicine Frog Kambo, we believe in you fully, and wish you the best
of luck in your journey with Kambo.


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Copywrite © 2021 by Medicine Frog Kambo

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