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Business Goals and Business Processes

Student Name: Capella University

Institution Name:

Assignment 1
Coca-Cola Company Background

Coca-Cola Company is among the leading beverage firms in the United States that majorly

produce non-alcoholic and flavored drinks. James Quincey is the CEO, and the headquarter is

located in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States. It has a market covering over two hundred

countries where it has branches and sells its products directly to consumers. It was established in

1886 by John Pemberton, a pharmacologist at his organization. The title of this organization was

suggested by his bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, who penned in the calligraphy that later became

the Company’s logo. The organization started to provide affordable brands, including Coca-Cola,

Fanta, Sprite, and many sparkling soft beverages. The company has expanded its reach into

numerous lives and cultural beliefs worldwide, and its impact can be witnessed through its

presence in most television programs, movies, decorations, and myriad marketing programs.

Business mission

The mission of the Coca-Cola Company is to energize the domain and make a change.

Refreshing implies energizing the body, mind, and spirit by motivating optimism and

contentment movements through their brands and actions. Besides, Coca-Cola’s business

mission desires to create value for its customer worldwide and make a difference in producing

the most trusted and preferred soft drinks brands. That inspires Coca-Cola to emphasize the

wants of clients and license associates by getting out into the marketplace to pay attention,

discern and learn to retain the worldview.

Business Objectives

The most prevalent objective of Coca-Cola is to be the world’s best and most trusted branded

beverage solutions provider by delivering continuous and profitable development. The company

achieves this through crafting its brands and choice of beverages that customers love and refresh

them in body and spirit. Coca-Cola achieves this goal through traditions that generate more

supportable corporate and a better-shared imminent that inspires intrapersonal motivation. The

other objective is to enhance high-quality products and processes that ensure a better-shared

future that makes a difference in customers’ lives, communities, and the universe. Coca-Cola

adopts a consumer-focused strategy to achieve this objective since it offers products that

customers love and refresh its customers in body and spirit.

Business Processes

Coca-Cola Company performs environmental scanning as one of its business processes that

entails a focused diagnosis of the current and potential business platforms before starting its

business. The process enables the firm to constantly analyze all external and internal factors

relevant to its operations. The factors evaluated include global environmental influences,

employment laws, and tax policies. The other process is strategy formulation which involves

selecting the best course of action to realize organizational goals and purpose. In this company,

the process starts by creating the mission and vision statements to clarify its values and purpose

and mostly conveys communications with external and internal stakeholders and parties

(Banaeianjahromi & Smolander, 2019).

Information systems

Coca-Cola Company adopted a transaction processing system (TPS) that helps the workers to

subdivide the organization’s activities into small, indivisible, and specific transactions transacted

processes resulting from this subdivision include distribution to retailers and wholesalers,

packing finished goods, and supplying the concentrate to local and foreign bottlers. Other

processes dependent on the transaction processing system are manufacturing drinks solvent and

syrups and producing soft beverages by mixing solvents with carbonated water through can and

bottle operations. The other information system used in Coca-Cola is enterprise resource

planning (ERP), which helps the company manage and control daily business activities,

including bookkeeping, task managing, purchases, acquiescence, danger supervision, and

distribution sequence activities (Nakagawa et al., 2018).

Operation of Information Technology system

Coca-Cola Company’s adoption of an information system has enabled data integration as it uses

high-speed computers networked through the internet for quick communications in overseas

offices. Information technology systems have enabled easy, fast, and affordable communication

allowing the company to make effective, timely, and sound decisions. Besides, the information

systems have enabled the company to keep a computerized database handling the customers,

suppliers, and bottling & canning activities (Kappelman et al., 2021). It has three-quarters of

annual advertisement expenses Information technology is oriented to enable mobile connection

to social networking, customers, and loyalty programs. By adopting these systems, Coca-Cola

has cut costs related to paper documents storage, thus reducing the amount of time spent

navigating through files for specific customers hence increasing efficiency.

Challenges and Opportunities with Current Information Technology Systems

Technology is fast and dynamic, which poses a challenge to Coca-Cola since its competitors are

implementing recent technological improvements, including cost structure in beverages. Besides,

value chain technology systems have emerged and require powerful computing platforms to

operate effectively and efficiently (Jones et al., 2020). That has caused unnecessary data

acquisitions problems for this company.

However, Coca-Cola has the opportunity to improve the customer service experience by

adopting the current information technology system improvements. Such recent improvements

advantageously advance how this manages, communicates, delivers its brand products, and

monitors loyal customers. Through these improved information systems, the company can retain

happy customers and get new customers.


 Banaeianjahromi, N., & Smolander, K. (2019). Lack of communication and collaboration

in enterprise architecture development. Information Systems Frontiers, 21(4), 877-908.

 Jones, M. C., Kappelman, L., Pavur, R., Nguyen, Q. N., & Johnson, V. L. (2020).

Pathways to being CIO: The role of background revisited. Information &

Management, 57(5), 103234.

 Kappelman, L., McLean, E. R., Johnson, V. L., Torres, R., Maurer, C., Kim, K., ... &

Snyder, M. (2021). The 2020 SIM IT Issues and Trends Study. MIS Quarterly

Executive, 20(1).

 Takanawa, A., Van Bommel, P., Proper, E. H., & Mulder, H. J. (2018). A situational

method for creating a shared understanding of requirements for enterprise

architecture. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 27(04), 1850010.

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