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A Rose in Harlem

Jy’Rah Brown was born with immaculate talent, especially when it came to laying down
some bars. Like every youth that is raised in Harlem, New York, she has expectations of making
it out of that toxic environment. From gang related crimes to alcohol and drug related
incidents, Jy’Rah has high hopes of making a big name for herself to prove that you can be a
positive inspiration despite your upcoming. As a young Black teenage girl in such community
she, will encounter all kinds of issues that delays her goals. Little does she know the challenges
that lies ahead on her way to the top.
At the age of 10, Jy’Rah sadly lost her mother due to suicide by drug overdose. She lives
with her father and older brother J’Yere. After the untimely passing of his wife, Mr. Brown lost
himself which led to him drinking a lot, unemployment, and becoming mentally abusive to his
kids. J’Yere, who was 13 when his mother passed, then got caught up with the wrong crowd but
stepped up as the man of the house. Jy’Rah on the other hand shared a love for music
specifically rap with her mother and used it a coping mechanism for the passing of her.
After the passing of her mom Jy’Rah dealt with a lot of rumors from both her neighbors
and people at schools. At a certain point Jy’Rah was getting bullied at school for it, which ended
when a girl name Sahara Kelly stepped up and beat up Jy’s bully. After that incident Jy’Rah and
Sahara became close and were best friends since. Jy’Rah and Sahara had lots in common, for
Sahara lost her dad from alcohol poisoning and they both had a passion for music. They both
lived in the same apartment complex just two stories from each other.
As the years went by Jy’Rah was in her senior year of high school. Throughout her high
school career, she was known to be the female rapper in her school. From her combining the
flow of Tupac with the spunk of Biggie, her bars were exceptional. She had dreams of being the
next Lil Kim mixed with Missy Elliot’s swag. Sahara was known to be Jy’Rah’s “hype” man, as
well as her biggest supporter. She would sign Jy’Rah up for different block rap battles that
would occur in their neighborhood.
Although Jy’Rah’s dreams is being supported outside, her father doesn’t show much
interest due to him paying more attention to his beers. While intoxicated, Mr. Brown uses
phrases such as “good for nothing”, “you are nobody”, along with “you will never make it out of
here”, it takes a toll on Jy’s confidence, but she still works hard to prove him wrong. Her
brother on the other hand supports her one-hundred percent, he is always there for her
performances, as well as giving her money to get the things she needs despite her not
accepting it due to her knowing how he earns his income. Jy loves her brother but doesn’t
agree with the gang lifestyle he chose, for she knows what comes with it, which is her biggest
fear. From a very young age they have always had a strong inseparable bond like no other.
One day, Jy’Rah and Sahara was walking home from school when, Sahara spotted a flyer
for one of the biggest rap competitions in New York. She then brought it up to Jy, who was not
too sure that she was ready for such a big competition. Jy’Rah was very insecure about her
rapping skills, that she felt as though she wasn’t good enough, but with a little bit of Sahara’s
persuasion skills Jy agreed to sign up. The next day they both went down to the registration
place and Jy signed up under the stage name of “Nyx Phoenix”. Knowing that this competition
can help reach somewhere big in life Jy’Rah knew she had to train hard for it.
The name of the competition is “Is It Hot or Not.” It was known to be the biggest rap
competitions in all of New York hosted by Lil Kim, with judges like 50-Cent, Method Man, and
Diddy. It consists of three rounds, the first round is freestyle, the second round is Rhythmic
Flow, and the last round is all about putting together song and recording it. A lot of people have
made it out of Harlem with this competition. Jy was certain that the competition would be her
way out, so she knew she had to bring her best.
For months Jy’Rah has been training to better her skills. Her bars got precise, her rhythm
was smooth, and her word play was hitting hard, she knew she was ready for the competition.
In order to test her skills Jy’Rah attended a street rap freestyle battle that was being held. Like
normal, Sahara was there supporting Jy’Rah making sure that she was on her top game. Jy’Rah
was so smooth with her freestyle, that her words were “fire” as the young kids say. The battle
was crowd favored, which caused Jy’Rah to win the title along with a cash prize of two hundred
and fifty dollars.
Normally, after every battle Jy’Rah looks for J’Yere at the end. This time around she
noticed that he wasn’t there, but even though she noticed she didn’t pay it much of mind. It
was twelve in the morning, Jy’Rah and Sahara was walking home from the battle, when Jy’Rah
got a call from a friend of her brother’s saying that J’Yere was shot and was being rushed to the
hospital. Jy’Rah dropped on her knees and frantically cried. Both friends rushed to the hospital,
as they reached Jy’Rah started yelling “WHERE IS BROTHER?”, “I WANT TO SEE MY BROTHER?”.
As the nurses calmed Jy’Rah down, Sahara gave one of the nurses her brother’s name. A little
while after, the head nurse dealing with J’Yere gave Jy’Rah and Sahara the sad news about
J’yere’s passing.
After receiving the news Jy’Rah’s body went numb from her being in shock. Sahara took
Jy’Rah back home, where she walked into the living room and told her father who was watching
television. Mr. Brown’s response was dull, it was as he didn’t even care. With his reaction being
that Jy’Rah got so angry that she started to throwing things and argue with her father. She
brought up all the things that he has put both her and brother through. For the first time in
years, Mr. Brown finally felt what his daughter was saying he then got up, started crying and
give her a hug. They both shared an emotional moment where they both cried, and he then
apologized and begged for her forgiveness.
A couple weeks went by, Jy’Rah has been in such a depression since the night her
brother passed away. She wasn’t eating, couldn’t sleep, wasn’t practicing it was as if the world
had stopped in her head, she even lost track of the days. She kept to herself, she was punishing
herself for what had happened, wishing she was there to stop what had happened. After the
incident, Jy’Rah closed totally, she even locked Sahara out of her mind. Jy’Rah didn’t care for
anything, she just wanted her brother back that was all.
One Sahara decided to check up on Jy, she then went to her apartment trying to build
back up her friend. Sahara then walked into the Jy’s room saying softly:
“Hey Jy, how are you?”
“I don’t Hara” said Jy in a soft, shaky voice.
The two both had a long conversation and Sahara was able to pull Jy’Rah out of her little mood.
She told reminded her what was her goals as well as what her brother would want for her.
The competition was approaching closer, Jy started practicing again she became more
confident. The day of the contest finally approached Jy was nervous but, she knew what she
had to do since she wanted to dedicate it to her brother. As the first round approached she
noticed Sahara in the front, along with her father who she was surprised but happy to see. The
round then started, and Jy did an awesome job. With her being the youngest rapper there she
knew she had to bring it. The crowd loved her so much that she moved to round two.
As round two came Jy’Rah did an outstanding job that she passed to the last round. In
this round she had a week to write and record a song. She chose a song she wrote after her
brother passed away called “A Rose in Harlem”. The song spoke about the challenges of making
it out the hood. It speaks about the lack of trust that you should have for people because they
can be your down fall. As Jy’Rah performed her song she felt her brother’s presence. The crowd
and the judges felt what she was saying. She felt so proud of herself, for someone at her age
she came in third place, but she was grateful for the opportunity. After the competition, J’Yere
was buried, Jy’Rah and Sahara graduated from High School, Mr. Brown went to therapy, got
sober and rekindled his bond with Jy’Rah, and Jy’Rah got signed to a record label in New York.

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