English Worksheet

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Education
Ibn Khaldun International School

English Worksheet
(Bigger Shoes for the Big Shoes &The ant and the Grasshopper)
Name ----------------------------------------- Grade------------------------------------

1-Read this passage then answer the questions:

How Flowers Become Fruit

Do you like apples, pears, and oranges? Did you know all the fruits you like
were once flowers? A plant goes through many steps to turn a flower into fruit.
Flowers have a special dust inside them called pollen. Pollen helps plants
make new plants. Animals such as bees and butterflies pick up a little pollen from
one flower. Then, they bring it to another flower.
Wind can also move pollen.
Pollen lands on a special part of a flower. Then, the plant starts to make seeds.
Next, the flower petals drop off. The rest of the flower starts to grow into a fruit.
Soon the young fruit gets bigger. It also can change color. This means the fruit is
sweet. It is ready to eat!

1- What do flowers turn into?

a) seed.
b) leaf.
2-Plants need animals and wind to move pollen.
a) True b) False

3-Flowers have a special dust called

a) sand b) pollen c) soil

SUBJECT : English
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Choose the right answer:
1- What is the genre of the story (The ant and the grasshopper)?
a) drama. b) fable.

2- The plot means the problem and then the solution:

a) true b) false

3- What is the moral lesson of the selection (The ant and the grasshopper).
a) Don’t waste your time
b) Don’t sing
c) Don’t dance
4-The problem in the selection ( Bigger Shoes for the Big Race) is the big race :
a) true. b) false

5 – What is the setting in the story (Bigger Shoes for the Big Race)?
a) Living room b) kitchen c) Playground

6- The setting of the story (The ant and the grasshopper) is

A) den b) farm c) field

7- Choose the words that have the same sound of the letter a as Bake.
a) Make b) rat c) rake d) mat

8- Choose the word that has the same sound tch like itch.
a) hutch b) such c) much d) which

9-Choose the word that has the same sound wh like when.
a) saw b) was c) whale

SUBJECT : English
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10-Circle the declarative sentence:
a) What is you hoppy?
b) Wow, it is Fabulous.
c) Flowers turn into fruits.
11-Circle the words that need a capital letter:
sunday is the first day of summer! i am going to swim with my dog bella.

12- Fill these words in the spaces:

Good put said no help
a) It is a ---------------------surprise, He -----------------
b) Sam can ------------------- it in the sack.
c) There is --------------------- location on it.
13-Write a caption to describe this picture.

SUBJECT : English
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