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Laboratory Experiment

Cite This: J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX pubs.acs.org/jchemeduc

Chemical Curiosity on Campus: An Undergraduate Project on the

Structure and Wettability of Natural Surfaces
Anthony Katselas,† Alice Motion,† Chiara O’Reilly,‡ and Chiara Neto*,†

School of Chemistry and Sydney Nano Institute, The University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia

Department of Art History, The University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: An experiment which investigates the wettability of natural

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surfaces was developed for undergraduate students, which allows them to

explore concepts of surface structure, wettability, superhydrophobic
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surfaces, and self-cleaning. The students choose their own samples of

leaves and flowers present in their local environment, examine their surface
structure and chemistry by microscopy and contact angle measurements,
and, using their understanding of the literature on the wettability of rough
surfaces, relate the two. The experiment is student-focused in that it gives
students agency in choosing the samples to study, increases their
confidence, and develops curiosity in their local environment.

KEYWORDS: Upper-Division Undergraduate, Inquiry-Based/Discovery Learning, Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary,

Physical Chemistry, Materials Science, Surface Science, Hands-On Learning/Manipulatives

P lant and animal species have evolved over centuries to

survive in harsh yet bountiful conditions. Plant species
such as the leaf of the sacred lotus have long been known to
Characterizing a surface’s wettability is an important aspect
of biomimetic research. Wettability provides qualitative
information on the chemistry of a material’s surface, since
scientists for their extreme water repellency and self-cleaning the degree of wetting is dependent on the intermolecular
properties, which provide a functional basis for survival.1−4 interactions between the surface and a liquid droplet.12 When
These properties are made possible by the intrinsic hydro-
water droplets only partially wet the surface, the surface
phobicity of epicuticular wax crystals which adorn the plant’s
leaf surface.5 On their own, waxy hydrocarbon-based coatings energies of the relevant liquid−vapor, liquid−solid, and solid−
provide a chemical basis of moderate water repellency.6 Yet, it vapor phases achieve a balance, resulting in a contact angle
is the micro- and nanoscale roughness of these waxy crystal measured at the three-phase contact line (solid/liquid/
structures that achieves the property of superhydrophobicity.1,7 vapor),12 as shown in Figure 1.
Superhydrophobicity is one of a number of coveted surface The equilibrium contact angle θ shown in Figure 1 is defined
properties found in nature. Antibiofouling ability, antibacterial by Young’s equation:
properties, self-healing ability, structural coloration, and dry
adhesion are other well-known properties of interest.8−11 The
field of biomimetics focuses on studying biological systems
displaying these properties, taking inspiration, and using the
properties to solve real world problems.2 Biomimetics is an
interdisciplinary field, which brings together engineering,
Figure 1. (a) Schematic of a liquid droplet on a solid substrate, with
chemistry, and biology, making it an interesting topic for the equilibrium contact angle θ shown, taken at the point where the
many students. However, biomimetics is seldom taught as part liquid/vapor contact line meets the solid interface. (b) A droplet
of undergraduate science degree programs. Surface chemistry suspended in the Cassie−Baxter state, in which the space between
provides the basic characterization tools used in biomimetic surface features contains air pockets. (c) A droplet in a collapsed
research and offers the benefit of introducing biological system Wenzel state partially penetrates the surface roughness, replacing the
characterization as a final undergraduate year research project. air pockets with water, resulting in droplet pinning.
The undergraduate research project described here has
inspired students into pursuing further research studies and Received: April 3, 2019
offers academic staff the opportunity to explore new research Revised: June 3, 2019
© XXXX American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc. A DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00324
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

γsv − γsl
cos θ =
γlv (1)

where γsv, γsl, and γlv represent the surface energy of the solid−
vapor, solid−liquid, and liquid−vapor interfaces, respectively.12
As real surfaces have heterogeneity and roughness, in
practice multiple contact angles are measured when the contact
line moves over the surface, and this is visualized by measuring
contact angle hysteresis, the difference between the advancing
and receding contact angle. The advancing contact angle, θA, is Figure 2. Photographs of the flannel flower (a), jacaranda flower (b),
kangaroo paw flower (c), and the banksia cob (d), collected prior to
measured by increasing the water droplet volume and
measuring the maximum contact angle before the contact
line moves outward; similarly, the receding contact, θR, is
surfaces, their superhydrophobicity, and their self-cleaning
measured by decreasing the droplet volume and measuring the
properties. Students also gain an appreciation of cleanliness
minimum contact angle before the contact line moves
when working in the field of surface chemistry. Seven
inward.12 Atomically smooth hydrophobic surfaces typically
undergraduate students have tested the experiment as
display a low hysteresis of around 10−15°,13,14 with more
individuals and in groups and repeated the contact angle
heterogeneous surfaces displaying higher hysteresis values.2,12
measurements multiple times. The full experiment takes
The effect of surface roughness is generally to amplify the
approximately 12 h to complete and was originally developed
wetting character of a surface and can be explained (at least for
as a summer research project to engage final year under-
large droplets) by the Wenzel and Cassie−Baxter models,
graduates with higher research. Following its success, the
depicted in Figure 1.2,15,16 In the Wenzel wetting state, a water
experiment was offered as an advanced first-year practical
droplet may show a very high contact angle (about 150°), but
module. This experiment is best performed individually over
as the water partially penetrates the roughness of the surface,
four sessions as outlined in the Supporting Information.

high droplet pinning and, therefore, higher contact angle
hysteresis (>20°) result (Figure 1c).2 In the Cassie−Baxter EXPERIMENTAL OVERVIEW
model the droplet is suspended over a mattress of air pockets
trapped within the roughness, and this limits droplet contact to Sample Preparation for Optical Microscopy and Contact
the top of roughness peaks. Functionally, this minimizes Angle Measurement
droplet pinning, reduces contact angle hysteresis to a few Detailed instructions are provided in Supporting Information.
degrees, and aids droplet roll-off at low tilt angles.2 The samples studied were the flowers of four species:
There are only a few papers that have introduced in the Anigozanthos f lavidus (kangaroo paw) and Banksia serrata
chemical education literature the wettability of natural (banksia) flowers were collected from the Sydney University
surfaces,6,17 the concept of self-cleaning,18,19 and the relation- campus, and the Actinotus helianthi (flannel flower) was
ship between hysteresis and surface heterogeneity.19 Our purchased from Sydney Wildflower Nursery, Heathcote, NSW,
experiment is novel in that it brings these concepts together Australia. The introduced Jacaranda mimosifolia (jacaranda)
across a broad range of natural plant species while also was another species chosen for its historical association with
incorporating microscopic inspection of samples. Our experi- Sydney University and was also collected on campus. On
ment mimics more closely than previous works methods used collection, surface contamination was minimized by using
in biomimetic research,17,20−23 and it gives an opportunity for gloves and tweezers, and samples were then stored in sealed
inquiry-led learning, by guiding students to relate the micro- plastic vials. The samples were carefully dissected using
and nanostructure of natural surfaces to their wetting tweezers and scissors or a razor blade. The sample size for
properties, and to deduce wetting states from their contact contact angle measurement was decided on the basis of the
angle hysteresis values. sample structure, ensuring the flattest and largest surface area
Primarily the students work toward identifying whether was available (several cm2, if possible). Students must pay
biological plant species chosen by them are naturally attention to reduce contamination of the samples; this includes
superhydrophobic and, if so, if they also possess self-cleaning gloves for handling samples, containers, or tweezers, using
properties. To demonstrate this understanding, the concepts clean glassware and ultrapure water. Samples were then fixed to
are applied in the laboratory using samples, leaves and flowers a glass slide with double sided tape and pressed firmly down at
of plants available in the local area, collected by students and the edges to provide adequate adhesion. Samples were
brought back to the laboratory for analysis using available characterized immediately after collection to gather results
instrumentation. The plant samples were selected on the basis based on the native state of the species.
of species available on campus at the University of Sydney or Optical Microscopy
accessible locally (Figure 2). In other countries, local species
Samples were imaged using an optical microscope in reflection
could be used. Species that appear hairy or rough are most
mode (Nikon, Eclipse LV150) and viewed using a 5×
likely to provide interesting microscopic structure that is easily
objective. Any image demonstrating the microscopic surface
visible under the optical microscope, and these samples are
structure was captured, and greater magnification objectives
more likely to have interesting wetting properties.
were used where possible to magnify surface characteristics at
Core skills in material science, optical and scanning electron
the microscopic level.
microscopy (where available), are developed through this
practical experiment. Further skills in surface characterization Contact Angle Goniometry
using contact angle measurement are practiced, realizing the Contact angles were measured using a KSV Cam 200
functional implications of surface roughness on natural goniometer. The static contact angle values were calculated
B DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00324
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

by fitting the water droplet baseline in the instrument software

utilizing the Young−Laplace model. Droplets of 10 μL (or
larger) of ultrapure Milli-Q water were used, containing <1
particulate/mL (of size >0.22 μm3) and having a resistivity of
18.2 MΩ cm. Advancing and receding contact angles were also
measured to determine the hysteresis by the mentioned
contact angle goniometer. If an equivalent instrument is not
available, a cell phone camera is sufficient to capture an image
of the water droplets, which is then analyzed using the freeware
ImageJ software to measure contact angles as outlined by
Lamour et al.24 A tilting table apparatus can also be easily
assembled from basic laboratory equipment as per the work of
Haines et al., which can replicate the results of advancing and
receding contact angle measurements.19
Samples Preparation for Scanning Electron Microscopy
Samples were prepared for scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) using two approaches. The first approach was by drying
overnight in a vacuum desiccator, which produces good
images, but the structures appeared dehydrated. The second Figure 3. Optical micrographs displaying the native morphology of
method was by a biological specimen fixation protocol which the flannel flower (a), jacaranda flower (b), kangaroo paw flower (c),
can be used to achieve a more native appearance, but this and Banksia serrata flower (d). Image insets depict the contact angle
should be performed under the supervision of a laboratory measurement on each sample.
demonstrator. The dried samples were mounted on SEM stubs
using conductive carbon adhesive. Conductive silver paint was trichomes, segmented into three portions. In Figure 3b the
used where greater contact was required, and then, the samples attachment point of the trichomes to the flower epicuticle
were gold coated. Samples were imaged using a JEOL tabletop appears dark blue, and the trichomes point downward,
SEM under high vacuum, aiming to capture the micro- or becoming more transparent toward the tips. The vertical
nanostructures. Where an SEM is not available, a stronger alignment of the trichomes corresponds to the vertical
emphasis can be placed on the optical microscopy work. In this downward orientation of the flowers on the tree. The features
case, students focus on the qualitative aspects of microscale were oriented in the vertical plane (Figure 3b). The spacing
structures: at magnifications of ∼100× they may identify measured between surface features was regular, 109 ± 26 μm.
features that contribute to roughness, such as trichomes, which For each of the species, the surface was greasy to the touch
promote the superhydrophobic wetting states.

and, in the case of the banksia, left behind a waxy residue on
contact. This qualitative observation suggests that the surface
HAZARDS features may be made of a hydrocarbon-based material, which
During sample collection, students should wear gloves to is typical of epicuticular waxes.4,6,20
prevent any allergic irritation during contact with plant species. The second component of the experiment required students
The handling of glass slides and the use of razor blades should to measure contact angles and contact angle hysteresis. Static
be carried out with extreme caution; disposal should be in a contact angles were measured on each plant species a total of
designated sharps receptacle. six times per species, across multiple samples, and an average

and standard deviation reported. The results are shown in
The four different flower species, jacaranda, kangaroo paw,
flannel flower, and banksia, were readily available at the time of Table 1. Summary of Contact Angle and Contact Angle
the experiment. The choice of samples allowed a comparative Hysteresis Measurements with the Associated Standard
study of the wettability properties of biological samples. After Deviation Values
slide preparation, the samples were analyzed using optical Surface Contact Angle/deg Hysteresis/deg
microscopy first to observe the native surface morphology as Flannel flower 154 ± 1 25 ± 2
shown in Figure 3. Jacaranda flower 157 ± 6 41 ± 5
The flannel flower, kangaroo paw, and banksia flowers all Kangaroo paw flower 137 ± 13 n/a
displayed similarities in their dense, hairy surface coverage with Banksia flower 150 ± 8 22 ± 6
hairy projections recognized as trichomes, visible on the micro-
and macroscales. The flannel flower displayed a relatively
uniform trichome length, with each primary structure Considering the nature of epicuticular waxes, all samples
branched, and displaying a dense surface coverage (Figure were not surprisingly hydrophobic with most samples
3a). The kangaroo paw displayed fewer but larger trichome displaying contact angle values in the superhydrophobic
structures than the flannel flower, with numerous branches, regime (θ > 150°). The kangaroo paw flower was the sample
leading to much longer and rigid projections with greater with the lowest static contact angle value, and the value was
variation in trichome length (Figure 3c). The banksia flower affected by large measurement variability, due to the irregular
displayed waxy trichome hairs which at the surface were surface structure. Overall, the scatter in the measurement of
heavily kinked. Much longer and straighter hairs were seen to static contact angle was high (except in the flannel flower) due
be layered over the top (Figure 3d). The jacaranda displayed the irregular surface features. Both the flannel flower and
C DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00324
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

banksia displayed comparable and high contact angle hysteresis sample fixation for SEM analysis and indirectly suggests that
values, which suggest a rough surface chemistry and/or an the surface projections were heavily hydrated in their native
irregular surface. The high value of contact angle hysteresis state.
points to a Wenzel state,2,15,16 whereby the droplets make If students do not have access to biological sample fixation,
direct contact with the full length of the surface features, conclusions may still be drawn from vacuum-dried samples, as
penetrating the roughness. This type of topography is unlikely clear nanoscale surface features can be observed, and
to trap air pockets between the features, and does not produce inferences can be made from the correlation with optical
an effective self-cleaning effect. The jacaranda flower displayed micrographs. SEM micrographs of the remaining samples
the fewest number of surface projections and overall had flatter prepared through vacuum drying are shown in Figure 5. All of
topography, and it had the highest value of hysteresis of all
samples. Contact angle hysteresis could not be measured on
the kangaroo paw, due to the spontaneous collapse and
spreading of the water droplet within the porous flower
structure when increasing droplet volume.
For the SEM analysis component of the experiment, the
jacaranda flower was prepared using both the biological
fixation and vacuum drying methods for comparison (Figure
4). The fixed samples clearly displayed finger-like trichome

Figure 5. SEM micrographs of the banksia serrata flower (a, b),

flannel flower (c, d), and kangaroo paw (e, f).

the samples display hair-like or branch-like projections. The

banksia flower (Figure 5a) displayed trichomes which were
more hair-like, whereas the flannel flower (Figure 5c)
trichomes appeared to branch from a central point into longer
branches, and the kangaroo paw (Figure 5e) appeared to
branch off from a central projection into numerous short
branches. At a higher magnification, the banksia flower (Figure
5b) and flannel flower (Figure 5d) trichomes displayed a
nanoscale wrinkled texture, unlike the kangaroo paw, which
appears smooth on the same scale (Figure 5f). It is not possible
to conclude that the nanoscale wrinkles observed are native
features and not a result of the vacuum drying process. What is
clear, however, is that the structures are much more robust
than those of the jacaranda flower, retaining their native
morphology at the microscale. It can be inferred that the
smoother surface of the kangaroo paw led to increased surface
wetting, and indeed, the kangaroo paw had the lowest water
contact angles out of all the species (Table 1).
In the lotus leaf, it is particularly the hierarchical (micro- and
nanoscale superimposed) roughness that is effective at trapping
air, achieving the Cassie−Baxter state. The self-cleaning ability
is related to the Cassie−Baxter state, because only in this
configuration does the topography allow capillary forces to
Figure 4. SEM micrographs of the jacaranda flower surface prepared direct any dirt resting on the structure to adhere to the water
using the biological fixation protocol (a, b) and sample which was droplet.4 Self-cleaning species typically have an ultralow
vacuum-dried (c, d). The higher magnification images highlight the hysteresis measurement of <10°.1,4,25 Given the high value of
nanoscale texture observed on the surface projections. hysteresis for all the studied species, none of them appear to be
clearly self-cleaning, but in a natural setting the natural
projections which were composed of 3−4 segments, with the flexibility of the flower, and close to vertical orientation, might
help with the roll-off of droplets.

terminal segment drawing the feature into a point. The
projections ranged in length from 165 to 250 μm, with a width
from 33 to 46 μm. The projections also displayed secondary PEDAGOGICAL GOALS
ridge-like structures which were 2−10 μm in length and 0.7− In this experiment the concepts of wettability and surface
1.1 μm in width. Overall, the morphology of the fixed samples roughness and their methods of characterization are intro-
appeared comparable to the native morphology (Figure 3b), duced. Students investigate directly the properties of natural
but the vacuum-dried sample of the jacaranda flower appeared surfaces and their applications in material science through
shriveled, relative to the structure observed in the optical biomimicry. The skills practiced include the use of sample
micrographs (Figure 3b), making it difficult to measure. This preparation, measurements and interpretation of optical and
observation highlights the importance of correct biological scanning electron micrographs, and contact angle measure-
D DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00324
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

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Corresponding Author
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Lafountaine, J. S.; Lim, Z.-J.; White, E. A.; Tuong, N. T.; Lamb, R. N.
Anthony Katselas: 0000-0003-0583-1367 Self-cleaning surfaces: A third-year undergraduate research project. J.
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Chiara Neto: 0000-0001-6058-0885 (20) Koch, K.; Bhushan, B.; Barthlott, W. Diversity of structure,
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