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t is believed by some that at the dawn of creation,  

the Gods sang a beautiful song that created the The Twisted Word
world. A demonic chorus answered the song of
creation with the song of discord, twisting the 6th-level College of Discord feature
song and corrupting it for darker purposes. Over Dissonant Whispers now deals 5d6 psychic damage.
time, the College of Discord has collected the The spell cannot be upcast.
Songs of Discord into a songbook. The songs are
sung in an ancient demonic language which cannot be The Demonic Song
translated into common. Bards of Discord seek to
harness the power of the Discordia Song. The 6th-level College of Discord feature
You may perform songs from the “Intermediate Song”
Discordian Song focuses on weakening and destroying section of the Songbook.
Songs of Discord The Eternal Song
14th-level College of Discord feature
3rd-level College of Discord feature
You may perform a Song of Discord. These songs are You may perform songs from the “Advanced Song”
very powerful spells which take time to cast and cannot section of the Songbook.
be counterspelled, but any of the following actions will Words of Power
break the spell: 14th-level College of Discord feature
Taking the move action You may invent a personal Word of Power. The Word of
Being forcefully moved Power may not kill or resurrect a target and should be
Taking the attack action equal in power to a 7th level spell. The word requires
Losing concentration DM approval.
Casting a spell with somantic components  
Being unable to speak
Singing theupon
exhaustion song song
will cause you to ortakeinterruption.
completion one level of
Choral Singing
3rd-level College of Discord feature
When performing a Song of Discord, the effects of the
song may be increased with more Discord bards. All
supporting bards must be within 100 feet of the primary
spellcaster. No duplicate casters (i.e, a simulacrum) may
participate in the song. Should a single member of the
choir be interrupted, they will be dropped from the song
and will suffer a point of exhaustion. They may re-enter
the song, but will suffer exhaustion upon its completion.
The Song of the Darkness
3rd-level College of Discord feature
You may perform songs from the “Beginner Song”
section of the Songbook.
Beginner Songs charisma save. On failure, the creature takes psychic  
damage equal to the primary caster’s spellcasting
Song of Summoning modifier and becomes frightened of the primary caster.
Casting Time: 1 action When sung with a partner, the Song of Terror only
Song Time: 1 hour targets enemy units. Additionally, the Charisma
Solo A portal opens up behind the caster to a plane of modifier of the supporting caster is added to the spell
their choosing. This portal is one-directional to the save DC.
caster’s plane. Upon the completion of the Song of Choir:
Summoning, you may summon one creature of evil or When sung alongside two or more Discord bards, the
neutral alignment with a CR of 1 or below. If the Song Song of Terror will cause enemies to flee the battle if
of Summoning is interrupted, all summoned creatures they fail the Charisma check by more than 10.
become hostile to all creatures besides the caster(s). Additionally, the Charisma modifier of both supporting
Duet: casters is added to the spell save DC.
When sung with a partner, the effects of the Song of Song of Hatred
Summoning happen every five rounds, for a maximum
of 10 creatures. Casting Time: 1 action
Choir: Song Time: 1 hour
When sung alongside two or more discord bards, the Solo
effects of the Song of Summoning happen at the start of When sung alone, the Song of Hatred causes one
the Primary Casters’ turn for the next hour. Only 10 enemy who can hear the song to make a charisma
creatures can be summoned this way. saving throw. If the target fails, they must use their
Song of Weakness action to attack the nearest creature. The target will
prioritize targets hostile to it if two targets are
Casting Time: 1 action equidistant.
Song Time: 1 hour Duet:
Solo When sung with a partner, the Song of Hatred affects
When sung alone, the Song of Weakness causes the all creatures who can hear within 100 feet of the
target to make a charisma saving through with a DC primary caster.
equal to the primary caster’s level. On a failure, the Choir:
target loses 1 strength or dexterity every turn - caster’s When sung alongside two or more harmony bards, the
choice. The target must be able to hear the Song of Song of Hatred affects only hostile creatures who can
Weakness for it to take effect. If the target drops to hear within 100 feet of the primary caster.
below 0 strength or dexterity, the target dies.  
When sung with a partner, the Song of Weakness
causes the target to lose 2 strength or dexterity every
turn. The target must pass a charisma save equal to the
primary caster’s spell save modifier + the sum of all
casters’ charisma modifiers.
When sung alongside two or more Discord bards, the
target must pass a charisma save equal to the primary
caster’s spell save modifier + the sum of all casters’
charisma modifiers. Additionally, the primary caster
may choose to target all creatures, friendly or otherwise,
that can hear the spell and are not a part of the casting
ritual instead of targeting a single creature.
Song of Terror
Casting Time: 1 action
Song Time: 1 hour
When sung alone, the Song of Terror causes all
creatures within 50 feet of the caster to make a

Intermediate Songs  
Song of Power
Casting Time: 1 action
Song Time: 1 hour
When sung alone, the Song of Power deals 5 force
damage to a random target who can hear the song at
the start of the caster’s round. This random target can
be friendly or even the caster themself.
When sung with a partner, the Song of Power deals 10
force damage to a specified target who can hear the
song at the start of the primary caster’s round.
When sung alongside two or more Discord bards, the
Song of Power deals 15 force damage to the specified
target who can hear the song at the start of the primary
caster’s round. This damage doubles at the start of
every round, but resets to 15 if the target changes.
Song of Slaying
Casting Time: 1 action
Song Time: 1 hour
Solo When sung alone, the Song of Slaying grants a
specified ally who can hear the song 5 temporary HP
when they kill an enemy.
When sung with a partner, the Song of Slaying gives the
target advantage on attacks against enemies with less
than half of their health remaining.
When sung alongside two or more Discord bards, the
target’s attacks lifesteal. For example, if the target deals
10 damage with their sword, they gains 10 health.
Song of the Dark
Casting Time: 1 action
Song Time: 1 hour
Solo When sung alone, the Song of the Dark creates a
sphere 15 feet in radius centered at a point specified by
the caster. All creatures within this sphere are under the
effects of magical darkness.
When sung with a partner, the sphere grows to being 30
feet in radius. Additionally, the sphere causes all
creatures within it to be under the effects of silence.
When sung alongside two or more Discord bards, the
Song of the Dark grows to 50 feet in radius.
Additionally, it becomes encased in a wall of shadow
that prevents any creatures from entering or exiting the
sphere until the song is completed.

Advanced Songs and cannot work against your interests. They fall under  
the effect of the Feeblemind spell.
Song of Antimagic Song of Unmaking
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Song Time: 1 hour Song Time: 1 hour
Solo When sung alone, the Song of Antimagic allows Solo When sung alone, the Song of Unmaking has no
the primary caster to cast silence centered on a location effect.
or creature within 100 feet at the start of every turn. Duet:
When sung with a partner, an Antimagic field is created When sung with a duet, the Song of Unmaking has no
center on the Primary caster. The field is as large as the effect.
Primary Caster wants it to be, up to 500 feet. The Song When sung with two or more Discord bards, the Song
of Antimagic is immune to the effects of the Antimagic of Unmaking utterly destroys the target upon
field. completion of the song. All memories of the target are
When sung alongside two or more Discord bards, upon erased from the minds of every creature. The target
completion of the song, an Antimagic field is created crumbles to ash and its soul is destroyed. At the start of
centered on the primary caster. This antimagic field the song, the target must be within the line of sight of
lasts for 1d4 days, and all casters of the song are the primary caster. The target cannot come back to life
immune to its effects. by any means short of divine intervention.
Song of the Underdark
Casting Time: 1 hour
Song Time: 3 hours
Solo When sung alone, the Song of the Underdark has
no effect.
When sung with a partner, a 10 foot wide portal is
summoned 10 feet in front of the caster. This portal
goes to any other point in the Underdark. The portal is
bidirectional and spawns (1d10-3) tiles away from the
desired point.
When sung alongside two or more Discord bards, the
portal can go to any point in the Underdark. The caster
may choose whether or not the portal is bidirectional,
and the portal is always perfectly accurate.
Song of Domination
Casting Time: 1 action
Song Time: 1 day
Solo When sung alone, the Song of Domination forces
all enemy creatures within 300 feet to make a charisma
saving throw. If they fail, they are bound by ethereal
chains to the ground where they are until the
completion of the song. Their movement speed
becomes 0 until the completion of the song.
When sung with a partner, the Song of Domination also
prevents the bound enemy creatures from attacking the
casters until the completion of the song.
When sung alongside two or more Discord bards, the
Song of Domination, upon completion, forces all
enemies who hear the song and failed the original
charisma saving throw to act as your personal servants.
The affected enemies cannot refuse any of your orders

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