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1. What is the importance of decision –making?

 Decision-making is the cognitive process leading to the selection of a course of

action and among alternatives. Every decision-making process produces a final
choice. It can be an action or an opinion. It begins when we need to do something
but we do not know what (Examples: shopping, deciding what to eat, what to
wear, when to sleep, etc.…) Decisions involves a commitment to action and the
hardest step in achieving anything is making a true commitment. The decisions
are important because they have the power to trigger the process of forming
aspirations and goals into reality.

2. Explain an occasion where you had to make a decision on your own? Were you happy
with your decision-making process?

 There is situation wherein I am the one who have to decide. In making decisions
we have to think for the possible causes, to think what if I can’t do it? What if it’s
not successful? Or it is good to do? if I did great then its good, in advance I am
thinking of it. And yes, I am happy with my way of making decisions it feels mine
of maturity the way of my decisions. If I fail then I have one reserves that’s my
rules before I make decisions I planned it.

3. How do you react in a situation where you need to take an immediate decision? What
process will you follow for decision making in such a critical situation?

 In some situation that I need to have a decision rashly all I need to do is to decide
or live it to the situations where in situations the one who decides by it. Because
not all the times decision we made are perfectly gone sometimes we learned from
mistakes and by the next plan we can make a decision thoroughly.
4. Describe briefly the following:

A. Majority vote
 Majority vote in making decisions these are the decisions wherein people who
decides it. If got a majority votes then that was the decision has to follow but, in
every voting, there are persons or more against by it and it cause of an error or
loss of interest by that unfavored of the decision and it turns out imbalance or
unfair for that persons.

B. The Handclasp
 This one of the errors in open forum if one person gives an idea and one of them
likes his/her idea the matter is already decided. And a later pass other talked about
it about their objection against to the opinion would decide to follow.

C. The Silent consensus

 A unanimous decision but the case is this is rarely to achieved or complete the
important issues. Because there are members assumed by it and they kept on
silent by their disagreement or objections of the decisions made.

D. The Clique
 A decision made by a small group which a group who favor by that decision they
organized it as what they want and by their way of decision they have often
successful on immediate issues they’re decided. But this is cause of rivalry or
competition within the group.

5. If you are involved in a decision-making process, which of the above (from questions 4)
do you prefer to apply? Why?
 For me the clique, this is a process of decision I wanted to follow or apply.
Because not all the time people liked our decision wants to, then to those agree by
it we can organized by our own and to those disagree they can organize by their
own. Instead, this is giving a motivation to the group to decides a creative and a
good one.

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