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Data flow diagrams (DFDs):

Topics to be covered:

 Context diagram (level o) of DFD:

 Level 1 DFD:
 Level 2 DFD:

IT 140
Data flow diagrams (DFDs):

A data flow diagram (DFD) shows how information flows within an information system. A
DFD is a representation of the data flow and does not imply the activity order. A DFD is a
model of a real-world business system represented through a hierarchy of abstracts through
leveling. Lower levels of a DFD reflect more detail, and higher levels of a DFD reflect less
detail. A logical system diagram describes the business events that take place and the data
required for each business event, focusing on what information is flowing and what
information is transmitted. A DFD will not go into technical (hardware and software) aspects
of the system; it will show inputs and outputs from external sources, showing the path of
data and how it flows through the system.


For this activity, you need to create a data flow diagram reflective of the following:

 Your experience registering for a course and then following the process through
payment (or using financial aid).
o Access course catalog
o Review course options
o Select a course to register for
o Complete Registration
o Pay for the course

Your DFD must include the listed processes and at least two sub-processes (levels) within
two of the five main processes. Your diagram can reflect up to three levels: zero (the
context diagram), one (sub process), and two (functionality). The various levels of detail are:

 Level zero: Represents the overview of the entire system you are critiquing
 Level one: Breaks down the main functions of the system into smaller sub-processes
 Level two: Further breaks down sub-processes of level one

Use the symbols from the Gane and Sarson symbol set needed to illustrate data flow within
your diagram:

 External entity = Square ⬜

 Data flow = Arrow →
 Process = Rounded square ▢
 Data stored = Rectangle ▭

Follow the Rubrics to create the data flow diagrams.

Context diagram (level o) of data flow diagram:

Select Count Options Course catalog Review the course selected course student Centex
Reviews Search to ask Course pays through any Bank payment option Registration log-ins
System student Acknowledgment Registers the selected course Acknowledgment updates in
the DE delivers the receipt, Register Manager Database Payment Receipt.
Level 1 DFD:

Select the course Search Review of Course catalog Selection the course process display the
reviews to display courses Report suggest details other option Complete payment process
Registration Select bank option payment send the update mode acknowledgment in
Level 2 DFD:

Select the Review of the course coaction searching display catalog Suggest other review
option Selected display Report concourse details Reviews Course Review Couse duration
payment Courses option Fees Bank payment option mode Registration process Bank Name
Net credit Bank defend the update in Acknowledgment Dale base course of Database Mail

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