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Chapter 7 Labs


Discussion on Chapter 7 Labs

Using Azure Web Apps, developers may create a variety of mobile and web apps that

can be hosted on Azure. You may create a wide range of mobile and online apps using Azure

Web App as a platform. There is no need to install, setup, or operate your own Azure virtual

machine. Now, we'll establish a "App Service" to host the Web API. We don't have to worry

about the application's infrastructure when we use this service since Azure will handle

everything for us.

There will be a need to set up a database and a SQL server for this project, since it

makes use of SQL Server. If you're using another database, like MySQL, you'll need the

"Azure Database for MySQL servers" rather than the "SQL Server."

In this post, we learned how to install a Web API and a SQL Server database in a matter of

minutes, and we didn't have to spend much time configuring the infrastructure for these

activities. In order to get the most out of Azure, we'll need to spend some time learning about

the many services it offers and how-to setup them. But in the long term, having an application

operating on Azure will provide numerous benefits and save a substantial amount of time and


With Azure, you can quickly setup your application to grow as required, and you have

access to monitoring services, disaster recovery, security, and many other services. "Pay-as-

you-go" subscriptions allow us to only pay for what is really utilized.


CompTIA Cloud+ study guide. (n.d.). Google



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