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The Chinook database

The Chinook data model represents a digital media store, including tables for artists,
albums, media tracks, invoices, and customers.
The Chinook sample database includes:
o 11 tables
o A variety of indexes, primary and foreign key constraints
o Over 15,000 rows of data

Here's the entity relationship diagram of the Chinook data model.

1. Display the Customer ID and the total amount the customer has spent for
customers that spent over $40.

2. Display the track name and album title of all tracks that cost $1.99.

3. Display the artist name, album title, length of the album in seconds, with only
albums longer than 1000 seconds, ordered by length in descending order.
Rent – a -Movie

You’ve been hired as marketing analyst by a rental store, rent – a -movie. Your boss
has given you access to the database (available via the LMS). The schema for the db
is as follows:

Your boss wants you run Facebook Ads targeting profitable customer cohorts. A
profitable customer for the company is a customer who spends $11 or more on the
business. The most important targeting variables for rent – a -movie, are country of
order and movie genre.

Using your knowledge of R, answer the following questions:

Q.1. Which country(s) will you target via your ad? (7 Marks)

Q.2. Which movie genre(s) will you target via your ad? (7 Mark)

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