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Digital Marketing Questions

to Ask of Your Own Brand or Business

If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency to ramp up your
business, get ahead of them by answering these questions about
your own brand or business.

1 What is your brand or company’s 5 What digital advertising channels have

story? you tried in the past?
a What made you establish your
6 What digital advertising channels do
brand or company?

you want to include in your new

b What fires you up about your own marketing strategy?

c What do you want the world to 7 What businesses do you consider as

know about your company or brand competitors?
that isn’t already known? a Who are your competitors offline
(maybe a similar business down the
2 How do new customers find out about

street) and who are your
your brand or company currently?
competitors online?

3 Paint a picture of your current customer. b What products or services do you

have in common?

a What is their life like?

c What do customers think or say you

b Do you know them by name?

have in common with your

c What are they looking for that you can competitors?

help them with?

d How are you different in the way

d Why would they go to a competitor that you do business?

over you? e How are you different in the way

you work with customers?
4 Describe the person you want to bring
in as a customer.
8 Thinking about the entire marketing
a What is this person’s life like?
process—from outlining your audience
b Why is this person more appealing to getting your hands on a campaign
than your current customer?
to set it up—what is your timeline for
seeing results? Is this realistic? What
c How is their life different from your
timeframe is unacceptable and why?
current customer?

d What can you solve for them?

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