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Geotechnical Engineering Services

Preliminary Report
1011 West Grove Street
Boise, Idaho

Pennbridge Capital – Pennbridge Lodging

July 19, 2022

Geotechnical Engineering Services
Preliminary Report

1011 West Grove Street

Boise, Idaho

Pennbridge Capital – Pennbridge Lodging

July 19, 2022

412 East Parkcenter Boulevard, Suite 305

Boise, Idaho 83706
Geotechnical Engineering Services
Preliminary Report
1011 West Grove Street
Boise, Idaho
File No. 25786-001-00

July 19, 2022

Prepared for:

Pennbridge Capital – Pennbridge Lodging

P.O. Box 1327
1193 East Winding Creek Drive, Suite 101
Eagle, Idaho 83616

Attention: Jared S. Smith

Prepared by:

GeoEngineers, Inc.
412 East Parkcenter Boulevard, Suite 305
Boise, Idaho 83706

Michael A. Gray, PE Braydan P. DuRee, PE

Senior Geotechnical Engineer Associate

Matthew W. Smith, PE
Senior Principal


Disclaimer: Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table, and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a
copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record.
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1
2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................... 1
3.0 FIELD EXPLORATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING ...................................................................... 2
3.1. Field Explorations.......................................................................................................................... 2
3.2. Laboratory Testing ........................................................................................................................ 2
4.0 PREVIOUS SITE EVALUATIONS......................................................................................................... 2
5.0 SITE CONDITIONS.............................................................................................................................. 2
5.1. Surface Conditions........................................................................................................................ 2
5.2. Subsurface Conditions ................................................................................................................. 2
5.3. Groundwater Conditions ............................................................................................................... 3
6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................... 3
6.1. Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 3
6.2. Earthquake Engineering ............................................................................................................... 4
6.2.1. Liquefaction ....................................................................................................................... 4
6.2.2. Lateral Spreading .............................................................................................................. 4
6.2.3. Other Seismic Hazards ...................................................................................................... 5
6.2.4. 2018 IBC Seismic Design Information ............................................................................. 5
6.3. Temporary Dewatering ................................................................................................................. 5
6.4. Excavation Support ....................................................................................................................... 5
6.4.1. Excavation Considerations................................................................................................ 6
6.4.2. Soldier Pile and Tieback Walls.......................................................................................... 6
6.4.3. Shoring Wall Performance ................................................................................................ 8
6.5. Shallow Foundations .................................................................................................................... 9
6.5.1. Allowable Bearing Pressure .............................................................................................. 9
6.5.2. Modulus of Subgrade Reaction ........................................................................................ 9
6.5.3. Settlement ......................................................................................................................... 9
6.5.4. Lateral Resistance............................................................................................................. 9
6.5.5. Construction Considerations .......................................................................................... 10
6.6. Slab-on-Grade Floors .................................................................................................................. 10
6.6.1. Subgrade Preparation ..................................................................................................... 10
6.6.2. Design Parameters .......................................................................................................... 11
6.6.3. Below-Slab Drainage ....................................................................................................... 11
6.7. Below-Grade Walls ...................................................................................................................... 12
6.7.1. Permanent Below-Grade Walls ....................................................................................... 12
6.7.2. Other Cast-in-Place Walls ................................................................................................ 12
6.7.3. Drainage........................................................................................................................... 13
6.8. Earthwork .................................................................................................................................... 13
6.8.1. Subgrade Preparation ..................................................................................................... 13
6.8.2. Structural Fill.................................................................................................................... 14
6.8.3. Temporary Slopes ............................................................................................................ 15
6.9. Recommended Additional Geotechnical Services .................................................................... 16

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7.0 LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 16
8.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 16

Figure 1. Vicinity Map
Figure 2. Site Plan
Figure 3. Cross Section A-A’
Figure 4. Earth Pressure Diagram—Temporary Soldier Pile & Tieback Walls
Figure 5. Recommended Surcharge Pressure
Figure 6. Earth Pressure Diagram—Permanent Below Grade Walls

Appendix A. Field Explorations
Figure A-1—Key to Exploration Logs
Figures A-2 through A-4—Log of Explorations
Appendix B. Laboratory Testing
Figures B-1 through B-6—Sieve Analysis Results
Figure B-7—pH and Resistivity Results
Appendix C. Boring Logs from Previous Studies
Appendix D. Geophysical Testing
Appendix E. Ground Anchor Load Tests and Shoring Monitoring Program
Appendix F. Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use

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This report presents the results of GeoEngineers’ geotechnical engineering services for the 1011 West
Grove Street project. The site is approximately rectangular in shape and is bounded by West Grove Street
to the north, South 10th Street to the east, private property to the south (1000, 1050, and 1080 West
Front Street), and South 11th Street to the west. The site is shown relative to surrounding physical
features on the Vicinity Map (Figure 1) and the Site Plan (Figure 2).

The purpose of this report is to provide geotechnical engineering conclusions and recommendations
for the design and construction of the planned development. The site consists of two Ada County parcels
(parcel numbers R1013001563 and R1013001543) and covers approximately 0.89 acres.
GeoEngineers’ geotechnical engineering services have been completed in general accordance with our
proposal executed January 11, 2022. Our scope of services includes:

■ Reviewing existing subsurface information available for the site and surrounding area.
■ Completing explorations at the site to further characterize subsurface and groundwater conditions;
■ Completing geophysical testing to confirm soil site class;
■ Providing recommendations for seismic design in accordance with the 2018 International Building
Code (IBC);
■ Providing foundation, temporary shoring, slab-on-grade and permanent below-grade wall
■ Providing recommendations for earthwork;
■ Providing recommendations for temporary dewatering and groundwater seepage estimates; and
■ Preparing this report.


GeoEngineers understands that Pennbridge Capital – Pennbridge Lodging is interested in developing a

high-rise hotel at the site that will be constructed at-grade or include one below grade level of parking.
Excavation depths for the one below grade option are likely to extend up to 15 to 20 feet below existing
site grades.

Temporary shoring will likely be required for the one below grade parking level option or for the at-grade
option if space is not available for temporary cut slopes for foundation construction and/or construction
of a partial basement level. The planned excavation is not anticipated to extend below the groundwater
table and as a result, temporary dewatering is not anticipated. Variable soil conditions are present at the
anticipated foundation elevation for the at-grade option and will include a mixed bearing profile. For the
one level below grade option, the foundations are anticipated to extend into the native alluvial soils. The
existing fill soils are not suitable for foundation support. For foundations that do not extend through the
fill, ground improvement (overexcavation and replacement, rigid inclusions, or rammed aggregate piers)
will be required for shallow foundations. Where foundations bear on native alluvial gravel, shallow spread
foundations and mat foundations are planned.

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3.1. Field Explorations

Subsurface conditions at the site were evaluated by drilling three borings (GEI-B1 through GEI-B3)
completed to depths of approximately 34½ to 51 feet. The approximate locations of the explorations are
shown in Figure 2. Descriptions of the field exploration program and the boring logs are presented in
Appendix A, Field Explorations.

3.2. Laboratory Testing

Soil samples were obtained during drilling and were taken to GeoEngineers’ laboratory for further
evaluation. Selected samples were tested for moisture content, fines content (material passing the U.S.
No. 200 sieve), and grain-size distribution. We also submitted select samples for pH and resistivity testing
that were completed by an external laboratory. A description of the laboratory testing and the test results
are presented in Appendix B, Laboratory Testing.


The logs of selected explorations from previous site evaluations in the project vicinity were reviewed. The
logs of explorations from previous projects referenced for this study are presented in Appendix C, Boring
Logs from Previous Studies.


5.1. Surface Conditions

The site is currently occupied by surface parking and is relatively flat with surface elevations ranging
between Elevation 2,693 and 2,695 feet. The project site is bordered by private property to the south
(1000, 1050, and 1080 West Front Street) which includes a continuation of the surface parking. The
remaining three sides of the project site border public rights-of-way which include West Grove Street,
South 10th Street, and South 11th Street to the north, east, and west, respectively.

Numerous buried utilities are located within and near the project site and within the public right-of-way
along the adjacent streets. These utilities include, but are not limited to, electrical, telecommunication,
gas, street lighting, geothermal, overhead power, water, sanitary sewer, and storm drain.

5.2. Subsurface Conditions

The subsurface conditions at the site have been evaluated by reviewing logs of explorations completed by
GeoEngineers and others on the site and immediately adjacent to the project site. The approximate
locations of the explorations in the site vicinity are shown in Figure 2.

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Interpreted subsurface conditions are presented in Cross Section A-A’ (Figure 3). The soils encountered at
the site consist of relatively shallow fill overlying alluvial soils.

■ Fill soils were encountered beneath the asphalt pavement in each of the explorations completed at
the site. The fill typically consists of sand with variable silt, gravel, and debris content. Fill soils were
observed to range in thickness between 8 and 10 feet below site grades.
■ Alluvial soils were encountered below the fill soils. The alluvial deposits typically consist of dense to
very dense gravel or sand with variable silt and cobble content. The alluvial soils extended to the
depth explored.

5.3. Groundwater Conditions

The depth to groundwater was measured in the monitoring well installed in boring GEI-B3. An automatic
data-logger was installed in the monitoring well to observe the variability in groundwater level seasonally
and after significant rainfall events. The following table provides a summary of the monitoring well and
groundwater measurements.

Ground Surface Top of Casing Well Screen Range in Groundwater

Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevations1
Well ID (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet)
GEI-B3 2,695 2,694.75 2,645 to 2,665 2,675.05 (2/1/22)
1 Continuous groundwater readings will be completed during the design phase for the project.

Based on monitoring well data and conditions observed during drilling, we anticipate that the regional
groundwater table is located near Elevation 2,675 feet. Continued observation of groundwater levels in
the automatic data-logger will be completed during the design phase of the project. The groundwater
table may be on the order of 3 feet higher than the values presented in the table above following
extended periods of wet weather based on review of historic groundwater level readings.

The excavation for the 1011 West Grove Street project is not anticipated to extend below Elevation
2,675 feet; therefore, no active dewatering is anticipated and conventional foundation drainage is

Groundwater levels are anticipated to fluctuate based on season and precipitation. Perched groundwater
may be present on top of lower permeability soil layers.


6.1. Summary
A summary of the primary geotechnical considerations is provided below. The summary is presented for
introductory purposes only and should be used in conjunction with the complete recommendations
presented in this report.

■ The site is designated as Site Class C per the 2018 IBC.

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■ Temporary shoring for the site excavation, if needed, can be completed using soldier pile and tieback
shoring. There may be requirements to remove the upper portion of the soldier pile if it is located in
the adjacent right-of-way.
■ The planned excavation is not anticipated to extend below the regional groundwater table for either
the at-grade or one below grade level option and temporary dewatering is not anticipated to be
required during construction. Perched groundwater may be encountered at higher elevations and may
be removed using casual dewatering by means of sumps and pumps. We anticipate flow rates of less
than 5 gallons per minute (gpm).
■ Based on the explorations completed for this project, the project site includes a mixed bearing profile.
The following is recommended for foundation support:
 For shallow foundations that will extend greater than 10 feet below existing site grades and
that will bear on the native alluvial gravel, an allowable bearing pressure of 14 kips per
square foot (ksf) may be used.
 For shallow foundations that will extend less than 10 feet below existing site grades and bear
on the native alluvial gravel, or where foundations will bear on controlled density fill (CDF) or
structural fill extending down to the native alluvial gravel, we recommend that an allowable
bearing pressure of 10 ksf be used.
 For shallow foundations bearing on existing fill, ground improvement consisting of rigid
inclusions or rammed aggregate piers can be used. For this condition, we recommend that an
allowable bearing pressure of 7 ksf be used. Helical piles may also be suitable for foundation
■ Conventional slabs-on-grade are considered appropriate for this site and should be underlain by a
6-inch-thick capillary break layer consisting of clean crushed rock (for example, Coarse Aggregate for
Concrete Type 2b, ITD 2018 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction Section 703.02-6).

Our specific geotechnical recommendations are presented in the following sections of this report.

6.2. Earthquake Engineering

6.2.1. Liquefaction

Liquefaction refers to the condition by which vibration or shaking of the ground, usually from earthquake
forces, results in the development of excess pore pressures in saturated soils with subsequent loss of
strength. In general, soils that are susceptible to liquefaction include very loose to medium dense, clean
to silty sands that are below the water table.

Groundwater levels at the site are generally within the dense to very dense alluvial soils. Our analysis
indicates that the soils that underlie the proposed building area have a low risk of liquefying because of
the density and gradation of these soils.

6.2.2. Lateral Spreading

Lateral spreading involves lateral displacement of large, surficial blocks of soil as the underlying soil layer
liquefies. Due to the distance to the Boise River, and that the building will bear on non-liquefiable soils,
the potential for lateral spreading is considered to be low for the project site.

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6.2.3. Other Seismic Hazards

Due to the location of the site and the site’s topography, the risk of adverse impacts resulting from
seismically induced slope instability, differential settlement, or surface displacement due to faulting is
considered to be low.

6.2.4. 2018 IBC Seismic Design Information

We recommend the use of the following 2018 IBC parameters for Site Class, short period spectral
response acceleration (SS), 1-second period spectral response acceleration (S1) and seismic coefficients
(FA and FV) for the project site.

2018 IBC Parameter Recommended Value

Site Class C
Short Period Spectral Response Acceleration, SS (percent g) 30.9
1-Second Period Spectral Response Acceleration, S1 (percent g) 11
Seismic Coefficient, FA 1.3
Seismic Coefficient, FV 1.5
1 Parameters developed based on latitude 43.618365 and longitude -116.211585 using the Applied
Technology Council (ATC) Hazards online tool (

Shear wave velocity testing was completed at the site to assist in determining the soil site class. The
results of the testing are included in Appendix D, Geophysical Testing.

6.3. Temporary Dewatering

The regional groundwater table in the site vicinity is anticipated to be located below the base of the
planned excavation for foundations. Perched groundwater may be encountered at higher elevations and
may be removed using casual dewatering by means of sumps and pumps. We anticipate flow rates of less
than 5 gpm.

6.4. Excavation Support

Based on early design concepts, we understand that the planned building will be constructed at-grade or
include one below grade level. Temporary shoring will likely be required for the one below-grade level
option and can consist of soldier pile and tiebacks. Temporary shoring may be required where insufficient
space is available for the use of temporary cut slopes. Soldier pile shoring is the preferred excavation
support system, should temporary shoring be required.

The temporary shoring walls should be designed to limit lateral deflections to 1 inch or less in order to
reduce the risk of damage to existing improvements.

We provide geotechnical design and construction recommendations for conventional soldier pile and
tieback walls below. GeoEngineers should review shoring design completed by others to confirm that our
design recommendations have been implemented as intended.

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6.4.1. Excavation Considerations

The site soils may be excavated with conventional excavation equipment, such as trackhoes or dozers.
The contractor should be prepared for cobbles and boulders in the site soils. Likewise, the surficial fill
may contain foundation elements and/or utilities from previous site development, debris, rubble and/or
cobbles and boulders. We recommend that procedures be identified in the project specifications for
measurement and payment of work associated with obstructions.

6.4.2. Soldier Pile and Tieback Walls

Soldier pile walls consist of steel beams that are concreted into drilled vertical holes located along the
wall alignment, typically about 8 feet on center. If cast-in-place construction is planned for the basement
walls and the temporary shoring wall is offset from the basement wall, the soldier piles can be driven.
After excavation to specified elevations, tiebacks are installed, if necessary. Once the tiebacks are
installed, the pullout capacity of each tieback is tested, and the tieback is locked off to the soldier pile at
or near the design tieback load. Tiebacks typically consist of steel strands that are installed into pre-
drilled holes and then either tremie or pressure grouted. Timber lagging is typically installed behind the
flanges of the steel beams to retain the soil located between the soldier piles. Geotechnical design
recommendations for each of these components of the soldier pile and tieback wall system are presented
in the following sections. Soldier Piles

We recommend that soldier pile walls be designed using the earth pressure diagram presented in
Figure 4, Earth Pressure Diagrams—Temporary Soldier Pile & Tieback Walls. The earth pressures
presented in Figure 4 are for cantilever soldier pile walls, and soldier pile walls with single and multiple
tiebacks, and the pressures represent the estimated loads that will be applied to the wall system for
various wall heights.

The earth pressures presented in Figure 4 include the loading from traffic surcharge. Other surcharge
loads, such as cranes, construction equipment or construction staging areas, should be evaluated using
Figure 5, Recommended Surcharge Pressures. No seismic pressures have been included in Figure 4
because it is assumed that the shoring will be temporary.

We recommend that the embedded portion of the soldier piles be at least 2 feet in diameter and extend a
minimum distance of 10 feet below the base of the excavation to resist “kick-out.” The axial capacity of
the soldier piles must resist the downward component of any vertical loads, as appropriate. We
recommend using an allowable end bearing value of 30 ksf for piles supported on the alluvium soils. The
allowable end bearing value should be applied to the base area of the drilled hole into which the soldier
pile is concreted. This value includes a factor of safety of about 2.5. The allowable end bearing value
assumes that the shaft bottom is cleaned out immediately prior to concrete placement. If necessary, an
allowable pile skin friction of 1.5 ksf may be used on the embedded portion of the soldier piles to resist
the vertical loads. Lagging
The following table presents recommend timber lagging thicknesses (roughcut) as a function of soldier
pile clear span and depth. If the soldier piles are offset from the basement wall (cast-in-place [CIP]
basement wall construction is planned), then steel sheets can be used in lieu of timber lagging.

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Recommended Timber Lagging Thickness (roughcut) for clear spans of:
Depth (feet) 5 feet 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet 10 feet
0 to 25 2 inches 3 inches 3 inches 3 inches 4 inches 4 inches

Lagging should be installed promptly after excavation, especially in areas where perched groundwater is
present or where clean sand and gravel soils are present and caving soils conditions are likely. The
workmanship associated with lagging installation is important for maintaining the integrity of the

The space behind the lagging should be backfilled as soon as practicable. Voids should be backfilled
immediately or within a single shift, depending on the selected method of backfill. Placement of this
material will help reduce the risk of voids developing behind the wall and damage to existing
improvements located behind the wall.

Material used as backfill in voids located behind the lagging should not cause buildup of hydrostatic
pressure behind the wall. CDF or lean concrete is a suitable option for the use of backfill behind the walls.
CDF/lean concrete will reduce the volume of voids present behind the wall. Alternatively, CDF/lean
concrete may be used for backfill behind the timber lagging to limit caving and sloughing of the upper
soils, with on-site soils used to backfill the voids for the remainder of the excavation. Based on our
experience, the voids between each CDF/lean concrete lift are sufficient for preventing the buildup of
hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. Tiebacks
Tieback anchors can be used for wall heights where cantilever soldier pile walls are not cost-effective.
Tieback anchors should extend far enough behind the wall to develop anchorage beyond the “no-load”
zone and within a stable soil mass. The anchors are typically inclined downward at 15 to 25 degrees
below the horizontal. Corrosion protection will not be required for the temporary tiebacks.

Centralizers should be used to keep the tieback in the center of the hole during grouting. Structural grout
or concrete should be used to fill the bond zone of the tiebacks. A bond breaker, such as plastic
sheathing, should be placed around the portion of the tieback located within the no-load zone.

Loose soil and slough should be removed from the holes drilled for tieback anchors prior to installing the
tieback. The contractor should take necessary precautions to minimize loss of ground and prevent
disturbance to previously installed anchors and existing improvements in the site vicinity. Holes drilled for
tiebacks should be grouted/filled promptly to reduce the potential for loss of ground.

Tieback anchors should develop anchorage in the native alluvial sand and gravel soils. We recommend
that spacing between tiebacks be at least three times the diameter of the anchor hole to minimize group
interaction. We recommend a preliminary design load transfer value between the anchor and soil of
3 kips per foot for alluvial sand and gravel soils.

The tieback anchors should be verification- and proof-tested to confirm that the tiebacks have adequate
pullout capacity. The pullout resistance of tiebacks should be designed using a factor of safety of 2.
The pullout resistance should be verified by completing at least two successful verification tests in each
soil type and a minimum of four total tests for the project. Each tieback should be proof-tested to

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133 percent of the design load. Verification and proof tests should be completed as described in
Appendix E.

The tieback layout and inclination should be checked to confirm that the tiebacks do not interfere with
adjacent buried utilities. Where possible a minimum clearances between ground anchors and existing
utilities of 5 feet should be maintained. Increased clearances may be required by individual utility owners.

A temporary easement from the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) will be required for tiebacks that
extend into the public right-of-way. Drainage
Drainage for soldier pile and lagging walls is achieved through seepage through the timber lagging.
Seepage flows at the bottom of the excavation should be contained and controlled in order to prevent
loss of soil from behind the lagging. Construction Considerations

Shoring construction shall be completed by a qualified shoring contractor. A shoring contractor is
qualified if they have successfully completed at least 10 projects of similar size and complexity in the
Idaho area during the previous 5 years. Interested shoring contractors should prepare a submittal
documenting their qualifications unless this requirement is waived by GeoEngineers. The shoring
contractor’s superintendent shall have a minimum of 3 years’ experience supervising soldier pile and
tieback shoring construction and the drill operators and on-site supervisors shall have a minimum of
3 years’ experience installing soldier piles and tiebacks. The personnel experience shall be included in
the qualification’s submittal.

Temporary casing or drilling fluid will be required to install the soldier piles and casing will be necessary
for tiebacks where:

■ Loose fill is present;

■ The native soils do not have adequate cementation or cohesion to prevent caving or raveling; and/or
■ Groundwater is present.

GeoEngineers should be allowed to observe and document the installation and testing of the shoring to
verify conformance with design assumptions and recommendations.

6.4.3. Shoring Wall Performance

Temporary shoring walls typically move up to 1 inch. Deflections and settlements are usually highest at
the excavation face and decrease to negligible amounts beyond a distance behind the wall equal to the
height of the excavation. Deflections of the shoring system can be affected by local variations in soil
conditions (such as around side sewers) or may be the result of the workmanship of the construction for
the shoring wall (completed by the shoring contractor). Given that some movement is expected, existing
improvements located adjacent to the temporary shoring system will also experience movement. The
deformations discussed above are not likely to cause structural damage to structurally sound existing
improvements; however, cosmetic damage is possible (for instance, cracks in drywall finishes; widening
of existing cracks; minor cracking of slabs-on-grade/hardscapes; cracking of sidewalks, curbs/gutter, and
pavements/pavement panels; etc.). For this reason, it is important to complete pre-construction survey

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and photo documentation of existing buildings and nearby improvements prior to shoring construction.
Refer to Appendix E for more detailed recommendations for shoring monitoring and preconstruction

6.5. Shallow Foundations

Based on the data obtained from the borings completed at the site and the anticipated depth of
excavation, a combination of a structural mat foundation and shallow spread foundations is planned for
the project.

6.5.1. Allowable Bearing Pressure

We recommend the following for foundation support of foundations:

■ For foundations that will extend greater than 10 feet below existing site grades and that will bear on
the native alluvial gravel, an allowable bearing pressure of 14 ksf may be used.
■ For shallow foundations that will bear on the native alluvial gravel, or where foundations will bear on
CDF or approved structural fill extending down to the native alluvial gravel, we recommend that an
allowable bearing pressure of 10 ksf be used.
■ For shallow foundations that will be on existing fill, ground improvement consisting of either rigid
inclusions or rammed aggregate piers can be used. For this condition, we recommend that an
allowable bearing pressure of 7 ksf be used. Helical piles may also be suitable for foundation support
for this condition.

The allowable soil bearing pressure applies to the total of dead and long-term live loads and may be
increased by up to one-third for wind or seismic loads. The allowable soil bearing pressures are net

6.5.2. Modulus of Subgrade Reaction

For the structural mat foundation, a static modulus of subgrade reaction of 65 pounds per cubic inch (pci)
may be used provided the structural mat foundation is bearing on the native alluvial gravel. GeoEngineers
should review the structural engineer’s estimated deformation and applied bearing pressures to confirm
that this subgrade modulus is appropriate and is consistent with our foundation design. GeoEngineers
can provide dynamic springs if required by the project structural engineer.

6.5.3. Settlement

Provided that all loose soil is removed and that the subgrade is prepared as recommended under
“Construction Considerations” below, we estimate that the total settlement of the core mat will be about
1.5 inches or less. Settlement of shallow spread foundations are anticipated to be less than 1 inch. The
settlements will occur rapidly, essentially as loads are applied. Note that smaller settlements will result
from lower applied loads.

6.5.4. Lateral Resistance

Lateral foundation loads may be resisted by passive resistance on the sides of shallow foundations and
by friction on the base of the shallow foundations. For shallow foundations supported on native soils, the

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allowable frictional resistance may be computed using a coefficient of friction of 0.4 applied to vertical
dead-load forces.

The allowable passive resistance may be computed using an equivalent fluid density of 400 pounds per
cubic foot (pcf) (triangular distribution). These values are appropriate for foundation elements that are
poured directly against undisturbed native alluvial gravel or are surrounded by properly compacted
structural fill.

The above coefficient of friction and passive equivalent fluid density values incorporate a factor of safety
of about 1.5.

6.5.5. Construction Considerations

We recommend that the condition of subgrade areas be observed by GeoEngineers to evaluate whether
the work is completed in accordance with our recommendations and whether the subsurface conditions
are as anticipated.

For the structural mat foundation, the foundation subgrade is recommended to be protected with a rat
slab consisting of 2 to 4 inches of lean or structural concrete in order to prevent deterioration of the
subgrade during mat foundation steel and concrete placement. Rat slabs should also be used for shallow
spread foundations if foundation subgrades are prepared during periods of wet weather.

If soft areas are present at the footing subgrade elevation, the soft areas should be removed and
replaced with lean concrete, structural concrete, or ¾” Type 1 Crushed Aggregate per the 2020 ISPWC
Section 802.

We recommend that the contractor consider leaving the subgrade for the foundations as much as 6 to
12 inches high, depending on soil and weather conditions, until excavation to final subgrade is required
for foundation reinforcement. Leaving subgrade high will help reduce damage to the subgrade resulting
from construction equipment/traffic or other activities on site.

The foundation recommendations provided in this report are intended for design and construction of
building foundations. These recommendations may not be appropriate for temporary construction
elements such as tower cranes, mobile cranes, manlifts, or other equipment. A qualified geotechnical
engineer should be consulted to provide foundation support recommendations for tower cranes, mobile
cranes, manlifts or other temporary construction equipment, as necessary.

6.6. Slab-on-Grade Floors

Slabs-on-grade are planned for the lowest building levels. The following sections provide design
recommendations for subgrade preparation, slab-on-grade design parameters, and below-slab drainage.

6.6.1. Subgrade Preparation

The exposed subgrade should be evaluated after site grading is complete. Probing should be used to
evaluate the subgrade and the exposed soil should be firm and unyielding, and without significant
groundwater. Disturbed areas should be recompacted if possible or removed and replaced with
compacted structural fill.

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The site should be rough graded to approximately 1 foot above slab subgrade elevation prior to
foundation construction in order to protect the slab subgrade soils from deterioration from wet weather or
construction traffic. After the foundations and below-slab drainage system/below-slab utilities have been
constructed, the remaining soils can be removed to final subgrade elevation followed by immediate
placement of the capillary break material.

6.6.2. Design Parameters

Conventional slabs may be supported on-grade, provided the subgrade soils are prepared as
recommended in the “Subgrade Preparation” section above. We recommend that the slab be founded on
either undisturbed native alluvial soils or on a minimum of 1-foot of structural fill placed over the existing
soils. For slabs designed as a beam on an elastic foundation, a modulus of subgrade reaction of 150 pci
may be used for subgrade soils prepared as recommended.

We recommend that the slab-on-grade floors be underlain by a 6-inch-thick capillary break consisting of
material meeting the requirements of Coarse Aggregate for Concrete Type 2b, ITD 2018 Standard
Specifications for Highway Construction Section 703.02-6.

Provided that loose soil is removed and the subgrade is prepared as recommended, we estimate that
slabs-on-grade will not settle appreciably.

6.6.3. Below-Slab Drainage

We expect the static groundwater level to be located below the slab-on-grade level for the proposed
building. For the at-grade level of the building, no below-slab drainage is necessary. For basement levels,
we recommend installing an underslab drainage system to remove water from below the slab-on-grade.
The basement underslab drainage system should include an interior perimeter drain. The drains should
consist of perforated Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes with a minimum diameter of 4 inches
placed in a trench at least 12 inches deep. The top of the underslab drainage system trenches should
coincide with the base of the capillary break layer. The underslab drainage system pipes should have
adequate slope to allow positive drainage to the sump/gravity drain.

The drainage pipe should be perforated and have two rows of ½-inch holes spaced 120 degrees apart
and at 4 inches on center. The underslab drainage system trenches should be backfilled with drain rock
meeting the gradation for Drain Rock 3 inches, ISPWC Section 801., or an alternative approved by
GeoEngineers. The drain rock material should be wrapped with a non-woven geotextile filter fabric
meeting the requirements of Drainage Geotextile Type 1, ISPWC Section 2050. The underslab drainage
system pipes should be connected to a header pipe and routed to a sump or gravity drain. Appropriate
cleanouts for drainpipe maintenance should be installed. The flow rate for the planned excavation in the
below slab drainage and below grade wall drainage systems is anticipated to be less than 5 gpm.

If no special waterproofing measures are taken, leaks and/or seepage may occur in localized areas of the
below-grade portion of the building, even if the recommended wall drainage and below-slab drainage
provisions are constructed. If leaks or seepage is undesirable, below-grade waterproofing should be
specified. A vapor barrier should be used below slab-on-grade floors located in occupied portions of the
building. Specification of the vapor barrier requires consideration of the performance expectations of the
occupied space, the type of flooring planned and other factors, and is typically completed by other
members of the project team.

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File No. 25786-001-00
Although, the regional groundwater table is located below the base of excavation, perched groundwater
may be present at higher elevations and should be anticipated below the elevation where foundation
drainage is provided for the building. Structural elements (such as vaults, elevator pits, stairwells, etc.)
that extend below the foundation drainage elevation should be designed for hydrostatic pressures up to
the adjacent foundation drainage elevation.

6.7. Below-Grade Walls

6.7.1. Permanent Below-Grade Walls

Permanent below-grade walls constructed adjacent to temporary shoring walls should be designed for the
pressures presented in Figure 6, Earth Pressure Diagram—Permanent Below Grade Walls. Additional
surcharge loads, as appropriate, should be incorporated into the design of the below-grade walls using
the surcharge pressures presented in Figure 6. Other surcharge loads, such as from construction
equipment or construction staging areas, should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Where
temporary shoring walls are offset from the basement walls and CIP construction is used to construct the
basement wall, use the earth pressures presented below in “Other Cast-in-Place Walls”.

The soil pressures recommended above assume that wall drains will be installed to prevent the buildup of
hydrostatic pressure behind the walls, as described above in the “Drainage” section of this report below,
and tied to permanent drains to remove water to suitable discharge points.

6.7.2. Other Cast-in-Place Walls

Conventional cast-in-place walls may be necessary for small retaining structures located on-site. The
lateral soil pressures acting on conventional cast-in-place subsurface walls will depend on the nature,
density and configuration of the soil behind the wall and the amount of lateral wall movement that can
occur as backfill is placed.

For walls that are free to yield at the top at least 0.1 percent of the height of the wall, soil pressures will
be less than if movement is limited by such factors as wall stiffness or bracing. Assuming that the walls
are backfilled and drainage is provided as outlined in the following paragraphs, we recommend that
yielding walls supporting horizontal backfill be designed using an equivalent fluid density of 35 pcf
(triangular distribution), while non-yielding walls supporting horizontal backfill be designed using an
equivalent fluid density of 55 pcf (triangular distribution). For seismic loading conditions, a rectangular
earth pressure equal to 7H psf (where H is the height of the wall in feet) should be added to the
active/at-rest pressures. Other surcharge loading should be applied as appropriate.

Lateral resistance for conventional cast-in-place walls can be provided by frictional resistance along the
base of the wall and passive resistance in front of the wall. For walls founded on native soils, the
allowable frictional resistance may be computed using a coefficient of friction of 0.4 applied to vertical
dead-load forces. The allowable passive resistance may be computed using an equivalent fluid density of
400 pcf (triangular distribution). The above coefficient of friction and passive equivalent fluid density
values incorporate a factor of safety of about 1.5.

The above soil pressures assume that wall drains will be installed to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic
pressure behind the walls, as discussed below.

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File No. 25786-001-00
6.7.3. Drainage

Drainage behind the permanent below-grade walls is typically provided using prefabricated drainage
board attached to the temporary shoring walls. Weep pipes that extend through the permanent
below-grade wall should be installed around the perimeter of the building at the foundation elevation. The
weep pipes through the permanent below-grade wall should have a minimum diameter of 2 inches and
be spaced no more than 10 feet on center and should be hydraulically connected to the sump. These
weep pipes may be designed for a hard connection to the perimeter drains discussed above in the
“Below-Slab Drainage” section of this report.

The earth pressures for permanent below-grade walls assume that adequate drainage is provided behind
the wall. Prefabricated vertical geocomposite drainage material, such as Aquadrain 15X, should be
installed vertically to the face of the temporary shoring. The vertical drainage material should extend to
the bottom of the temporary shoring. The weep pipes that penetrate the basement wall should be
connected to the vertical drainage material with a drain grate. The drainage material should be installed
on the excavation side of the temporary shoring, with the fabric adjacent to the temporary shoring.

Full wall face coverage is recommended to minimize seepage and/or wet areas at the face of the
permanent wall. Full wall face coverage should extend to the bottom of the foundation elevation up to
about 3 to 5 feet below site grades to reduce the potential for surface water to enter the wall drainage
system. Although the use of full wall face coverage will reduce the likelihood of seepage and/or wet areas
at the face of the permanent wall, the potential still exists for these conditions to occur. If this is a
concern, waterproofing should be specified.

Positive drainage should be provided behind cast-in-place retaining walls by placing a minimum
2-foot-wide zone of 6-inch minus uncrushed aggregate per ISPWC Section 801. A perforated drainpipe
should be placed near the base of the retaining wall to provide drainage. The drainpipe should be
surrounded by a minimum of 6 inches of drain rock meeting the gradation of Drain Rock 3 inches, ISPWC
Section 801, or an alternative approved by GeoEngineers. The drain rock material should be wrapped
with a non-woven geotextile filter fabric meeting the requirement of Drainage Geotextile Type 1, ISPWC
Section 2050. The wall drainpipe should be connected to a header pipe and routed to a sump or gravity
drain. Appropriate cleanouts for drainpipe maintenance should be installed.

As noted above, the flow rate for the planned excavation in the below-slab drainage and below-grade wall
drainage systems is anticipated to be less than 5 gpm.

6.8. Earthwork
6.8.1. Subgrade Preparation

The exposed subgrade in structure and hardscape areas should be evaluated after site excavation is
complete. Disturbed areas below slabs and foundations should be recompacted if the subgrade
soil consists of granular material. If the subgrade soils consist of disturbed soils, it will likely be necessary
to remove and replace the disturbed soil with structural fill unless the soil can be adequately moisture-
conditioned and compacted.

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File No. 25786-001-00
6.8.2. Structural Fill

Fill placed to for the following conditions will need to be specified as structural fill as described below:

■ If structural fill is necessary beneath building foundations, the fill should consist of CDF, structural
concrete, or ¾-inch Type 1 Crushed Aggregate per the 2020 ISPWC Section 802.
■ Structural fill placed behind retaining walls should meet the requirements of 6-inch minus uncrushed
aggregate per ISPWC Section 801.
■ Structural fill placed within utility trenches and below pavement and sidewalk areas should consist of
CDF, or fill meeting the 6-inch minus uncrushed aggregate per ISPWC Section 801.
■ Structural fill placed around below-slab drainage pipe and cast-in-place wall drains should meet the
requirements of drain rock meeting the gradation of Drain Rock 3 inches, ISPWC Section 801.
■ Structural fill placed as base course below pavements and sidewalks should meet the requirements
of ¾-inch Type 1 Crushed Aggregate per the 2020 ISPWC Section 802.
■ If structural fill is necessary beneath building slabs, the fill should consist of 6-inch minus uncrushed
aggregate per ISPWC Section 801.
■ Structural fill placed as capillary break material should meet the requirements of Coarse Aggregate
for Concrete Type 2b, ITD 2018 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction Section 703.02-6. On-site Soils

The on-site soils are moisture-sensitive and may have natural moisture contents higher than the
anticipated optimum moisture content for compaction. As a result, the on-site soils may require moisture
conditioning in order to meet the required compaction criteria during dry weather conditions and will not
be suitable for reuse during wet weather. Furthermore, most of the fill soils required for the project have
specific gradation requirements, and the on-site soils do not meet these gradation requirements. If the
contractor wants to use on-site soils for structural fill, GeoEngineers can evaluate the on-site soils for
suitability as structural fill, as required. Fill Placement and Compaction Criteria

Structural fill should be mechanically compacted to a firm, non-yielding condition. Structural fill should be
placed in loose lifts not exceeding 12 inches in thickness if using heavy compactors, and not exceeding
6 inches in thickness if using hand operated equipment. The actual thickness will be dependent on the
structural fill material used and the type and size of compaction equipment. Each lift should be
conditioned to the proper moisture content and compacted to the specified density before placing
subsequent lifts. Structural fill should be compacted to the following criteria:

■ Structural fill placed in building areas (supporting ramp or slab-on-grade floors) and in pavement and
sidewalk areas (including utility trench backfill) should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the
maximum dry density (MDD) estimated in general accordance with ASTM D 1557.
■ Structural fill placed against subgrade walls should be compacted to between 90 and 92 percent of
the MDD estimated in general accordance with ASTM D 1557. Care should be taken when
compacting fill against subsurface walls to avoid over-compaction and, hence, overstressing the

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File No. 25786-001-00
We recommend that GeoEngineers be present during probing of the exposed subgrade soils in building
and pavement areas, and during placement of structural fill. We will evaluate the adequacy of the
subgrade soils and identify areas needing further work, perform in-place moisture-density tests in the fill
to verify compliance with the compaction specifications, and advise on any modifications to the
procedures that may be appropriate for the prevailing conditions. Weather Considerations

The on-site soils contain a sufficient percentage of fines (silt and clay) to be moisture-sensitive. When the
moisture content of these soils is more than a few percent above the optimum moisture content, these
soils become muddy and unstable, and operation of equipment on these soils is difficult. Additionally,
disturbance of near-surface soils should be expected if earthwork is completed during periods of wet
weather. During wet weather, we recommend the following:

■ The ground surface in and around the work area should be sloped so that surface water is directed
away from the work area. The ground surface should be graded such that areas of ponded water do
not develop. The contractor should take measures to prevent surface water from collecting in
excavations and trenches. Measures should be implemented to remove surface water from the work
■ Slopes with exposed soils should be covered with plastic sheeting or similar means.
■ The site soils should not be left uncompacted and exposed to moisture. Sealing the surficial soils by
rolling with a smooth-drum roller prior to periods of precipitation will reduce the extent to which these
soils become wet or unstable.
■ Construction traffic should be restricted to specific areas of the site, preferably areas that are
surfaced with materials not susceptible to wet weather disturbance.
■ Construction activities should be scheduled so that the length of time that soils are left exposed to
moisture is reduced to the extent practicable.

6.8.3. Temporary Slopes

Temporary slopes may be used around the site to facilitate construction of foundations or basement walls
or in the transition between levels at the base of the excavation. We recommend that temporary slopes
constructed in the fill and native alluvial gravel be inclined at 1½H:1V (horizontal to vertical). Flatter
slopes may be necessary if seepage is present on the face of the cut slopes or if localized sloughing
occurs. For open cuts at the site, we recommend that:

■ No traffic, construction equipment, stockpiles or building supplies be allowed at the top of the cut
slopes within a distance of at least 5 feet from the top of the cut;
■ Exposed soil along the slope be protected from surface erosion by using waterproof tarps or plastic
■ Construction activities be scheduled so that the length of time the temporary cut is left open is
reduced to the extent practicable;
■ Erosion control measures be implemented as appropriate such that runoff from the site is reduced to
the extent practicable;
■ Surface water be diverted away from the slope; and

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File No. 25786-001-00
■ The general condition of the slopes be observed periodically by the geotechnical engineer to confirm
adequate stability.

Because the contractor has control of the construction operations, the contractor should be made
responsible for the stability of cut slopes, as well as the safety of the excavations. Shoring and temporary
slopes must conform to applicable local, state and federal safety regulations.

6.9. Recommended Additional Geotechnical Services

A final geotechnical report will be prepared for the project that captures design changes prior to permit
intake in the City. GeoEngineers should be retained to review the project plans and specifications when
complete to confirm that our design recommendations have been implemented as intended.

During construction, GeoEngineers should observe the installation of the shoring system, review/collect
shoring monitoring data, evaluate the suitability of the foundation subgrades, observe installation of
subsurface drainage measures, evaluate structural backfill, observe the condition of temporary cut
slopes, and provide a summary letter of our construction observation services. The purposes of
GeoEngineers construction phase services are to confirm that the subsurface conditions are consistent
with those observed in the explorations and other reasons described in Appendix F, Report Limitations
and Guidelines for Use.


We have prepared this report for the exclusive use of Pennbridge Capital – Pennbridge Lodging and their
authorized agents for the 1011 West Grove Street project in Boise, Idaho.

Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance
with generally accepted practices in the field of geotechnical engineering in this area at the time this
report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, express or implied, should be understood.

Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table and/or figure), if
provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored
by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record.

Please refer to Appendix F for additional information pertaining to use of this report.


GeoStructural, 2019, “Subsurface Geotechnical Investigation Report, Block 19: 1000, 1050, and 1080
West Front Street, 1005 and 1011 West Grove Street, Boise, Idaho.”

Idaho Department of Transportation, 2018, “2018 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction.”

Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction, 2020.

International Code Council, 2018, “International Building Code.”

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File No. 25786-001-00
W B ella St

N 24th St
Memorial State

N 25th St
Park W Haze l St
W Hero n S t

N 23rd St
N 22n d St
N 21s t St

N 19th St
W Lemp St Boise Hills
W Rid enb a u gh St Village

W W Brum back St

N 9th St
N 15th St

N 12th St
N 11th St
N 10th St
N 27th St

N 13th St

N 7t h S t

N 25th St
N 26th St

N 5t h St

N 2 4 th St
N 23rd St
Boise Ri ver


N 6th St
N 8th St



W I dah o St W



W St

i e w Av e M Veterans
W Fairv ai
n Association

Medical Center
Id ah o Me da l of Hon o r H w




St W











Fort Boise Park

Albertson Park


N Roosev el t S t


Ann Morrison
Park E
S 9th
N Latah St

E St
Je a
E ffe te S
Ba rs t
Date Exported: 01/18/22 by maugust

Boise nn on
Julia Davis Park oc S
k t

W K i p l i n g Rd W
Ce E
W A l p i ne St s ar C ha ve z Ln Le

Boise State
W Rose H ill S t ise River

W Be l mon t St
S L ata h St

W B e acon S t
W Cass i a St
S Shos hone St

W Ro ss i St

S Roos evel t S t

Boise National
S Broa dway Ave

S Co l ora do Ave



2,000 0 2,000

Morley Nelson Feet

Snake River
Birds of Prey
National Vicinity Map
Notes: Conservation
1. The locations of all features shown are approximate.
2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in
showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc.
1011 West Grove Street
cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master Boise, Idaho
file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of
this communication.

Data Source: ESRI Figure 1

Projection: NAD 1983 StatePlane Idaho Central FIPS 1102 Feet
Site Boundary

A A'
5 Cross Section Location
W Grove St 269

GEI-B1 Boring by GeoEngineers, 2022 (Current Study)
Boring with monitoring well by
GeoEngineers, 2022 (Current Study)

A A' B-1 Boring by GeoStructural, 2019


\\\WAN\Projects\25\25786001\CAD\00\11th and Grove\2578600100_F02-F03_Site Plan and Sections.dwg TAB:F02 Date Exported: 03/04/22 - 9:56 by mwoods

B-3 B-1


Should we also show GEI-1

2694 through GEI-3 from the other

S 11th St

S 10th St
2693 Notes:
B-2 1. The locations of all features shown are approximate.
2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing

features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot

guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored
2692 by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication.

Data Source: Survey from KM Engineering dated 1/15/2020.

Projection: NAD83 Idaho State Planes, West Zone, US Foot


Actual Project

40 0 40

Site Plan

1011 West Grove Street

Boise, Idaho



W Front St

Figure 2
A A'
(West) (East)

2700 2700

(13 ft)

(17 ft)
(51 ft)

(52 ft)
(18 ft)

AC 2
11 GP GP 8
SM Fill 5
6 2
2690 5
SM 3 SM 2690
ML 4
5 10 SP
23 SP 10
SM 18
68/11" 44
99/11.5" 60
50/3" 50/5"
SM 88
2680 120/5.5" GP 43 2680
GP 55

GP-GM 65
55 Alluvial 50/4"
Elevation (Feet)

Elevation (Feet)

2670 84 24 2670
P:\25\25786001\CAD\00\11th and Grove\2578600100_F02-F03_Site Plan and Sections.dwg TAB:F03 Date Exported: 03/11/22 - 16:55 by syi

85/11.5" GP 52 GP-GM

2660 50/5" 50/1" 2660


2650 50/3" 2650


2640 2640
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 400
Distance (Feet)

Boring ID

1. The subsurface conditions shown are based on interpolation between Boring Fill Cross Section A-A'
widely spaced explorations and should be considered approximate; actual
subsurface conditions may vary from those shown. Inferred Soil Contact
2. This figure is for informational purposes only. It is intended to assist in the Alluvial
identification of features discussed in a related document. Data were 1011 West Grove Street
SM Soil Classification 30 0 30
compiled from sources as listed in this figure. The data sources do not
guarantee these data are accurate or complete. There may have been
Boise, Idaho
updates to the data since the publication of this figure. This figure is a copy Groundwater Measured in Piezometer Horizontal Scale in Feet
of a master document. The hard copy is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and 10 0 10
will serve as the official document of record. 20 Blow Count Figure 3
Vertical Scale in Feet
Datum: NAVD 88, unless otherwise noted. Vertical Exaggeration = 3 X
Cantilever Soldier Pile Conventional Soldier Pile Wall with One Level of Tiebacks Conventional Soldier Pile Wall with Multiple Levels of Tiebacks

Ground Surface Ground Surface Ground Surface

H1 3
15' 15'
H/2 H/2
30 H
H 1 H H

60° 3
\\\WAN\Projects\25\25786001\CAD\00\11th and Grove\2578600100_F04-F06_EPDs.dwg TAB:F04 Date Exported: 03/04/22 - 9:58 by mwoods

Base of Excavation Base of Excavation Base of Excavation
2' 2' 2'

D 400 D 400 D 400

H/5 H/5
1 1 1

400.D P=30.H 60 400.D P= 30.H 60 400.D P= 24.H 60

psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf

Net Allowable Active Traffic Net Allowable Apparent Traffic Net Allowable Apparent Traffic
Passive Pressure Earth Surcharge Passive Pressure Earth Surcharge Passive Pressure Earth Surcharge
Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure

No Load Zone
H= Height of Excavation, Feet
Not To Scale
D= Soldier Pile Embedment Depth, Feet
Notes: Distance From Ground Surface to Earth Pressure Diagrams -
1. Active/apparent earth pressure and traffic surcharge pressure act over the H1 =
Uppermost Tieback, Feet Temporary Soldier Pile & Tieback Walls
pile spacing above the base of the excavation.
2. Passive earth pressure acts over 2.5 times the concreted diameter of the Th1= Horizontal Load in Uppermost Ground Anchor
soldier pile, or the pile spacing, whichever is less.
3. Passive pressure includes a factor of safety of 1.5 Maximum Apparent Earth Pressure 1011 West Grove Street
4. Additional surcharge from footings of adjacent buildings should be included Pounds per Square Foot Boise, Idaho
in accordance with recommendations provided on Figure 5.
5. This pressure diagram is appropriate for temporary soldier pile and tieback Assumed Groundwater Elevation during Temporary
walls. If additional surcharge loading (such as from soil stockpiles, Shoring.
excavators, dumptrucks, cranes, or concrete trucks) is anticipated, Figure 4
GeoEngineers should be consulted to provide revised surcharge pressures.
Uniform Surcharges,
Lateral Earth Pressure from Point Load, QP Lateral Earth Pressure from Line Load, q (Floor Loads, Large Foundation
(Spread Footing) QL (Continuous Wall Footing) Elements or Traffic Loads)

X= m H X= m H
q (psf)


Z=nH Z=nH PH
A A'
σH σH

Base of Excavation Base of Excavation Base of Excavation

For m ≤ 0.4 σH 0.24 · q (psf)

σH = K · 0.2n · QL

σ'H = σ COS (1.1θ ) 2 H(0.16+n2 )2

For m ≤ 0.4 For m > 0.4
σH = K · 0.28QPn2
σH = Lateral Surcharge Pressure from
σH = K · 1.77QPm2n2
\\\WAN\Projects\25\25786001\CAD\00\11th and Grove\2578600100_F04-F06_EPDs.dwg TAB:F05 Date Exported: 03/04/22 - 9:58 by mwoods

For m > 0.4 Uniform Surcharge

2 2 3
H (0.16+n ) H2(m2+n2 )3 σH = K · 1.28m2nQL

H(m2+n2 )2

PH H Resultant PH = K · 0.64QL
( )
(m2 +1)
Face of Wall

0.2 0.78 0.59H

QP m R
0.4 0.78 0.59H
σ ' 0.1 0.60H
0.6 0.45 0.48H
0.3 0.60H
X= m H
0.5 0.56H

Section A-A' 0.7 0.48H

Pressures from Point Load QP

QP = Point load in pounds
Wall Type K QL = Line load in pounds/foot
Rigid 1.0 H = Excavation height below footing, feet
Flexible 0.5 σH = Lateral earth pressure from surcharge, psf
q = Surcharge pressure in psf
Not To Scale
θ= Radians
Notes: σ'H = Distribution of σH in plan view
Recommended Surcharge Pressure
1. Procedures for estimating surcharge pressures shown above are based on Manual PH = Resultant lateral force acting on wall, pounds
7.02 Naval Facilities Engineering Command, September 1986 (NAVFAC DM 7.02).
2. Lateral earth pressures from surcharge should be added to earth pressures R = Distance from base of excavation to resultant lateral force, feet
presented on Figures 4 and 6.
X= Resultant lateral force acting on wall, pounds 1011 West Grove Street
3. See report text for where surcharge pressures are appropriate.
4. Determination of surcharge factor (k). Flexible is for a system that allows small Z= Depth of σH to be evaluated below the bottom of QP or QL Boise, Idaho
movements (temporary shoring, retaining walls, etc.) and rigid is for a system that
does not allow small movements (permanent basement walls, below grade utility m= Ratio of X to H
structures, etc.). If permanent basement walls are cast/poured directly against n= Ratio of Z to H Figure 5
temporary shoring, then the lateral surcharge factor should be assumed as flexible
when analyzing lateral surcharges. K= Surcharge Factor
Permanent Basement Wall Against Temporary Shoring

Ground Surface



Top of Slab or Mat

D 400

400.D P= 24.H 60 5.H

psf psf psf psf

Net Allowable Static Earth Traffic Seismic

P:\25\25786001\CAD\00\11th and Grove\2578600100_F04-F06_EPDs.dwg TAB:F06 Date Exported: 03/11/22 - 16:56 by syi

Passive Pressure Pressure Surcharge Surcharge

Pressure Pressure

H= Height of Basement Wall, Feet
D= Foundation Embedment Depth, Feet
Maximum Static Pressure, Pounds
per Square Foot
Design Groundwater Elevation for Drained Walls/
Passive Resistance Design

Not To Scale

Earth Pressure Diagram

Notes: Permanent Below Grade Walls
1. Passive earth pressure includes a factor of safety of 1.5
2. Additional surcharge from footings of adjacent buildings should be included
in accordance with recommendations provided on Figure 5. 1011 West Grove Street
3. This pressure diagram is appropriate for permanent basement walls
constructed in front of temporary shoring walls with tieback or soil nail Boise, Idaho
anchors. If additional surcharge loading (such as from soil stockpiles,
excavators, dumptrucks, cranes, or concrete trucks) is anticipated,
GeoEngineers should be consulted to provide revised surcharge pressures. Figure 6
4. The static earth pressure does not include a factor of safety and represents
the actual anticipated statc earth pressure.
Field Explorations

Subsurface conditions were explored at the site by drilling three borings (GEI-B1 and GEI-B3), with one
that was completed as a monitoring well (GEI-B3). The borings were completed to depths ranging from
about 34½ to 51 feet below the existing ground surface. The borings were completed by GeoEngineers,
Inc. and HazTech Drilling, Inc. between January 21 and 22, 2022.

The locations of the explorations and the monitoring well elevations were measured by surveying
equipment or by taping in the field. The approximate exploration locations are shown on the Site Plan,
Figure 2.

The borings were completed using truck-mounted, continuous-flight, hollow-stem auger drilling
equipment. The borings were continuously monitored by a geotechnical technician from our firm who
examined and classified the soils encountered, obtained representative soil samples, observed
groundwater conditions and prepared a detailed log of each exploration.

The soils encountered in the borings were generally sampled at 2½- and 5-foot vertical intervals with a
2-inch outside diameter split-barrel standard penetration test (SPT) sampler and a 3-inch outside
diameter split barrel Dames and Moore (D&M) sampler. The disturbed samples were obtained by driving
the sampler 18 or 24 inches into the soil with a 140-pound hammer free-falling 30 inches. The number of
blows required for each 6 inches of penetration was recorded. The blow count ("N-value") of the soil was
calculated as the number of blows required for the second and third 6-inch intervals. This resistance, or
N-value, provides a measure of the relative density of granular soils and the relative consistency of
cohesive soils. Where very dense soil conditions precluded driving at least 18 inches, the penetration
resistance for the partial penetration was entered on the logs. The blow counts are shown on the boring
logs at the respective sample depths.

Soils encountered in the borings were visually classified in general accordance with the classification
system described in Figure A-1, Key to Exploration Logs. A key to the boring log symbols is also presented
in Figure A-1. The logs of the borings are presented in Figures A-2 through A-4, which are based on our
interpretation of the field and laboratory data and indicate the various types of soils and groundwater
conditions encountered. The logs also indicate the depths at which these soils or their characteristics
change, although the change may actually be gradual. If the change occurred between samples, it was
interpreted. The densities noted on the boring logs are based on the blow count data obtained in the
borings and judgment based on the conditions encountered.

Observations of groundwater conditions were made during drilling. The groundwater conditions
encountered during drilling are presented on the boring logs. Groundwater conditions observed during
drilling represent a short-term condition and may or may not be representative of the long-term
groundwater conditions at the site. Groundwater conditions observed during drilling should be considered

July 19, 2022 | Page A-1

File No. 25786-001-00
Monitoring Wells
A representative of GeoEngineers observed the installation of a monitoring well in boring GEI-B3. The
monitoring well was constructed using 2-inch-diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) casing. The depth to which
the casing was installed was selected based on our understanding of subsurface soil and groundwater
conditions in the project area. The lower portion of the casing was slotted to allow entry of water into the
casing. Medium sand was placed in the borehole annulus surrounding the slotted portion of the casing.
A bentonite seal was placed above and below the slotted portion of the casing. The monitoring well was
protected by installing a flush-mount steel monuments set in concrete. Completion details for the
monitoring well are shown on the logs presented in Figure A-4.

The monitoring well will require decommissioning prior to excavation for the planned development. The
decommissioning of the well will likely include backfilling the monitoring well with approved materials.

July 19, 2022 | Page A-2

File No. 25786-001-00
SAND MIXTURES AC Asphalt Concrete
CC Cement Concrete
CR Quarry Spalls

SOD Sod/Forest Duff

TS Topsoil

FINES Groundwater Contact
Measured groundwater level in exploration,
well, or piezometer
PLASTICITY Measured free product in well or piezometer
SOILS ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY Distinct contact between soil strata
Approximate contact between soil strata
NO. 200 SIEVE Material Description Contact
Contact between geologic units

Contact between soil of the same geologic



HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS Laboratory / Field Tests
NOTE: Multiple symbols are used to indicate borderline or dual soil classifications
%F Percent fines
%G Percent gravel
AL Atterberg limits
Sampler Symbol Descriptions CA Chemical analysis
CP Laboratory compaction test
2.4-inch I.D. split barrel / Dames & Moore (D&M) CS Consolidation test
DD Dry density
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) DS Direct shear
HA Hydrometer analysis
Shelby tube MC Moisture content
MD Moisture content and dry density
Piston Mohs Mohs hardness scale
Direct-Push OC Organic content
PM Permeability or hydraulic conductivity
Bulk or grab PI Plasticity index
PL Point lead test
Continuous Coring PP Pocket penetrometer
SA Sieve analysis
TX Triaxial compression
Blowcount is recorded for driven samplers as the number of UC Unconfined compression
blows required to advance sampler 12 inches (or distance noted). UU Unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression
See exploration log for hammer weight and drop. VS Vane shear
"P" indicates sampler pushed using the weight of the drill rig. Sheen Classification
"WOH" indicates sampler pushed using the weight of the NS No Visible Sheen
hammer. SS Slight Sheen
MS Moderate Sheen
HS Heavy Sheen
NOTE: The reader must refer to the discussion in the report text and the logs of explorations for a proper understanding of subsurface conditions.
Descriptions on the logs apply only at the specific exploration locations and at the time the explorations were made; they are not warranted to be
representative of subsurface conditions at other locations or times.

Key to Exploration Logs

Figure A-1

Rev 01/2022
Start End Total Logged By NBD Drilling
Drilled 1/22/2022 1/22/2022 Depth (ft) 34.5 MAG Driller GeoEngineers, Inc. Method Hollow-stem Auger
Checked By
Surface Elevation (ft) 2693 Hammer Autohammer Drilling Truck-mounted CME 75
Vertical Datum NAVD88 Data 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop Equipment

Easting (X) 2503468 System ID State Plane

See "Remarks" section for groundwater observed
Northing (Y) 710870 Datum NAD83 (feet)


Elevation (feet)

Collected Sample
Recovered (in)

Sample Name

Depth (feet)

Graphic Log

Content (%)

Content (%)




AC Approximately 3 inches asphalt concrete pavement
13 11 1 SM Brown silty fine to medium sand (medium dense,
moist) (fill)

ML Dark brown sandy silt (medium stiff, moist to wet)

14 5 2

SM Dark brown silty fine to medium sand with gravel
(medium dense, moist)
13 23

SM Gray-tan silty fine to coarse sand with gravel (very

13 99/ 4 3 13 Driller notes hard drilling
11.5" SA dense, moist) (alluvial)

5.5 50/5.5" 5

GP-GM Gray-tan fine to coarse gravel with silt, sand and


occasional cobbles (very dense, moist) 3 7
11.5 120/
5.5" SA
Date:3/11/22 Path:P:\25\25786001\GINT\2578600100.GPJ DBLibrary/Library:GEOENGINEERS_DF_STD_US_JUNE_2017.GLB/GEI8_GEOTECH_STANDARD_%F_NO_GW


11 55 7 Driller notes hard drilling

Groundwater encountered at approximately
20 feet during drilling

GP Gray-tan fine to coarse gravel with sand, cobbles and

trace silt (very dense, wet)

17 84 8 Driller notes smoother drilling


15 85/ 9

8 50/5" 10

Note: See Figure A-1 for explanation of symbols.

Coordinates Data Source: Horizontal approximated based on Topographic Survey. Vertical approximated based on Topographic Survey.

Log of Boring GEI-B1

Project: 1101 West Grove Street
Project Location: Boise, Idaho
Figure A-2
Project Number: 25786-001-00 Sheet 1 of 1
Start End Total Logged By NBD Drilling
Drilled 1/22/2022 1/22/2022 Depth (ft) 34.5 MAG Driller GeoEngineers, Inc. Method Hollow-stem Auger
Checked By
Surface Elevation (ft) 2695 Hammer Autohammer Drilling Truck-mounted CME 75
Vertical Datum NAVD88 Data 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop Equipment

Easting (X) 2503578 System ID State Plane

See "Remarks" section for groundwater observed
Northing (Y) 710798 Datum NAD83 (feet)


Elevation (feet)

Collected Sample
Recovered (in)

Sample Name

Depth (feet)

Graphic Log

Content (%)

Content (%)




AC Approximately 3¼ inches asphalt concrete pavement
3 2 1 SM Brown silty fine to coarse sand with gravel (loose,
moist) (fill)

7 2 2 17 28

14 10 3

GP-GM Gray fine to coarse gravel with silt, sand and cobbles
12 44 4
(dense to very dense, moist) (alluvial)

Driller notes hard drilling
4 50/5" 5 2 9

9 50/3" 6

Date:3/11/22 Path:P:\25\25786001\GINT\2578600100.GPJ DBLibrary/Library:GEOENGINEERS_DF_STD_US_JUNE_2017.GLB/GEI8_GEOTECH_STANDARD_%F_NO_GW

12 65 7

Becomes wet Groundwater observed at approximately
20 feet during drilling

14 52 8


10 40 9 12 9


10.5 50/4.5" 10

Note: See Figure A-1 for explanation of symbols.

Coordinates Data Source: Horizontal approximated based on Topographic Survey. Vertical approximated based on Topographic Survey.

Log of Boring GEI-B2

Project: 1101 West Grove Street
Project Location: Boise, Idaho
Figure A-3
Project Number: 25786-001-00 Sheet 1 of 1
Start End Total Logged By THM Drilling Hollow-stem Auger
Drilled 1/21/2022 1/21/2022 Depth (ft)
MAG Driller HazTech Drilling, Inc. Method
Checked By
Hammer Autohammer Drilling Truck-mounted CME 75
Data 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop Equipment
A 2-in well was installed on 1/21/2022 to a depth of 50 ft.
Surface Elevation (ft) 2695 Top of Casing 2694.75
Vertical Datum NAVD88 Elevation (ft) Groundwater Depth to
Date Measured Water (ft) Elevation (ft)
Easting (X) 2503665 Horizontal ID State Plane
Northing (Y) 710732 Datum NAD83 (feet) 2/1/2022 19.70 2675.05



Elevation (feet)

Collected Sample
Recovered (in)

Sample Name

Depth (feet)

Graphic Log
Water Level

Steel surface

Content (%)

Content (%)




AC Approximately 3 inches asphalt concrete pavement Concrete surface
Approximately 6 inches pit run base course 1 seal
Brown silty fine to medium sand with gravel (loose,
SM moist) (fill)
7 8 1

2 Colorado silica sand
4 3 backfill

11 10 3 15 27

GP-GM Light brown fine to coarse gravel with silt, sand


10 8 8
12 60 4 and occasional cobbles (medium dense to very
dense, moist) (alluvial)

13 88 5 4 8


6 2-inch Schedule 40
10 43 PVC well casing
Date:3/11/22 Path:P:\25\25786001\GINT\2578600100.GPJ DBLibrary/Library:GEOENGINEERS_DF_STD_US_JUNE_2017.GLB/GEI8_GEOTECH_WELL_%F

3/8-inch bentonite

Becomes wet

15 131/ 7

25 10 7
6 24 8



8 52 9 Becomes light brown

Colorado silica sand


Note: See Figure A-1 for explanation of symbols.
Coordinates Data Source: Horizontal approximated based on Topographic Survey. Vertical approximated based on Topographic Survey.

Log of Boring with Monitoring Well GEI-B3

Project: 1101 West Grove Street
Project Location: Boise, Idaho
Figure A-4
Project Number: 25786-001-00 Sheet 1 of 2

Elevation (feet)

Collected Sample
Recovered (in)

Sample Name

Depth (feet)

Graphic Log
Water Level

Content (%)

Content (%)




3 50/1" 10 Increased cobble content
(Driller notes sampler bouncing on cobble)

11 11 7 2-inch Schedule 40
9 50/5.5" PVC screen,
0.010-inch slot

(Driller notes heave in auger)


5 50/3" 12


8 50/4" 13
Date:3/11/22 Path:P:\25\25786001\GINT\2578600100.GPJ DBLibrary/Library:GEOENGINEERS_DF_STD_US_JUNE_2017.GLB/GEI8_GEOTECH_WELL_%F

Log of Boring with Monitoring Well GEI-B3 (continued)

Project: 1101 West Grove Street
Project Location: Boise, Idaho
Figure A-4
Project Number: 25786-001-00 Sheet 2 of 2
Laboratory Testing

Soil samples obtained from the explorations were transported to GeoEngineers’ laboratory and evaluated
to confirm or modify field classifications, as well as to evaluate engineering properties of the soil samples.
Representative samples were selected for laboratory testing to determine the moisture content, percent
fines (material passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve), and grain size distribution. The tests were performed in
general accordance with test methods of ASTM International (ASTM) or other applicable procedures.

The sieve analysis results are presented in Figures B-1 through B-6. The results of the moisture content
and percent fines determinations are presented at the respective sample depths on the exploration logs
in Appendix A.

Moisture Content (MC)

Moisture content tests were completed in general accordance with ASTM D 2216 for representative
samples obtained from the explorations. The results of these tests are presented on the exploration logs
in Appendix A at the depths at which the samples were obtained.

Percent Passing U.S. No. 200 Sieve (%F)

Selected samples were “washed” through the U.S. No. 200 mesh sieve to estimate the relative
percentages of coarse- and fine-grained particles in the soil. The percent passing value represents the
percentage by weight of the sample finer than the U.S. No. 200 sieve. These tests were conducted to
verify field descriptions and to estimate the fines content for analysis purposes. The tests were conducted
in accordance with ASTM D 1140, and the results are shown on the exploration logs in Appendix A at the
respective sample depths.

Sieve Analysis (SA)

Sieve analysis testing was performed on selected samples in general accordance with ASTM D 422.
The wet sieve analysis method was used to determine the percentage of soil passing the U.S. No. 200
mesh sieve. The results of the sieve analyses were plotted, classified in general accordance with the
Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), and are presented in Figures B-1 through B-6.

pH and Resistivity Testing

pH and resistivity testing was performed on selected samples in general accordance with ASTM. The
testing was completed by an external laboratory and are presented in Figure B-7. Additionally, the results
of the testing, and estimated corrosion rating are summarized on Table B-1 below.


Exploration/Depth (feet) pH Resistivity (ohms-cm)

GEI-B1/18½ 8.02 28,000
GEI-6/12½ 8.81 2,790
ohms-cm = ohms-centimeter

July 19, 2022 | Page B-1

File No. 25786-001-00

80% Screen %
3" 100
70% 2" 100
Percent Passing By Weight

1.5" 100

60% 1.25" 100

1" 95
3/4" 85
5/8" 82
1/2" 77
B1 S-4 at 8.5 ft. 3/8" 73
1/4" 66
30% No. 4 62
No. 10 52
20% No. 20 41
No. 40 31
10% No. 60 24
No. 100 19
No. 200 13
1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001

Gv 38%
Sa 49%

Sample ID WC % CU CC USC D2487 Group Name

B1 S-4 at 8.5 ft. 2.6% n/a n/a SM Silty sand w/ gravel

Estimated values for Cu Cc calculation D60 n/a D30 n/a D10 n/a Fines LL/PL estimated

Test Method: ASTM C136-14

Project 1011 West Grove Street Date Submitted 01/29/222
File No. 25786-001-00 Date Tested 02/02/22
GEI ID No. Tested By GT
Shaker ID 1296 Scale ID 1669 Approved By

GEI Classification: Silty fi-co sand w/ gravel, SM

NOTE: Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations or
generated by separate operations or processes. This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc.


523 East Second Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 Version date 2/5/2020 Fig. B-01

80% Screen %
3" 100
70% 2" 100
Percent Passing By Weight

1.5" 100

60% 1.25" 92
1" 83
3/4" 75
5/8" 69
1/2" 64
B1 S-6 at 13.5 ft. 3/8" 57
1/4" 50
30% No. 4 47
No. 10 37
20% No. 20 29
No. 40 20
10% No. 60 14
No. 100 11
No. 200 7.1
1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001

Gv 53%
Sa 40%

Sample ID WC % CU CC USC D2487 Group Name

B1 S-6 at 13.5 ft. 3.1% 78.6 0.6 GP-GM Poorly graded gravel w/ silt and sand
Estimated values for Cu Cc calculation D60 11.000 D30 0.950 D10 0.140 Fines LL/PL estimated

Test Method: ASTM C136-14

Project 1011 West Grove Street Date Submitted 01/29/222
File No. 25786-001-00 Date Tested 02/02/22
GEI ID No. Tested By GT
Shaker ID 1296 Scale ID 1669 Approved By

GEI Classification: Fine to coarse gravel w/ silt and sand, GP-GM

NOTE: Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations or
generated by separate operations or processes. This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc.


523 East Second Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 Version date 2/5/2020 Fig. B-02

80% Screen %
3" 100
70% 2" 100
Percent Passing By Weight

1.5" 100

60% 1.25" 100

1" 100
3/4" 96
5/8" 92
1/2" 91
B3 S-3 at 7.5 ft. 3/8" 89
1/4" 86
30% No. 4 85
No. 10 81
20% No. 20 75
No. 40 69
10% No. 60 63
No. 100 49
No. 200 27
1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001

Gv 15%
Sa 58%

Sample ID WC % CU CC USC D2487 Group Name

B3 S-3 at 7.5 ft. 15.3% n/a n/a SM Silty sand w/ gravel

Estimated values for Cu Cc calculation D60 n/a D30 n/a D10 n/a Fines LL/PL estimated

Test Method: ASTM C136-14

Project 1011 West Grove Street Date Submitted 01/29/222
File No. 25786-001-00 Date Tested 02/02/22
GEI ID No. Tested By GT
Shaker ID 1296 Scale ID 1669 Approved By

GEI Classification: Silty fi-med sand w/ gravel, SM

NOTE: Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations or
generated by separate operations or processes. This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc.


523 East Second Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 Version date 2/5/2020 Fig. B-04

80% Screen %
3" 100
70% 2" 100
Percent Passing By Weight

1.5" 100

60% 1.25" 100

1" 82
3/4" 75
5/8" 69
1/2" 66
B2 S-5 at 11.0 ft. 3/8" 63
1/4" 57
30% No. 4 51
No. 10 41
20% No. 20 31
No. 40 21
10% No. 60 16
No. 100 13
No. 200 9.2
1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001

Gv 49%
Sa 42%

Sample ID WC % CU CC USC D2487 Group Name

B2 S-5 at 11.0 ft. 1.9% 86.7 0.9 GP-GM Poorly graded gravel w/ silt and sand
Estimated values for Cu Cc calculation D60 7.800 D30 0.800 D10 0.090 Fines LL/PL estimated

Test Method: ASTM C136-14

Project 1011 West Grove Street Date Submitted 01/29/222
File No. 25786-001-00 Date Tested 02/02/22
GEI ID No. Tested By GT
Shaker ID 1296 Scale ID 1669 Approved By

GEI Classification: Fine to coarse gravel w/ silt and sand, GP-GM

NOTE: Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations or
generated by separate operations or processes. This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc.


523 East Second Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 Version date 2/5/2020 Fig. B-03

80% Screen %
3" 100
70% 2" 100
Percent Passing By Weight

1.5" 100

60% 1.25" 100

1" 100
3/4" 92
5/8" 90
1/2" 77
B3 S-5 at 12.5 ft. 3/8" 69
1/4" 58
30% No. 4 53
No. 10 42
20% No. 20 32
No. 40 20
10% No. 60 15
No. 100 11
No. 200 7.8
1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001

Gv 47%
Sa 45%

Sample ID WC % CU CC USC D2487 Group Name

B3 S-5 at 12.5 ft. 3.5% 57.5 0.7 GP-GM Poorly graded gravel w/ silt and sand
Estimated values for Cu Cc calculation D60 6.900 D30 0.750 D10 0.120 Fines LL/PL estimated

Test Method: ASTM C136-14

Project 1011 West Grove Street Date Submitted 01/29/222
File No. 25786-001-00 Date Tested 02/02/22
GEI ID No. Tested By GT
Shaker ID 1296 Scale ID 1669 Approved By

GEI Classification: Fine to coarse gravel w/ silt and sand, GP-GM/SP-SM

NOTE: Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations or
generated by separate operations or processes. This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc.


523 East Second Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 Version date 2/5/2020 Fig. B-05

80% Screen %
3" 100
70% 2" 100
Percent Passing By Weight

1.5" 100

60% 1.25" 100

1" 92
3/4" 74
5/8" 68
1/2" 63
B3 S-8 at 25 ft. 3/8" 57
1/4" 52
30% No. 4 49
No. 10 44
20% No. 20 38
No. 40 25
10% No. 60 15
No. 100 10
No. 200 7.0
1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001

Gv 51%
Sa 42%

Sample ID WC % CU CC USC D2487 Group Name

B3 S-8 at 25 ft. 10.2% 78.6 0.2 GP-GM Poorly graded gravel w/ silt and sand
Estimated values for Cu Cc calculation D60 11.000 D30 0.550 D10 0.140 Fines LL/PL estimated

Test Method: ASTM C136-14

Project 1011 West Grove Street Date Submitted 01/29/222
File No. 25786-001-00 Date Tested 02/02/22
GEI ID No. Tested By GT
Shaker ID 1296 Scale ID 1669 Approved By

GEI Classification: Fine to coarse gravel w/ silt and sand, GP-GM

NOTE: Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations or
generated by separate operations or processes. This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc.


523 East Second Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 Version date 2/5/2020 Fig. B-06
Figure B-7. pH and Resistivity Results
Anatek Labs, Inc.
1282 Alturas Drive - Moscow, ID 83843 - (208) 883-2839 - Fax (208) 8829246 - email
504 E Sprague Ste. D - Spokane, WA 99202 - (509) 838-3999 - fax (509) 838-4433 - email

Client: GeoEngineers, Inc. Work Order: WCB0142

Address: 523 E. 2nd Ave. Project: 1011 West Grove Street
Spokane, WA 99202 Reported: 2/10/2022 13:47
Attn: Michael Gray

Analytical Results Report

Sample Location: GEI-1 S-7 @ 18.5'

Lab/Sample Number: WCB0142-01 Collect Date: 01/22/22 00:00
Date Received: 02/03/22 08:40 Collected By:
Matrix: Soil

Analyte Result Units PQL Analyzed Analyst Method Qualifier

pH 8.02 pH Units 0.990 2/4/22 11:45 ZML EPA 9045D
Resistivity 28000 ohms-cm 1.00 2/7/22 9:20 ZML ASTM G 57a

Page 1 of 4
Anatek Labs, Inc.
1282 Alturas Drive - Moscow, ID 83843 - (208) 883-2839 - Fax (208) 8829246 - email
504 E Sprague Ste. D - Spokane, WA 99202 - (509) 838-3999 - fax (509) 838-4433 - email

Analytical Results Report


Sample Location: GEI-B3 S-2 @ 5

Lab/Sample Number: WCB0142-02 Collect Date: 01/21/22 00:00
Date Received: 02/03/22 08:40 Collected By:
Matrix: Soil

Analyte Result Units PQL Analyzed Analyst Method Qualifier

pH 8.81 pH Units 0.988 2/4/22 11:45 ZML EPA 9045D
Resistivity 2790 ohms-cm 1.00 2/7/22 13:20 ZML ASTM G 57a

[TOC_1]Quality Assurance

Authorized Signature,

Kathleen Sattler, Laboratory Manager

PQL Practical Quantitation Limit

ND Not Detected
MCL EPA's Maximum Contaminant Level
Dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis
* Not a state-certified analyte

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory
The results reported related only to the samples indicated.

Page 2 of 4
Anatek Labs, Inc.
1282 Alturas Drive - Moscow, ID 83843 - (208) 883-2839 - Fax (208) 8829246 - email
504 E Sprague Ste. D - Spokane, WA 99202 - (509) 838-3999 - fax (509) 838-4433 - email


Code Description Facility Number

W WA DOE Washington Department of Ecology Anatek-Spokane, WA C585

Page 3 of 4
Page 4 of 4
Boring Logs from Previous Studies

Included in this section are logs from previous studies completed in the immediate vicinity of the project

■ The logs of three borings (B-1 through B-3) completed by GeoStructural in 2019 for the Block 19

July 19, 2022 | Page C-1

File No. 25786-001-00
The L&R Group | LRG190057t | Block 19

8.3 Soil Boring Log, August 6, 2019, GeoStructural

GeoStructural, LLC | PO Box 2621 | Boise, ID 83701 | p:530.539.4787 |

The L&R Group | LRG190057t | Block 19

GeoStructural, LLC | PO Box 2621 | Boise, ID 83701 | p:530.539.4787 |

The L&R Group | LRG190057t | Block 19

GeoStructural, LLC | PO Box 2621 | Boise, ID 83701 | p:530.539.4787 |

Geophysical Testing

Shear wave velocity testing was completed at the site using microtremor array measurements. The
testing was completed by ECA Geophysics on January 26, 2022. Shear wave velocity measurements
consisted of one array. The details of the geophysical testing and the approximate sounding location are
presented in the report prepared by ECA Geophysics.

July 19, 2022 | Page D-1

File No. 25786-001-00
Refraction Microtremor Survey of the
11th and Grove Site Project
Boise, Idaho

February 3, 2022

Prepared for:
17425 NE Union Hill Road
Suite 250
Redmond, WA 98052

Prepared by: ECA Geophysics

372 South Eagle Road
Suite 146
Eagle, ID 83616
1.0 Qualifications, Certification and Use Reliance ........................................... 1
2.0 Introduction ............................................................................................. 2
3.0 Project Description ................................................................................... 2
4.0 Data Acquisition ....................................................................................... 2
5.0 Data Processing ........................................................................................ 3
6.0 Analysis and Results .................................................................................. 4
7.0 References ............................................................................................... 4

Appendix A - Survey Area Map

Appendix B - Figure 1 - Velocity Spectral Analysis and Dispersion Picks
Appendix C - Figure 2 - Shear Wave Velocity (Vs) Model
1.0 Qualifications, Certification and Use Reliance
ECA Geophysics (E ECA), a subsidiary of Environmental Compliance Associates, LLC, has a core
competency in the performance of geophysical surveys. Mr. Brett D. Smith PE, LG performed a refraction
microtremor (ReMi™) survey of the parking area located within the north half of the southeast quadrant of
the intersection of S 11th and W Grove Streets in Boise, Idaho. See the Survey Area Map in Appendix A.
Mr. Smith is a registered environmental engineer (PE registrations in ID, NV, OR and WA) and a licensed
geologist (LG registration in WA), who holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of
Utah and a Master of Science degree in Geophysics from the Colorado School of Mines. Mr. Smith has
performed numerous geophysical surveys and environmental site assessments during his 36-year career as an
earth scientist and environmental professional.
At the request of GeoEngineers of Redmond, WA (Client), ECA performed this ReMi™ survey, utilizing
methods and procedures consistent with good commercial or customary practices that conform to acceptable
industry standards. The findings and conclusions presented in this report are based strictly upon information
and data available to ECA during the course of this assignment. ECA did not perform subsurface exploratory
drilling, sampling or chemical analyses under the work scope of this project. This report represents ECA’s
professional opinion only, such that no warranty, expressed or implied, can be made.
This report is exclusively for the use and benefit of the Client and may not be relied upon by any other person
or entity without the advance written consent of ECA.

Designed, surveyed and written by: Brett D. Smith PE, LG

E CA Ge ophy s i c s ReMi™ Survey

372 S Eagle Road, Suite 146 11th and Grove Streets
Eagle, ID 83616 1 ECA Project No. 22ECA335
2.0 Introduction
ECA was hired by the Client, to acquire shear-wave velocities of the upper 100 feet (Vs100) of the soils
underlying the above referenced location.
On January 26, 2022, ECA performed a single NW-SE oriented ReMi™ survey, as shown in the Survey Area
Map. This survey recorded sound energy (microtremors) originating from nearby vehicle traffic, ambient surface
noise and impulsive energy from sledgehammer impacts at the both ends of the linear recording array (line),
providing excellent frequency bandwidth for the 21 ReMi™ recordings collected at this location. This was
confirmed during subsequent data processing, as discussed in Section 5.0 below.
The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) / International Building Code (IBC) site class,
in accordance with Chapter 20 of ASCE/SEI 7-10, is often utilized regarding new construction design. The site
class is important for comparing measured ground motions with building code seismic design levels and is
formally described in Table 20.3-1 of ASCE/SEI 7-10 and is shown below:

Includes unweathered intrusive igneous rock. Site

Site Class A Vs > 5,000 ft/s Class A does not contribute greatly to shaking

Includes volcanic bedrock, typically Miocene-aged

Site Class B 5,000 ft/s > Vs > 2,500 ft/s Columbia River Basalts. Soil type B does not
contribute greatly to shaking amplification.

Site Class C 2,500 ft/s > Vs > 1,200 ft/s

Includes some Quaternary sands, sandstones and

Includes Quaternary sands, gravels, silts and mud.

Site Class D 1,200 ft/s > Vs > 600 ft/s Significant amplification of shaking by these soils is
generally expected.

Includes water-saturated mud and artificial fill. The

Site Class E 600 ft/s > Vs strongest amplification of shaking is expected for this
site class.

Quaternary – less than 2 million years old
Miocene – 5 to 23 million years before the present-day

3.0 Project Description

The objective of the project was to determine the shear-wave velocity structure to 100 feet depth at the above
referenced location. The shear-wave analysis utilized the ReMi™ method which maps layers of varying
acoustic properties within the upper 100 feet and computes Vs100, as per Chapter 20 of ASCE/SEI 7-10 (1).

4.0 Data Acquisition

The ReMi™ method enables rapid recording of surface-wave velocity dispersion, by utilizing a single
receiving sensor (geophone) at each channel along a linear spread of 12 equally-spaced geophones. The
ReMi™ method exploits such ambient “noise” as foot / vehicle traffic and vegetation responses to wind, as
well as intentional impulsive energy such as sledgehammer strikes against the ground surface. The equipment
used for the survey included a 12-channel seismograph (DAQLinkII system manufactured by Seismic Source
of Ponca City, OK) that stored 30-second seismic records from twelve 10 Hz geophones.

E CA Ge ophy s i c s ReMi™ Survey

372 S Eagle Road, Suite 146 11th and Grove Streets
Eagle, ID 83616 2 ECA Project No. 22ECA335
This geophysical investigation comprised one 275-ft long ReMi™ array (line) having 12 geophones equally-
spaced 25 feet apart.
There was no need to incorporate lat-lon-elevation measurements for the receiver (geophone) locations, since
the 1) maximum 1-foot linear-sloped deviation from level was considerably less than the allowed 5 percent
(14-ft) elevation tolerance and the 2) maximum 1-foot lateral bend was considerably less than the allowed 5
percent (14-ft) lateral deviation tolerance. As previously stated, 21 unfiltered 30-second records were recorded
for the line, providing an abundance of high-quality data for the derivation of Vs100.

5.0 Data Processing

The data were processed utilizing the proprietary SeisOpt ReMi™ software provided by Optim Earth, Inc. of
Reno, Nevada, that analyzes ReMi™ data having frequencies as low as 2 Hz and utilizes a simple two-
dimensional slowness-frequency (p-f) operator that separates Rayleigh waves from other seismic arrivals,
enabling the recognition of true phase velocity amongst apparent velocities (2).
Processing of raw ReMi™ data involves Velocity Spectral Analysis, Rayleigh Phase-Velocity Dispersion
Picking and Shear-Wave Velocity Modeling. These processing steps were implemented in the derivation of
Vs and are discussed below:
STEP 1 - Velocity (Dispersion Curve) Analysis: A velocity spectrum (p-f image) was created from the noise
data and a distinctive slope of dispersive waves was plotted. Because all other arrivals (ie, body waves and
airwaves) found in microtremor records have no such slope, the dispersive wave slope (derived from picks)
was diagnostically unique to the p-f analysis. The p-f spectral power image indicates where such waves have
significant energy. Even when most of the energy in a seismic record comprises phase, rather than Rayleigh
waves, the p-f analysis isolates that energy away from the dispersion curves. By recording many channels,
retaining complete vertical seismograms, and employing the p-f transform, this method successfully analyzes
Rayleigh dispersion where surface wave spectral analysis techniques cannot.
STEP 2 - Rayleigh Phase Velocity Dispersion Picking: Rayleigh-wave dispersion picks were made along a
''lowest-velocity envelope'' that bounded the energy appearing in the p-f image. This ensured that the picks
were representative of true velocities rather than apparent velocities, since noise is assumed to come from all
directions. Picking a surface-wave dispersion curve along an envelope of the lowest phase velocities having
high spectral ratio at each frequency has a further desirable effect. Since higher-mode Rayleigh waves have
phase velocities above those of the fundamental mode, the ReMi™ method preferentially yields the
fundamental-mode velocities. Higher modes may appear as separate dispersion trends on the p-f images, if
they are as energetic as the fundamental. Spatial aliasing of the slowness-frequency spectral-ratio images will
create artifacts that have p-f image slopes that trend in the opposite direction to the normal-mode dispersion
slope, as shown in Figure 1 in Appendix B. Because the seismic waves are not continuously harmonic but
rather arrive in groups, the p-tau transform is performed in the space-time domain, so that even aliased
frequencies preserve the information.
STEP 3 - Shear-Wave Velocity Modeling: Utilizing software created by Yuehua Zeng and adapted from
Saito, the ReMi™ method interactively performs forward modeling upon the normal-mode dispersion data
obtained from the p-f images. This code produces results identical to those of the forward-modeling codes
used by Iwata et al and by Xia et al within their inverse modeling procedure (3-6). The modeling iterates upon
the phase velocity at each frequency, reports when a solution has not been found within the iteration
parameters and continues to model velocity reversals with increasing depth until convergence to a valid
solution is achieved in the form of a Vs100 model. Eight inversion trials were run that ranged from a “wide
open” (no layers specified) model to specified 3 to 6-layer models, with and without allowances for velocity
reversals. The selected 3-layer Vs model has one velocity reversal, no thin layers, a very low RMS
E CA Ge ophy s i c s ReMi™ Survey
372 S Eagle Road, Suite 146 11th and Grove Streets
Eagle, ID 83616 3 ECA Project No. 22ECA335
convergence error (RMS error) and plausibly correlates with the subsurface data from recently drilled
geotechnical borings (see B-1 and B-3 on Survey Area Map).

6.0 Analysis and Results

As previously discussed, the ReMi™ line was 275 feet long. Due to the broad frequency content (bandwidth),
excellent Vs data were acquired along the ReMi™ line to an imaging depth of 186 feet.
Chapter 20 of ASCE/SEI 7-10 for seismic design site classification pertains to the upper 100 feet of the soil
profile. The following equation is utilized to determine Vs, the applicable parameter from which the
appropriate site class is derived. The RMS error en route to a reliable Vs solution ranged from 1.8 to 2.3
percent over 8 qualifying inversions, with an average value of 2.0 percent. The final Vs100 (Depth-Velocity)
model revealed an RMS error of 2.0 percent (see Figure 2), where 5.0 percent error is considered acceptable.

n n

∑d i where ∑d i = 100 feet,

i=1 i=1
Vs100 = ________________ vsi = interval shear wave velocity (ft/s)
n di = layer thickness (ft)
∑ d/v i si
Applying the equation to the Vs changes in the Depth-Velocity model, the calculated Vs100 is 1,348 ft/s. The
8 good inversion trials yielded Vs ranging from 1,296 to 1,365 ft/s, with an average value of 1,327 ft/s.

Vs100 = 1,348 ft/s, which places the Site subsurface soils within Site Class C.

ECA selects Site Class C with high confidence, due to the excellent data quality that was confirmed in the
processing steps discussed in Section 5.0.

7.0 References
1. American Society of Civil Engineering / Structural Engineering Institute (ASCE / SEI) Standard 7-10:
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, 2010.
2. Louie, J.N.: Faster, Better: Shear-wave Velocity to 100 meters Depth from Refraction Microtremor
Arrays: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 91, p. 347-364, 2001.
3. Zeng, Yuehua: Personal communication with J.N. Louie of the Nevada Seismological Lab, 1992.
4. Saito, M.: Compound Matrix Method for the Calculation of Spheroidal Oscillation of the Earth:
Seismology Research Letters, v. 59, p. 29, 1988.
Saito, M.: Computations of Reflectivity and Surface Wave Dispersion Curves for Layered Media; I, Sound
wave and SH wave: Butsuri-Tanko, v. 32, no. 5, pp. 15-26, 1979.
5. Iwata, T., Kawase, H., Satoh, T., Kakehi, Y., Irikura, K., Louie, J. N., Abbott, R. E., and Anderson, J. G.:
Array Microtremor Measurements at Reno, Nevada, USA (abstract): EOS, Transactions of the American
Geophysical Union, v. 79, supplemental to no. 45, p. F578, 1998.
6. Xia, J., Miller, R. D., and Park, C. B.: Estimation of Near-surface Shear-wave Velocity by Inversion of
Rayleigh Waves: Geophysics, v. 64, p. 691-700, 1999.

E CA Ge ophy s i c s ReMi™ Survey

372 S Eagle Road, Suite 146 11th and Grove Streets
Eagle, ID 83616 4 ECA Project No. 22ECA335

45 feet

E C A Ge o ph y s i c s
372 S Eagle Road, Suite 146 SURVEY AREA
Eagle, ID 83616 1 inch = 45 feet N

ECA Project No. 22ECA335 11th and Grove Site

Figure 1
Dispersion Curve with Picks and Fit
Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity,ft/s

Calculated Dispersion
Picked Dispersion

500.00 RMS error = 2.0 %
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Period, s

p-f Image with Dispersion Modeling Picks

Frequency, Hz

Dispersion Curve
Slowness, s/m

Curve pick

Figure 2 - Vs Model
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000







Vs 100 =1,348 ft/s
Depth, ft

RMS error = 2.0 percent












Shear-Wave Velocity, ft/s
Ground Anchor Load Tests and
Shoring Monitoring Program

Ground Anchor Load Testing

The locations of the load tests shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be representative of the field
conditions. Load tests shall not be performed until the nail/tieback grout and shotcrete wall facing, where
present, have attained at least 50 percent of the specified 28-day compressive strengths.

Where temporary casing of the unbonded length of test nails/tiebacks is provided, the casing shall be
installed to prevent interaction between the bonded length of the nail/tieback and the casing/testing

The testing equipment shall include two dial gauges accurate to 0.001 inch, a dial gauge support, a
calibrated jack and pressure gauge, a pump and the load test reaction frame. The dial gauge should be
aligned within 5 degrees of the longitudinal nail/tieback axis and shall be supported independently from
the load frame/jack and the shoring wall. The hydraulic jack, pressure gauge and pump shall be used to
apply and measure the test loads.

The jack and pressure gauge shall be calibrated by an independent testing laboratory as a unit. The
pressure gauge shall be graduated in 100 pounds per square inch (psi) increments or less and shall have
a range not exceeding twice the anticipated maximum pressure during testing unless approved by the
Engineer. The ram travel of the jack shall be sufficient to enable the test to be performed without
repositioning the jack.

The jack shall be supported independently and centered over the nail/tieback so that the nail/tieback
does not carry the weight of the jack. The jack, bearing plates and stressing anchorage shall be aligned
with the nail/tieback. The initial position of the jack shall be such that repositioning of the jack is not
necessary during the load test.

The reaction frame should be designed/sized such that excessive deflection of the test apparatus does
not occur and that the testing apparatus does not need to be repositioned during the load test. If the
reaction frame bears directly on the shoring wall facing, the reaction frame should be designed so as not
to damage the facing.

Verification Tests

Prior to production soil nail/tieback installation, at least two soil nails/tiebacks for each soil type shall be
tested to validate the design pullout value. All test nails/tiebacks shall be installed by the same methods,
personnel, material and equipment as the production anchors. Changes in methods, personnel, material
or equipment may require additional verification testing as determined by the Engineer. At least two
successful verification tests shall be performed for each installation method and each soil type. The
nails/tiebacks used for the verification tests may be used as production nails/tiebacks if approved by the

For soil nails, the unbonded length of the test nails shall be at least 3 feet unless approved otherwise by
the Engineer. The bond length of the test nails shall not be less than 10 feet and shall not be longer than
the bond length that would prevent testing to 200 percent of the design load while not exceeding the

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allowable bar load. The allowable bar load during testing shall not exceed 80 percent of the steel ultimate
strength for Grade 150 bars or 90 percent of the steel ultimate strength for Grade 60 and 75 bars. The
allowable tieback load should not exceed 80 percent of the steel ultimate strength.

For soil nails, the design test load shall be determined by multiplying the bond length of the nail times the
design load pullout resistance (load transfer). Tieback design test loads should be the design load
specified on the shoring drawings. Verification test nails/tiebacks shall be incrementally loaded and
unloaded in accordance with the following schedule:

Load Hold Time

Alignment Load 1 minute
0.25 Design Load (DL) 1 minute
0.5DL 1 minute
0.75DL 1 minute
1.0DL 1 minute
1.25DL 1 minute
1.5DL 60 minutes
1.75DL 1 minute
2.0DL 10 minutes

The alignment load shall be the minimum load required to align the testing apparatus and should not
exceed 5 percent of the design load. The dial gauge should be zeroed after the alignment load is applied.
Nail/tieback deflections during the 1.5DL test load shall be recorded at 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 20, 30, 50, and
60 minutes.

Proof Tests

Proof tests shall be completed on approximately 5 percent of the production nails at locations selected by
the owner’s representative. Additional testing may be required where nail installation methods are
substandard. Proof tests shall be completed on each production tieback.

For soil nails, the unbonded length of the test nails shall be at least 3 feet unless approved otherwise by
the Engineer. The bond length of the test nails shall not be less than 10 feet and shall not be longer than
the bond length that would prevent testing to 200 percent of the design load while not exceeding the
allowable bar load. The allowable bar load during testing shall not exceed 80 percent of the steel ultimate
strength for Grade 150 bars or 90 percent of the steel ultimate strength for Grade 60 and 75 bars. The
allowable tieback load should not exceed 80 percent of the steel ultimate strength.

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For soil nails, the design test load shall be determined by multiplying the bond length of the nail times the
design load pullout resistance (load transfer). Tieback design test loads should be the design load
specified on the shoring drawings. Proof test nails/tiebacks shall be incrementally loaded and unloaded
in accordance with the following schedule:

Load Hold Time

Alignment Load 1 minute
0.25 Design Load (DL) 1 minute
0.5DL 1 minute
0.75DL 1 minute
1.0DL 1 minute
1.25DL (soil nails) 1 minute
1.33DL (tiebacks)
10 minutes
1.5DL (soil nails)

The alignment load shall be the minimum load required to align the testing apparatus and should not
exceed 5 percent of the design load. The dial gauge should be zeroed after the alignment load is applied.
Nail/tieback deflections during the 1.33DL and 1.5DL test loads shall be recorded at 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and
10 minutes.

Depending upon the nail/tieback deflection performance, the load hold period at 1.33DL (tiebacks) or
1.5DL (soil nails) may be increased to 60 minutes. Nail/tieback movement shall be recorded at 1, 2, 3, 5,
6, and 10 minutes. If the nail/tieback deflection between 1 and 10 minutes is greater than 0.04 inches,
the 1.33DL/1.5DL load shall be continued to be held for a total of 60 minutes and deflections recorded
at 20, 30, 50, and 60 minutes.

Test Nail/Tieback Acceptance

A test nail/tieback shall be considered acceptable when:

1. For verification tests, a nail/tieback is considered acceptable if the creep rate is less than
0.08 inches per log cycle of time between 6 and 60 minutes and the creep rate is linear or
decreasing throughout the creep test load hold period.
2. For proof tests, a nail/tieback is considered acceptable if the creep rate is less than 0.04 inches per
log cycle of time between 1 and 10 minutes or the creep rate is less than 0.08 inches per log cycle of
time between 6 and 60 minutes, and the creep rate is linear or decreasing throughout the creep test
load hold period.
3. The total movement at the maximum test load exceeds 80 percent of the theoretical elastic
elongation of the unbonded length.
4. Pullout failure does not occur. Pullout failure is defined as the load at which continued attempts to
increase the test load result in continued pullout of the test nail/tieback.

Acceptable proof-test nails/tiebacks may be incorporated as production nails/tiebacks provided that the
unbonded test length of the nail/tieback hole has not collapsed and the test nail/tieback length and bar

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size/number of strands are equal to or greater than the scheduled production nail/tieback at the test
location. Test nails/tiebacks meeting these criteria shall be completed by grouting the unbonded length.
Maintenance of the temporary unbonded length for subsequent grouting is the contractor’s responsibility.

The Engineer shall evaluate the verification test results. Nail/tieback installation techniques that do not
satisfy the nail/tieback testing requirements shall be considered inadequate. In this case, the contractor
shall propose alternative methods and install replacement verification test nails/tiebacks.

The Engineer may require that the contractor replace or install additional production nails/tiebacks in
areas represented by inadequate proof tests.

Shoring Monitoring
Preconstruction Survey

A shoring monitoring program should be established to monitor the performance of the temporary shoring
walls and to provide early detection of deflections that could potentially damage nearby improvements.
We recommend that a preconstruction survey of adjacent improvements, such as streets, utilities and
buildings, be performed prior to commencing construction. The preconstruction survey should include a
video or photographic survey of the condition of existing improvements to establish the preconstruction
condition, with special attention to existing cracks in streets or buildings.

Optical Survey

The shoring monitoring program should include an optical survey monitoring program. The recommended
frequency of monitoring should vary as a function of the stage of construction as presented in the
following table.

Construction Stage Monitoring Frequency

During shoring and excavation and until wall movements have stabilized Twice weekly
During shoring and excavation if lateral wall movements exceed 1 inch and
Three times per week
until wall movements have stabilized
After shoring and excavation is complete and building foundations are
complete adjacent to the shoring wall. This is only if wall movements have also Once weekly
After shoring and excavation is complete and wall movements have stabilized,
Twice monthly
and before the floors of the building reach the top of the excavation

Monitoring should include vertical and horizontal survey measurements accurate to at least 0.01 feet.
A baseline reading of the monitoring points should be completed prior to beginning shoring installation or
excavation activities. The survey data should be provided to GeoEngineers for review within 24 hours. It
should be noted that shoring installation, as referenced above, includes the installation of any shoring
elements (vertical or horizontal), or excavation in preparation for shoring installation for the project.

For shoring walls, we recommend that optical survey points be established: (1) along the top of
the shoring walls; (2) at the curb on the south side of West Grove Street, west side of South 10th Street,
and east side of South 11th Street; and (3) located approximately 10 feet back from the planned
temporary shoring on the adjacent property (1000, 1050, and 1080 West Front Street). The survey points

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should be located on every other soldier pile along the wall face for soldier pile and tieback shoring and
the points along the street/curb line/adjacent property/existing buildings should be located at an
approximate spacing of 25 feet. If lateral wall movements are observed to be in excess of ½ inch
between successive readings or if total wall movements exceed 1 inch, construction of the shoring walls
should be stopped to determine the cause of the movement and to establish the type and extent of
remedial measures required.

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Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use

This appendix provides information to help you manage your risks with respect to the use of this report.

Geotechnical Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons and Projects
This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Pennbridge Capital – Pennbridge Lodging and
other project team members for the 1011 West Grove Street project. This report is not intended for use
by others, and the information contained herein is not applicable to other sites.

GeoEngineers structures our services to meet the specific needs of our clients. For example, a
geotechnical or geologic study conducted for a civil engineer or architect may not fulfill the needs of a
construction contractor or even another civil engineer or architect that are involved in the same project.
Because each geotechnical or geologic study is unique, each geotechnical engineering or geologic report
is unique, prepared solely for the specific client and project site. Our report is prepared for the exclusive
use of our Client. No other party may rely on the product of our services unless we agree in advance to
such reliance in writing. This is to provide our firm with reasonable protection against open-ended liability
claims by third parties with whom there would otherwise be no contractual limits to their actions. Within
the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with our
Agreement with the Client and generally accepted geotechnical practices in this area at the time this
report was prepared. This report should not be applied for any purpose or project except the one originally

A Geotechnical Engineering or Geologic Report Is Based on a Unique Set of Project-specific

This report has been prepared for the 1011 West Front Street project in Boise, Idaho. GeoEngineers
considered a number of unique, project-specific factors when establishing the scope of services for this
project and report. Unless GeoEngineers specifically indicates otherwise, do not rely on this report if it

■ Not prepared for you,

■ Not prepared for your project,
■ Not prepared for the specific site explored, or
■ Completed before important project changes were made.

For example, changes that can affect the applicability of this report include those that affect:

■ The function of the proposed structure;

■ Elevation, configuration, location, orientation or weight of the proposed structure;

1 Developed based on material provided by ASFE, Professional Firms Practicing in the Geosciences; .

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■ Composition of the design team; or
■ Project ownership.

If important changes are made after the date of this report, GeoEngineers should be given the opportunity
to review our interpretations and recommendations and provide written modifications or confirmation, as

Subsurface Conditions Can Change

This geotechnical or geologic report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was
performed. The findings and conclusions of this report may be affected by the passage of time, by
manmade events such as construction on or adjacent to the site, or by natural events such as floods,
earthquakes, slope instability or groundwater fluctuations. Always contact GeoEngineers before applying
a report to determine if it remains applicable.

Most Geotechnical and Geologic Findings Are Professional Opinions

Our interpretations of subsurface conditions are based on field observations from widely spaced sampling
locations at the site. Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where
subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. GeoEngineers reviewed field and laboratory data
and then applied our professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout
the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ, sometimes significantly, from those indicated in this
report. Our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the
subsurface conditions.

Geotechnical Engineering Report Recommendations Are Not Final

Do not over-rely on the preliminary construction recommendations included in this report. These
recommendations are not final, because they were developed principally from GeoEngineers’ professional
judgment and opinion. GeoEngineers’ recommendations can be finalized only by observing actual
subsurface conditions revealed during construction. GeoEngineers cannot assume responsibility or
liability for this report's recommendations if we do not perform construction observation.

Sufficient monitoring, testing and consultation by GeoEngineers should be provided during construction to
confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to
provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from
those anticipated, and to evaluate whether or not earthwork activities are completed in accordance with
our recommendations. Retaining GeoEngineers for construction observation for this project is the most
effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions.

A Geotechnical Engineering or Geologic Report Could Be Subject to Misinterpretation

Misinterpretation of this report by other design team members can result in costly problems. You could
lower that risk by having GeoEngineers confer with appropriate members of the design team after
submitting the report. Also retain GeoEngineers to review pertinent elements of the design team's plans
and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering or geologic report.
Reduce that risk by having GeoEngineers participate in pre-bid and preconstruction conferences, and by
providing construction observation.

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Do Not Redraw the Exploration Logs
Geotechnical engineers and geologists prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their
interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a
geotechnical engineering or geologic report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other
design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that
separating logs from the report can elevate risk.

Give Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance

Some owners and design professionals believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated
subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems,
give contractors the complete geotechnical engineering or geologic report, but preface it with a
clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for
purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with
GeoEngineers and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or
prefer. A pre-bid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contractors have sufficient time to perform
additional study. Only then might an owner be in a position to give contractors the best information
available, while requiring them to at least share the financial responsibilities stemming from
unanticipated conditions. Further, a contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in your
project budget and schedule.

Contractors Are Responsible for Site Safety on Their Own Construction Projects
Our geotechnical recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor’s procedures, methods,
schedule or management of the work site. The contractor is solely responsible for job site safety and for
managing construction operations to minimize risks to on-site personnel and to adjacent properties.

Read These Provisions Closely

Some clients, design professionals and contractors may not recognize that the geoscience practices
(geotechnical engineering or geology) are far less exact than other engineering and natural science
disciplines. This lack of understanding can create unrealistic expectations that could lead to
disappointments, claims and disputes. GeoEngineers includes these explanatory “limitations” provisions
in our reports to help reduce such risks. Please confer with GeoEngineers if you are unclear how these
“Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use” apply to your project or site.

Geotechnical, Geologic and Environmental Reports Should Not Be Interchanged

The equipment, techniques and personnel used to perform an environmental study differ significantly
from those used to perform a geotechnical or geologic study and vice versa. For that reason, a
geotechnical engineering or geologic report does not usually relate any environmental findings,
conclusions or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or
regulated contaminants. Similarly, environmental reports are not used to address geotechnical or
geologic concerns regarding a specific project.

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Biological Pollutants
GeoEngineers’ Scope of Work specifically excludes the investigation, detection, prevention or assessment
of the presence of Biological Pollutants. Accordingly, this report does not include any interpretations,
recommendations, findings, or conclusions regarding the detecting, assessing, preventing or abating of
Biological Pollutants and no conclusions or inferences should be drawn regarding Biological Pollutants, as
they may relate to this project. The term “Biological Pollutants” includes, but is not limited to, molds,
fungi, spores, bacteria, and viruses, and/or any of their byproducts.

If Client desires these specialized services, they should be obtained from a consultant who offers services
in this specialized field.

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