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Organisms observation - using reference books - using the internet - choose river habitat - keep yourself safe while
you are collecting the information - include between 8 and 12 species - sampling -- include at least one plant as
producer, herbivores, omnivores, carnivores- connect them with arrows showing both predator and prey

1. Producer -------- Fungus

2. Enzyme production - Break down food to get energy

3. We have digestive system but fungus don't.

They have hyphae and we don't. They decompose starch to get energy.
Humans eat starch, proteins, lipids.
1. Grass - grasshopper - snake - hawk - fungus
1. N B is greater than N D

2. Industrial revolution

3. They are investigating many factors.

4. Leopard seals eat fish and
squid and penguin. No more
fish and squid, no more

5. Krill numbers will increase.

HW for 30/1/2022 - Book - P.

33 - Q. 6
Term 3 Sunday 20/3/2022
Monday 21/3/2022
Monday 21/3/2022

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