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The future of marketing communications.

Marketing is a system of activities, where value is explored, created and delivered
to meet the needs of a market.
Among the most common marketing activities are:
- Development of marketing plans
- Market research
- Pricing
- Selection of distribution channels
- Implementation of promotional activities
Among other.
Marketing includes a sum of processes that are based on activities that can be
performed and these must have an order or sequence to avoid chaos and obtain a
greater result than expected. An example of this could be: identify the opportunity
in the market as the first activity, carry out a market research as a second activity
and draw up a marketing plan, and then carry out the activities according to an
Marketing is not synonymous with advertising since it has a greater scope since its
activities start before the product exists and advertising is used to communicate the
existence of a product, benefits and advantages, that is to say this advertising is a
marketing tool. On the other hand, it is not synonymous with selling, sale is that
activity that is related to the transfer of products between companies and buyers,
this means that the sale is part of the marketing objectives. Finally, marketing is not
synonymous with promotion since it is part of its tools that it uses to inform or
remember about the products that are marketed.
Marketing promotes the exchange of products or services of value, some types of
marketing are:
- Social Marketing
- Direct Marketing
- Indirect Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- Traditional Marketing
- Attraction Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
Among other.
It is necessary to emphasize that the services and products that are provided have
a cycle, this, in relation to the growth or decline of the consumer market. Four
fundamental pillars for successful marketing are buyer people, good marketing
channels (blog, social media, video channels, email), high-quality tools and
understanding the digital environment. In today’s marketing, we need to since 2014
strengthen big data technology and social networks. This leads to quantifiable
results, which can bring with it multiple opportunities and benefits for companies.

In the industry there are three forms of communication in marketing: The first is
called management communication, that is, communication between management
and internal and external audiences. The second is marketing communication,
which includes all those that support sales of goods and services. Finally, we find
organized communication, which is included in all forms of communication that are
used by the company outside the field of marketing communication.
Currently in this digital age and in our changing environment, multiple companies
must investigate more potential consumers and customers in front of their
preferences, as well as markets and know the competition to be able to offer better
products with higher profitability. In other words, information is becoming more and
more relevant and such companies need to know their customers better in order to
achieve greater success. One of the biggest difficulties for companies is finding an
appropriate way to analyze data that their customers provide. In recent years the
number of companies that use smart tools for their business is increasing. These
tools are based on big data technology and have a direct impact on the success or
failure of an organization.
The concept of Big Data arises after the increase of devices that emit new signals
and new ways of capturing them. It is in this situation that the relationship with
marketing emerges, is the use of mobile devices and other devices that emit
signals that can be analyzed.
In relation to its advantages and disadvantages in the industries we have, which
allows to improve the management of change, generates more success of search
for opportunities, increases the effectiveness in the offer of services to the clients,
develops more effective digital marketing techniques and provides real-time
information. As for their disadvantages in the organizations this the high cost of
implantation, it requires enough security which is not at the reach of all the
Big data is that process where large volumes of data are obtained and analyzed.
This data set comes mostly from digital sources and others from traditional
sources, both within and outside the same companies. The above is a great source
of information that allows them to achieve a series of discoveries all the time. To
talk about big data is to talk about the collection and analysis of data from multiple
sources and media that can help companies' strategies in digital marketing.
Beyond all data collection, the real challenge is knowing what to do with this
information with which you can generate better business decisions. This amount of
information increases the possibility of providing customers with the right products
and services which would improve the reach to achieve better goals and tools for
better management in the future.
The importance that social networks currently gain makes companies invest more
time, money and effort in advertising platforms. In the face of this, the increase in
people with access to the Internet is increasing, which generates better amounts of
data about the behaviors and preferences of users.

Some of the contributions of big data to marketing are related to sales in areas
such as: Quality improvement in sales and data, improved advertising list
accuracy, rate of profit and collaboration strategies. Here are some ways big data
and marketing are revolutionizing the industry:
• Distinction of the price strategies at the client-product level and the
optimization of prices in which big data is used which makes them achieve
greater success.
• Dig data is revolutionizing how companies achieve a better consumer
response while achieving a better consumer appreciation.
• Consumer analytics, operational analytics, fraud, service innovation and
new product and optimise business data.
• Intelligent incorporation into marketing which is promoted by technologies
and big data. The data that marketing demands continues to grow rapidly
based on customer needs, services, sales and the channel.
• Geoanalysis is being implemented in the biopharmaceutical industry to
improve sales practices and market orientation plans.
• Industry market leaders are achieving superior customer engagement
through the use of analytics and big data.
• Big data is empowering companies to gain better information processed in
each of the key factors of their businesses. Generating higher revenues,
minimizing costs and decreasing working capital are the three main areas in
which big data offers business value today. The drivers of this value in
companies are more efficient.
In relation to the industrial market and its consumption, this demands a series of
further market research in order to obtain better information on its size, structure,
potential and trend of consumer behaviour. Such research has advantages as it
sorts information about customer types, statistics and directories.
Each of the different types of marketing has its advantages and each can provide
results, the above will depend on the strategy and approach provided. At this time,
for example, we will address traditional and digital marketing, its advantages,
disadvantages and the importance of each of these.
Nowadays you can distinguish two types of marketing, the traditional and the digital
in which both have the same purpose. Traditional marketing has the best reach,
this, related to people and their ability to achieve an approach with: television,
radio, press, and targeted to a specific audience. This only focuses on the product
in which it only mentions its features and benefits; finally, it is independent of the
internet. Although they have a lot to offer, it is of great importance that you also
take into account their disadvantages, one of them is that it requires a noticeable
greater investment since its scope has a high cost.
Digital marketing, on the other hand, is currently growing more due to the access
that people have to the Internet and to different digital platforms. "an interactive
system of telematic communication within the set of actions of Marketing" (Digital
Marketing, 2010).
This type of marketing is constantly changing, in short, their strategies are less
complex. One of its disadvantages is related to mass advertising in which the
expected result cannot be achieved in many places since it depends too much on
people’s interactions with the digital (digital platforms and Internet access).
It’s no secret to anyone that the Internet has changed the way it consumes
information as time goes by which will bring more technology, which is why digital
marketing has gained strength and presence in our daily lives, For example,
television has been replaced by Netflix, YouTube or multiple digital platforms, and
radio has given way to Spotify or Apple Music. In short, traditional marketing is of
greater importance for those people who have consumption habits that are very
little related to multiple online media. Meanwhile, digital marketing will continue to
grow as long as digital platforms exist, transforming and improving the user’s
knowledge and experience with brands.
Unquestionably, each of these offers a reach in different types of audiences. The
tastes, trends and needs in the changing market must be considered by the
multiple companies, facing the growth and permanence of these in the market
through the passage of time. For this it is of great importance to understand and
know the people (customers) and their needs to be able to direct the marketing
proposal for greater success.
Common factors between uber and Didi as two major market disruptors
Common factors include:
- These are a transport network to request services of drivers (private or
taxis) to share journeys
- Both are applications that show the cars available in the area and when
you request the service, a lower tab will appear with the price you will
have to pay.
- Both platforms have as a requirement that the car that will give the
service is not more than seven years and has four doors.
- Both applications accept payments by debit or credit card, as well as
- Ambos servicios cuentan con seguro, también incluyen un botón de
- The two platforms allow you to share your trip with your contacts and
follow it in real time.
- Both will ask you to rate the driver on a scale of 1 to 5.

How both companies have built their business model around the
customer and market needs and preferences…

• Uber: founded in 2009, this brand achieved success by focusing on what

customers wanted and needed: speed, convenience and low costs. The
above is based on different types of travel with different prices which allows
passengers to travel as they want, among these types are:
- Economy
- Premium
- Extra seats
- Assist

• Didi: this company is founded in 2015 and achieves a rapid expansion as it

builds and understands the needs of the local market in an efficient way to
achieve happy customers and to have as objective the differentiated needs
in the development of the product, The above I carry grant customer loyalty
with the brand. On the other hand, this company differentiated the multiple
faults presented by other companies and knew how to create a
comprehensive transport model for the customer in which it also focuses on
its driver partners creating guaranteed rewards tactics.

Marketing approaches compare to the traditional silo marketing model

Their approaches to the use of digital channels in which they use multiple
tactics ranging from the product they provide along with their prices,
distributions and promotions. As for their products, they offer different travel
options to their customers through mobile applications or desktop websites,
creating many simpler and more comfortable services. On the other hand, in
their distributions they ensure to use means of transport more comfortable
and safer for the people, offering also low prices giving end to the
operations that carried out the local transport companies. Finally, it
promotes free travel around the world to make people constantly resort to
this way of travel.

How companies take advantage of the evolution of technology and

digital marketing

At present, organizations are directing their greatest promotional effort in

digital advertising through the Internet and social networks, since studies
carried out show that people have or know up to four social networks per
individual. Digital marketing performs the same functions as traditional
marketing, simply because it is simply used in Internet-based digital
commerce. This type of marketing has as its main objective to identify the
needs of the online consumer.

The era of technology has given way to digital marketing which has become
a tool for the development of brands and companies. The use of
technologies in companies results in improved information, which is of great
importance for decision-making that allows developing the communication
capacity between the user and the companies that offer a product.

Some techniques of online promotion by companies are: the personalized

promotion, which dates from personalized emails, the loyalty marketing
which refers to the web update, courses and promotions and finally, social
media marketing that has content of value, influence and dialogue. The use
of social networks plays a fundamental role as a digital marketing tool in
business performance.
How Uber compete effectively with didi? Should it compete head-on in
China, or should it circumvent competition by focusing on niche
markets through service innovation and geographical expansion
within China?

An attempt should be made to test a series of strategies to be able to

overcome another company, for this, they must identify the competitors,
investigate and verify which are the strengths and weaknesses of these.
Innovative tactics will also be implemented which generates better links with
customers, the same is of great importance. To compete and succeed
against another company, you must:

a. Bring something different

b. Innovate
c. Conquer the public or clients
d. Demonstrate more efficient services
e. Develop better communication, designing advertising strategies
supported by online campaigns.
f. Offers extras that the other company does not give

While it may sound difficult to implement these multiple business strategies,

you can achieve better results.

Overview of the current marketing environment in view of technological


There are new ways to engage and co-create with customers, such as a focus on
storytelling the brand created content. This enables new promotional activities that
help overcome restrictions placed on a highly regulated industry.

Convergence of social networks and e-commerce, which enables new ways of

gaining a conversion from customers. For example, embedding e-commerce
features within existing social networks as well as the creation of new ones that
focus on e-commerce.

2. Convergent marketing environment and practices (with examples)

- Offer based on the customer profiles built based on big data, Target is
able to predict their customer’s next 
- Implementation of mobile, social median as an artificial intelligent putting
them together updating with all the wine offers, we could provide the best
promotion to them
- Online and offline providing discount online (the app)
- Builds customer profiles over time based on Big Data. These profiles
start when they get an email address or a credit card number.

3. The impact of convergence on the traditional siloed industry

With convergence, different departments will start to talk the same language. They
will share information and work with a more universal policies and procedures.Once
that we have the organisational structure, we will understand how traditional siloed
sectoroperate and we will be able to identify the overlap areas and where each
sector is in relation toclients’ requirements. In this way, it will be easy to identify the
points ofintegration, which meansthat the departments will work more closely
together to improve business operations.
4. Current legislation, regulation that may be relevant to marketing
communications; especially as the company is promoting and selling
alcoholic products

The current legislation that may be relevant to marketing communications is the

consumer act 2010 which covers most areas of the market and the relationships
between suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. Its purpose is to
enhance the welfare of Australians by promoting fair trading and competition, and
through the provision of consumer protections making sure of follow different
statement which cover the fair promotion we do to a product in particular , for that
reason there are some things that we must respect which mainly are :

-have as statement something about the product that is true

-Respect competitors
-Claims that alcohol is made, sold, or marketed under federal or state regulation
-Provide guarantees in products
-Provide right statements about the alcohol

Proposed Features
- The clients can qualify the wine they order
-All the clients have access to a large range of type of wine
- Clients can qualify the customer service in the APP
-Faster customer service
-Secure payment method
-Delivery notifications
-Good image resolution
-High versatility in customizing design app
-All the client could have accessed all the time to get a really good wine that they
like the most
-|Automatic suggestions and recommendations based on past orders and
customer history
6. Proposed tools/features within the app that enhance customer experience
as well as provide the company with data to effectively provide tailored
solution to registered customers

There are many proposed tools/features within the app that enhance
customer experience as well as provide the company with data to effectively
provide tailored solution to registered customers

-Get their email to offer a gift, in this way we can get the data of that client
- Offer a Phone Consult in which we could offers access to different promotion

-Implementation of social media listening tools in which we can encourage the

customer experience in suggestion box in order to let the employees know that
their opinion is very important for us , at that moment we can also get the clients

-  Implementation of CRM systems starting by collecting a customer's website,

email, telephone, social media data, and more, across multiple sources and
channels. It may also automatically pull in other information, such as recent news
about the company's activity, and it can store personal details, such as a client's
personal preferences on communications.

7. Integrated media strategy (cross-sector and media divergent marketing

communication solutions)

All the social media could help to implement this strategy since our target group is
most of the time in social media in this way we could provide perfectly our app
using a multichannel approach including a mix of traditional and digital methods
such as radio, TV, billboards, social media, streaming commercials, search engine
marketing, email marketing, events, or partnerships.

Proposed organisational policy on customer data use, communication and


The Customer Data Privacy Protection Policy In order to provide the criteria for
protecting the rights of Customer regarding Customer Data, rights to privacy and
freedom of communication through telecommunications service, which are in
accordance with the criteria of the Commission. Therefore, Advanced Wireless
Network Company Limited shall set up the notification for the purpose of collecting
Customer Data, the duration for collecting the Customer Data, the type of person
or authority that the Customer Data shall be disclosed, the rights of the Customer,
and the consent of Customers in accordance with the prevention and protection
measures in order to maintain the security of Customer Data including technical
and managerial aspects in the organization as appropriate for each
telecommunications service and also building trust for telecommunications service
in accordance with the criteria set forth in this document.

Rights of Customer
-Customer can review/request the copy or the certified true copy of its Customer
Data by submitting a written request to the Company with the payment of fees as
stipulated by the Company according to the rates determined by the Commission.
-Customer can edit or change its Customer Data completely and accurately by
notifying the Company in writing or via the Company’s website.
-Customer can suspend, disclose or revoke its consent to process its Customer
Data in any activities which is not affect the service provided to the user at any time
by notifying the Company in writing

The above should be presented in a formal report. The report should be

appropriately structured with headings and sub-headings. At the minimum,
Executive summary, Table to Contents, Main Body, and
Conclusion/Recommendations structure is expected. Within the body, client and
task requirements must be addressed with viable solutions and recommendations
supported by industry benchmarks, reports, and a review of other similar apps.

App development activities

APP configuration
 Purchase App
 Determine hardware and peripheral requirements
 Obtain hardware and peripherals
 Determine customisation requirements and specifications
 Approve and finalise customisation specifications
 Develop the customisation
 Review the customisation
 Conduct training
Data preparation and cleansing
 Review existing client data to fill gaps in order to offere the righ product
 Configure system settings such as date formats and currency
 Set up rules for email tracking
 Create business units and teams for permissions and security
 Install clients and configuring clients settings as required
 Create personal and/or system views
 Set up dashboards to drive user behaviour and improve business
 Integrate app improvement
Training and support
 Schedule and deliver administrator training
 Schedule and deliver user training
 Develop process flows for the overall use of the app to be incorporated into
 Develop specific user policies and procedures
 Develop quick help guides
 Provide ongoing help desk support

 Conduct infrastructure testing
 Conduct app testing
 Conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
 Conduct pilot group testing
Finish customisation

Go live activities
 Migrate data
Release final deliverables

App finalisation


-Appsquare: It is a creative tech studio which is located in Sydney & Melbourne.

We think ahead, innovate and develop cutting-edge applications for web & mobile
platforms. Our dedicated specialist team of artists and programmers are well-
versed with the latest advancements in the digital space. Performance, Security
and Scalability are at the core of all our software development. We also have in-
house expertise in game design & development across different platforms and

-Tava soft: It is a Software Development Company based in Sydney and

Melbourne. We have a lucid experience of more than 10 years in formulating smart
solutions. TatvaSoft has a team of abled resources whose only aim is to design
effective solutions thus creating value for our clients. We work on a number of
technologies like .Net, BizTalk Server, SharePoint etc. TatvaSoft believes in
establishing transparent communication across the organization for facilitating
smooth implementation. We cater to all kind of clients right from small SME's to big
business houses.

Why I recommend them…

- Both of them are industries that has plenty of experience in the market
knowing vert well about different industry trends
- Bothe companies work in our area and has experience in the kind of
features we offer
- The prices are according to our expectations
- They usually works in the range of our target group 18-25 and 25-40

The approximately cost of development the app are:


UX/UI Design 175 $ 10,500
Android app 1560 $ 93,600
iOS App 1310 $ 78,600
QA 1014 $55,770
SM 483 $26,565
Technical tasks 466 $25,026
TOTAL 5008 (4 months) $290,061

Recommended business networks to access the target groups

-Among the most important social media marketing tactics for brick-and-mortar
businesses, geotagging on Instagram is a fun way to build your local following.

-Tagging your business’ location on Instagram not only signals yourself as part of
the local community, but incentivizes customers to show you some love

-Payment of Facebook adds

Social marketing tactics

During the process we implement different tactics which mainly were:

-Have an organized media calendar- this helps to reduce confusion,it helped us

to know the content to be posted on which channel. Respecting the target
deadlines and the dates of publication.

-Post at times which are the best-this tactic helped us to reap more and in
different ways.By knowing which times of the day which more individual are on
media helps to attract more.

-Follow relevant sources using feedly-this helps to set alerts and segment our
publication into various segments.

-Create groups where necessary-for example Facebook and LinkedIn are

essential platform for the implementation of this app. This helps to create a safe
place to interact with our customers.


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