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SPRY S22 Ass ignmen ie Quesbion | ete «) Ee Sant Fagl'e, G5 Pret | NR a ran ie Fvom he spnng on its let F=kla-u,_) Fe KU CHook$ Law) Fvom he spring on 1€S vight Fe 4 Way Ud) Total Fovee on the wn abom Fema KOU Und K Un Uy ema K CUA |. Me ” egart ee db G 707 @, rl -4q~ 4 ; \ f rego 90 rae TH ” IPE ' Os Ungh ‘ut ‘aaa! a jn! M and m move in opposi be divec lion Equation of mo bien tov MCn atom) Ma,=kKCuU, -4,)-K CU, -U,_,) =KCu,, 24,44, _) Equa bion of motion For m Cn-ila Com) May, = Kl U4) - KOU, Ud = KCu,-ou,,, *U,_,) a Solu Gon For M Uy = K exp Lick xd.-wé)I | XP =PK undisylaced posi tion of wn atom \ Ge -wAL exp Ci Cw xh,- wo GeurAac expli(hxi,-w J] Os -t =U" exp Ci Cw aw ET Solu bien For Uy. =e exp Lick xn -wl)d Uy, =e Rw o exp Lime -wd a =-ARw expcilk xo we) A complex numbar which odebemine Ele velabive het amplitude and phase of Che vibra bional wave MG, = KOU, ay, FU,_,) cos CY)-2 J “we 2-9 Kew cog (8h) a) w M2 aKbi- A cos CH)I oe : ans Korps no! ets wt la 9G ad =KCe 2x Ae CCK = 2) = ET WAR Me UC wha -wey eng weT i DAS. ° Wkan-we Bale < Pere ge its eee KO pe pe¥S5) 2. CC¥NS WET amber * ee -dwrm =KCe! DAVE mute = KL tacos SDI a Awm 23K Leos CAS)- al pigcos Cs tra) te wt Az ak wm = aKeshra kj -wr mak uM) =laK cost ka)” aKa Kar M yraten K pata = uk cos*l pa) UK Ci-cos* hi ba )- pk w™C Mam) ¢ wt! =o mw aK OM em) wr + WIR Snr CK Kore oO | -waMsintChka mes aM = shee mee eK che one sin? pay)? 3 o) evivalen & me bal = Bvalence & pew a bom A = 24,10 glmol 7 = BC gfem = 23 Ny = 6,023 x10 aboms/ mol =o) 6 ylem$ ic > V2 9 lol ) =\y7? R107” aboms Jem? F =\y18 x10” atoms [en nde =, TP KIC % tors 2 3 ator =B3u xo Fevoat =O Coe «19724 325 » EH ( “fF = ey (s, 34 p10 ne Carts gohinst aca fete aac Cm yy) 4, 30, gO 3 3 PERRO Ky XU SFxIO digas x\0 "y § ae x10" 720 =5yaleV W) G = bm We Wr = ey v = OP wy C335*10 SN 2 Oe 2 y35 xo ase! &e K i gabe s VSP KOT IE « = 40S xO KR ii) Te = Ques bion % See ai) €CE, 1) =z LeeNeoT #€,1) less Chan Che Fan evergy ble probabilely EVE, oF CecuyaGon oF Chal entrgy gba le isi) FCE)= O AE T?POK Ere, eCe)a a We ELE, and ©7 Ey ¥CE,T) 1.2 Vanes wih Gem pera buve ULE Che bem pevabwe is ineveaseed From ol only Ghose elecbvons which hart ah enegy wiblin Gre kg T energy vange will be Chermelly exc) bed be highe energy sla bes by gaining om entgy in bhe kyT oveley Ques bion 3 The disc Ye pan oy aviges dae by the fac€ bhaé elecbons havean ef¥echve pass whol, dibess From Che bave pass of be elec bens. In realiéy Ee elec wons are nol comple baly Frey as assumed iin Che tvee br elec Gon model, fhey tn bevel wi EK impel hee Fons which na ke Bhen appear heavs ev, Question 4 -8 LE & KIO oe \ O = 43x10 AA) ee) NEWT KOT WwW Ve =3yl »10° m/s We 7 F7TRIOFC 6x10 G) : \ = BM KOS =40K10 5 te Wax OFFI GS x10 ta =5)> x10 § i) 42). i sd) x10 ls 4,0 x10 s) TART Lem x a hieik: 6 AG salto mls C5,a x10 s) slotinm QuesbionS @) For n-by pe it Bown ¥z divection and, \w re direebon hen Wis in-x divecbion Lovente force -ev XB isin ~y divreebon ccd i TE Che cuwent densi gy > is pass divechon Elen Ele dvi kb veloo ty SP will be lan he oy posite divec Gonl-x).The Coven be fover will bend bo deFlec& Che elec ony cbownwared resulory ih Che vapid build up of nega bus change density On Ghe lower suv Face of Ehe me Gal eveabug ot po ben Gal oi Mevence be bwreen Elbe two suv hice) The consequen € elee&ic Kield will a vey a Force in Che ay dive ebon. When ble Gwo Forces ave equal Gheve will be wo kuy Gla creeu mula Gon of ehecbwous ab bre bobbor i.e hus veached a pheady ska be ii) Voy yo vee if 6 \wW 4Z dve bien andy iw 4% oli'vee ion Chen OD will be in bo dinecbon Lovenbe bevee epvxe cay Ave abion Te the cuvvent dens: op is pt 85 eed tu 4c divecblon Ehe Che dvibl Velo ar by Powill be ta Che same diYechion Cra). The Lovente fore» will de¥leck& the holes in ehe ny diver Elon je downwards vesulaiug in he vapid build up of ree Give hhav ge densi by Orn Ee lower suv Face ak Che petal cvenbing a pe &m Gal di Mavemce be bween Ele lwo suv faces, The fon se queen & elec&vic Feld will apply * Force IW Che poe ue y dvection When Che bwo vovees ave equel Cleve will be ne Fur blev acturula ben of heles at ble bo bbery Face ond bhe pmebal is sarol be be inna Sb each 06a be Ques tion 6 \ \ 1 | l ( In mecals che Fivse Brillouin tone is halk-Filled | CheveYove Eke ave empty vba bes jus€ above Cle Fevnn energy whieh elecbons can be a5, \y en ci bed \Wbos sje--~ SL OK Tn Semiconductors the Kivse Brillouih cone is comple bely Full, In ovcler For Che elecGons be exerbedinke he Becond Brillouin cone Che elechous in Che Kivsl Brillouin tone must gars (Reough excrgy be overcome bhe enogy gap. Te insula bors Che evneyy gabig wicly Elon compared Go semi conduc vs and a large amount of energy is vegtiveel G promote elecGous Ferm Cle valence leant ing Gle Conclite Con band. This anergy iS hot eld Glore Kore bhernal avilable Wor «de elecive erergy is vequived, Hence Sam conductors conduc l a RT loud insulagovs vequive vyy high T Ques bion7 Nb has 5 Valence ce” - 1 Og, = 4OWMN) te 2 0 08 Is ine bype, because silicon has UW Valence clechas while Niobium has & valenee lec bons bheve bere Gheve is an un pai vee elecbwon Lean excess of ele cbvons. iSWieor is « semiconcuc bor by coping Wilh « dover venpars Gy an enevoy level is crea bed just below Che conduc Gow band ane Ele conduc Gurty oF Slicon Ve enhenece i) o=nlela, Tete, ; = GERM KS SET = Theorie cq oS wos) = SK Hy The numbe of eleehous yer cubic me ber (n) is equal Go Che number of domov im purr eies (Ny) a6 voor bempera buve Ney aac = ie az ae z Gorn X 102? a boms fret (2,33. gle?) = 22,01 g/ nol on oy = 5 xo en ‘i 2 = 5 X10 Bid yo BNP % Cq = Nd ¥NG; Me EKO noe SHiO m? 10° Vn acy a Ques bion F VA vecQvKiev is an electvonic device Ghat bvansfovms an albwnaling suwvent intoa dAwec€ cuvven €. The por vec iying june Gon is consbvutbed From a Siugle fece oF Mi Cobelucbor thak is olsped so Era 6 one side is he bype and Elo ober Ws yr ope BeYore the applica bon of any pre ben Grol actoss Che pon ven Krew jlreley ave Che doninané cavy evs on bre Siete Orncl lew electvons on the n-sicle, When an alee na) Exbeyvnal elecevic yo tential is applied acres Cle pon specimensa high curvent ou bye Cell dA Fox a koveavd bras as Comyparent be lia 3 Cbekeve bhe breekclews, Lol berg geneva Ghe vevevs. is veached), / / Fovwavd bras 7 + Voltage Reverse lias A Wansisbors amplit¥y an elecOre sy bol. Vheve ove Gwe tayo bpes a junction aud MOSFET Qa Qurebion cracsistey is com posed of cwo er jercbions arranged back be back in af ther Che nope ov Che pon-p conFigura bron ee if Che eniblesy is forward bers, lavge num bev 9 of holes will be Suey t -iyto bhe collecbev. Lf Che bese 18 JravroW a major Gy oF Ele lrelex will be suey 6 a6 e855 wibhowt vecomb ma bien in cveading Cle cuvver, &. Wal The MOSFET consists of two islands of ply Sewmiconcdutber bhae ave evedbed wihhin « slbsevale of m-bype sili ton. The isla tds are jeieed bya nawow po éype channel. Source end Advan weal connebi ons ave ped on ElLese islands. A gabe conne Lbov is de posi 6rd on bbe insuler ding (ayer ef Silicon dioxide Formed by Sue Pace ox6dea Bon of silicon Tenposi Gon of o posi bve Kield on Eve gee will rive Charge carries ou€ of be channel Cleveby yeclielry bie elec br! cal eohdluc & Ui & ele elvan eras FEL n-kype Si

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