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Welcome to ‘Meet the Ambassador’ channel where we meet Ambassadors

from different nations who are based in Bangkok, Thailand. Today we will
be meeting the Ambassador of Kazakhstan, H.E. Mr. Arman Issetov
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On Ambassador’s background:
Ambassador Issetov is from the city of
Kostanay, North of Kazakhstan and studied
international law at the Kazakh National
University in Almaty. Before coming to Thailand,
Ambassador Issetov was in New York as the
First Deputy Representative of the Republic of
Kazakhstan to the United Nations. Currently,
Ambassador also serves as the Permanent
Representative of Kazakhstan to UN ESCAP.
Other countries that Ambassador was
previously at

Ambassador Issetov is married to Madame

Assemgul Issetova and they have 4 children
and 3 of them is here in Bangkok.
That’s all for the Ambassador’s background.
Now it’s time, let’s go meet the Ambassador.
We’re back, now it’s ‘Game Time.’ Today we will do a language game,
I would like to take this opportunity to teach Ambassador and Madame some Thai
language lessons. Since Ambassador has been here for almost a year since May
2022. Your Excellency may have already pick up some Thais words during your
time here. Here are the Thai Tongue Twisters that foreigners find hard to pronounce.

Easy one: ใครขายไข่ไก่ Who sells the chicken egg

Medium one: สาวสวยใสเ่ สอ ื้ สแ

ี สดสวมสน้ สูงสส ้
ี ม
A pretty lady wears orange shirt and orange high heels

Hardest one: Yai Kin Lamyai, Namlai Yai Lai Yoy

Grandma eats Longan, Her saliva drips down

Finish on Thai language part, this time I would like to learn about Kazahk
language. Could you teach me some Tongue Twisters in Kazahk?
The letters are similar to Russians?

Population Kazakhstan: 70% Kazakh, 15% Russian, 3.2% Uzbek, 2% Ukrainian

The word The name “Kazakhstan” is significant The name Kazakh translates to
wanderer or independent. This speaks to the nation’s ancient history as nomads
and the deep-rooted spirit of independence in Kazakh culture. When directly
translated, Kazakhstan literally means Land of Wanderers.

Next up is the “10 Seconds” game. I’m going to read out a question about
Kazakhstan culture, and the person who hits the bell first need to answer the
question in 10 seconds. If you cannot answer the question correctly, the other
person then gets 10 seconds to answer it. Please wait until I finish reading the
question and I say “Go!” then you can hit the bell. We have our timer right there.

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