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Discrete mathematics

Assignment 4
Unit 4&5

1. Check the nature of the following algebraic structures:

a) (Z, +) (abelion group)
b) (Z, *) where * is defined as a*b = a+b+1 (abelion group)
c) (Q+, *) where* is defined as a*b = ab/7 (abelion group)
d) (P(S), U) [power set on union operation] (moniod)
e) (P(S), ∩) [power set on intersection operation] (monoid)

2. Prove that the inverse of an element in a group is unique.

3. Find out the nature of the algebraic structure (Z,*) where Z is the set of
integers and * operation is defined as a*b = max(a,b).
4. Find whether the following graph is planar or not?

5. Check whether the following graphs are isomorphic or not.

6. Find the chromatic no. of the following graph:

7. Find the shortest distance between A and Z:

8. Find the in-order, pre-order

order and post
post-order traversals of the following tree:

9. Check if the following graphs are Eulerian/Hamiltonian/both:

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