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70% of Indonesia's territorial are waters with an index of 5.

8 km2 and with the second

longest coastline in the world. However, the measured natural resources are not matched by
their high productivity, which is salt productivity. Indonesia is only able to meet 57% of the
4.7 million tonnes of salt demand. It cannot be separated from the salt-making method, the
traditional method of evaporation has a weakness in the form of salt that does not meet
standards. This is because the salt has stopped being polluted by pollutants such as Pb and
microplastics. In fact, these pollutants are very dangerous for the human body, one of which
is brain damage. There are even 36,135 particles microplastics/year that could potentially
ingested in the human body. Through Fionn Ferreira in 2018, the hope of reducing research
microplastics is increasingly open. From the results of his masterful spectroscopy and
microscope testing, he succeeded in removing more than 85% of microplastics, even reducing
it to 96.42% in spectroscopy and 99.66% in microscopy. Unfortunately, that Fionn's research
is still on a laboratory scale and there is no real test on seawater. Also, it will be contradiction
when applied in Indonesia, because the materials used have high economic value, and have
essential uses in the other hand. Besides that, iron sand is abundant natural resource, but is
rarely used in Indonesia. This commodity is more often exploited by foreign nations. Iron
sand has magnetic minerals including magnetite (Fe3O4), hematite (α-Fe2O3), and
maghemite (γ Fe2O3) (Afifah, 2014). Supported by its high productivity in Indonesia, iron
sand has a great opportunity to become a suitable alternative to magnetite powder.
As a solution to the problems we have described above, ASIN was created. This innovation
will reduce microplastics in seawater before it is used as the main raw material for making
salt and works is adapted to the Ferro-fluid principle from Fion Ferreira, but with raw
materials that are far more affordable.
The working mechanism of ASIN is as follows. In the main purification tank, as much as
1920 L of seawater is flowed and then mixed with 48 kg of iron sand and 24 L of vegetable
oil. After stirring for 3 minutes and the solution has been thoroughly mixed, the stirring iron
in the main purification tank will be electrified, so that the ferrous fluid will stick to the
surface of the stirring iron due to its magnetic properties. When the ferro-fluid sticks to the
stirring iron. Sea water will come out through the output channel as a result of the
purification process. Then, iron sand and vegetable oil will be filtered again in two disposal
stations. Firstly is to filter oil from iron sand using coco fiber and the secondly, station is to
capture iron sand which already has magnetic properties using iron, this is considered
important because if iron sand which has magnetic properties is continued in the refining
process, worried the iron sand that sticks to each other does not spread during the stirring
process. Then, the iron sand that escapes will be reused in the main barrel.


70% wilayah Indonesia merupakan perairan dengan indeks sebesar 5,8 km2 dan
dengan garis pantai terpanjang kedua di dunia. Namun Sumber daya alam yang berlimpah
tersebut, tidak diiimbangi dengan produktifitasnya yang mumpuni, salah satunya yang pasti
adalah garam. Indonesia hanya mampu memenuhi 57% dari 4,7 juta ton kebutuhan garam.
Tak lepas dari metode pembuatan garam, metode evaporasi yang dilakukan secara tradisional
memiliki kelemahan berupa garam yang tidak memenuhi standar. Hal tersebut dikarenakan
garam yang telah diproses tercemar oleh polutan seperti Pb dan mikroplastik. Padahal polutan
tersebut, sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh manusia, yaitu anemia, kerusakan otak, koma, dan
masih banyak lagi. Fakta di lapangan yang memiriskan hati, jumlah mikroplastik yang
mencemari garam, tanpa kita tahu, berjumlah 90% dengan konsetrasi 1.900 partikel/kg dan
yang mengarah ke potensi tertelan dalam tubuh manusia berkisar 36.135 partikel/tahun.
Melalui penelitian Fionn Ferreira pada tahun 2018, harapan mereduksi mikroplastik semakin
terbuka. Dari hasil pengujian spektroskopi dan mikroskop yang dilakukannya, ia berhasil
menghilangkan lebih dari 85% mikroplastik, bahkan mampu mereduksi mencapai 96,42 %
pada spektroskopi dan 99,66% pada mikroskop.
Patut disayangkan penelitian yang Fionn lakukan masih berskala laboratorium dan
belum terdapat uji nyata kepada air laut. Bahan yang digunakan oleh Fionn pun kontradiksi
apabila diterapkan di Indonesia, hal tersebut dikarenakan, bahan yang digunakan memiliki
nilai ekonomi tinggi, dan memiliki kegunaan yang esensi di bidang lain. Di lain sisi, Pasir
besi merupakan SDA yang cukup melimpah, namun masih jarang digunakan di Indonesia.
Komoditas satu ini lebih sering dieksploitasi bangsa asing. Pasir besi memiliki mineral-
mineral magnetik meliputi magnetit (Fe3O4), hematit (α-Fe2O3), dan maghemit (γ Fe2O3)
(Afifah, 2014). Didukung dengan produktivitasnya yang tinggi di Indonesia, pasir besi
berpeluang besar menjadi alternatif tepat substitut bubuk magnetit.
Sebagai pemecahan masalah yang sudah kami paparkan di atas, terciptalah ASIN.
Inovasi pereduksi mikroplastik pada air laut sebelum digunakan sebagai bahan baku utama
pembuatan garam. ASIN bekerja mengadaptasi prinsip Ferro-fluida dari Fion Ferreira, namun
dengan bahan baku yang jauh lebih terjangkau dan melimpah di Indonesia. ASIN
menggunakan pasir besi serta campuran dari minyak nabati dan minyak jelantah sebagai
pengikat mikroplastik dalam air laut. ASIN terdiri dari satu tangki utama pemurnian
mikroplastik berdimensi 2000 L, dan dua stasiun pemurnian untuk hasil limbah pasir besi
dengan dimensi masing-masing 1000 L.
Meknisme kerja dari ASIN adalah sebagai berikut. Pada tangki utama pemurnian
dialirkan air laut sebanyak 1920 l lalu dicampurkan dengan 48 kg pasir besi dan 24 l minyak
nabati. Setelah diaduk selama 3 menit dan larutan telah tercampur rata, besi pengadung dalam
tangki pemurnian utama akan dialiri listrik sehingga ferro-fluida akan menempel di
permukaan besi pengaduk karena sifat kemagnetikan yang ditimbulkan.
Di saat ferro-fluida menempel pada besi pengaduk. Air laut akan keluar melalui saluran
output sebagai hasil dari proses pemurnian. Sampai di sini proses masih belum berakhir, pasir
besi dan minyak nabati akan disaring kembali dalam dua stasiun pembuangan. Pertama untuk
menyaring minyak dari pasir besi menggunakan coco fiber dan stasiun kedua untuk
menangkap pasir besi yang sudah memiliki sifat magnet menggunakan besi, hal ini dianggap
penting karena jika pasir besi yang memiliki sifat kemagnetan dilanjutkan dalam proses
pemurnian. Khawatir, pasir besi yang saling menempel satu sama lain tidak menyebar pada
saat proses pengadukan. Kemudian, pasir besi yang lolos akan digunakan kembali dalam tong

70% of Indonesia's territorial are waters with an index of 5.8 km2 and with the
second longest coastline in the world. However, the measured natural resources are not
matched by their high productivity, which is salt productivity. Indonesia is only able to meet
57% of the 4.7 million tonnes of salt demand. It cannot be separated from the salt-making
method, the traditional method of evaporation has a weakness in the form of salt that does not
meet standards. This is because the salt has stopped being polluted by pollutants such as Pb
and microplastics. In fact, these pollutants are very dangerous for the human body, namely
anemia, brain damage, coma, and many more. There are even 36,135 particles/year that could
potentially ingested in the human body. Through Fionn Ferreira in 2018, the hope of reducing
research microplastics is increasingly open. From the results of his masterful spectroscopy
and microscope testing, he succeeded in removing more than 85% of microplastics, even
reducing it to 96.42% in spectroscopy and 99.66% in microscopy. Unfortunately, that Fionn's
research is still on a laboratory scale and there is no real test on seawater. The materials used
by Fionn are also a contradiction when applied in Indonesia, this is because the materials
used have high economic value, and have essential uses in other fields. On the other hand,
iron sand is abundant natural resource, but is rarely used in Indonesia. This commodity is
more often exploited by foreign nations. Iron sand has magnetic minerals including magnetite
(Fe3O4), hematite (α-Fe2O3), and maghemite (γ Fe2O3) (Afifah, 2014). Supported by its
high productivity in Indonesia, iron sand has a great opportunity to become a suitable
alternative to magnetite powder.
As a solution to the problems we have described above, ASIN was created.
Innovation to reduce microplastics in seawater before it is used as the main raw material for
making salt. ASIN works to adapt the Ferro-fluid principle from Fion Ferreira, but with raw
materials that are far more affordable, such as iron sand and a mixture of vegetable oil and
used cooking oil as a microplastic binder in seawater.

The working mechanism of ASIN is as follows. In the main purification tank, as

much as 1920 L of seawater is flowed and then mixed with 48 kg of iron sand and 24 L of
vegetable oil. After stirring for 3 minutes and the solution has been thoroughly mixed, the
stirring iron in the main purification tank will be electrified, so that the ferrous fluid will stick
to the surface of the stirring iron due to its magnetic properties. When the ferro-fluid sticks to
the stirring iron. Sea water will come out through the output channel as a result of the
purification process. At this point the process is still not over, iron sand and vegetable oil will
be filtered again in two disposal stations. The first is to filter oil from iron sand using coco
fiber and the second station is to capture iron sand which already has magnetic properties
using iron, this is considered important because if iron sand which has magnetic properties is
continued in the refining process, worried the iron sand that sticks to each other does not
spread during the stirring process. Then, the iron sand that escapes will be reused in the main
Implementation of Ferro-Fluida on Salt washing machine
Salt washing machine Innovation using ferro-fluida concept
1. Pada awal berjalannya penelitian ini kami berencana untuk menggunakan bubuk magnetite
dalam inovasi mesin kami. Namun, timbul sebuah masalah ketika alat ini akan di realisikan di
tambak garam nantinya. Yaitu, bubuk magnetite memiliki nilai harga yang cukup tinggi. Hal
ini merupakan bencana, dimana mayoritas penduduk di sekitar tambak berpenghasilan
rendah. Sehingga, kami rasa tidak sesuai dan perlu adanya sedikit modifikasi. Kami merubah
salah satu bahan yaitu bubuk magnetite menjadi pasir besi. Dengan kelebihan produksinya
yang melimpah namun masih memiliki sifat yang sama dengan bubuk magnetite

At the start of this research we planned to use magnetite powder in our machine innovation.
However, a problem arises when this tool will be put into the salt pond later. Namely,
magnetite powder has a fairly high price value. This is a disaster, where the majority of the
population around the pond have low income. So, we feel that it is not suitable and needs a
little modification. We changed one of the materials, namely magnetite powder, into iron
sand. With an abundance of excess production but still has the same properties as magnetite

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