Learning Insights

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Mamarinta, Yasmen P.


Topic: Challenges of beginning teachers

Speaker: Sir Rex L. Razo (SGOD Chief DepEd – Iligan City)

Time: 9:00am – 10:00am

- Before Sir Razo started, he mentioned about classroom management as he instruct us the

proper sitting arrangements and something about how the word “STAND” is different

from “STAND UP” when we give instructions to the learners because as a teacher, we

should know about how the classroom management should be in the actual classroom. As

he goes on with his topic, he starts with the statement “Asking questions is the start of

knowledge” because by asking questions we gain new knowledge and have an ideas

about what we asked about, I’ve learned that it is actually good to ask for questions when

we really don’t know what we are going to do because according to Sir Razo, it’s not all

the time we know all things. I’ve also learned that there is actually a four classification of

becoming a teacher where he asked to stand for those who are in that mentioned

classification and those are, teacher by choice, teacher by circumstance, teacher by

accident, and teacher by happenstance. When he talked about this classification, I

realized then what classification I belong to and that is “teacher by circumstance and

accident”. Why? Because I particularly didn’t choose this course for my own but it’s for

practicality, aside from that this is the only course I know I can do well and be familiar

with, also it’s because of our financial status.

- I’ve also learned why there is a school, and it was answered that schools are established

so that the country achieves its goals, because if we try to think about it, it is the school

where all hopes and dreams began like for example the aim of having a good economy

and industry, the ambition we try to mold, etc. It is connected with why “Teachers”?

Because if there is a quality teacher and education it will tell that the nation or country is

progressive if it was led through a good production of teachers and education. Moreover,

Sir Razo’s topic includes how the quality of education just here in Iligan City is very poor

where it was supported by a bar graph of elementary and high school PHIL IRI results

that learners in non readers are much higher than the readers one. And this is actually true
and it is not very sad because I’ve witnessed it when I was observing in our Field Study

subjects where I was asked by my cooperating teacher to let the students read some

simple or difficult words for their level and it was sad to know that most can’t read words

from their levels. After his discussion about the percentage of PHIL IRI results, he also

asked why we are called teachers and it is because we are dealing with children.

Topic: How to implement the curriculum inside the classroom.

Speaker: Sir Aron Exquil Bryan

Time: 10:00

- He just gives us a short message about how to be a teacher inside the classroom or in the

school, some tips for us when we handle students. And those tips are very helpful to me

actually because as a practice teacher, I need to know the basics where I can be ready

when it’s my time to teach inside the classroom. I’ve learned about how the curriculum is

important to school as well as to the teachers because it will serve as their guide when

they teach.

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