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Lord Jesus

Let us build a house where love can dwell

and all can safely live.
A place where saints and children tell Let us build a house where hands will
how hearts learn to forgive.
beyond the wood and stone,
Built of hopes and dreams and visions,
to heal and strengthen, serve and teach,
rock of faith and vault of grace;
and live the Word they've known.
here Your love shall end divisions:
Here the outcast and the stranger
all are welcome in this place.
bears the image of God's face;
let us bring and end to fear and danger:
Let us build a house where prophets
speak, all are welcome in this place.
and words are strong and true.
Where all God's children dare to seek Let us build a house where all are named,
to dream God's reign anew. their songs and visions heard
Here the cross shall stand as witness and loved and treasured, taught and
and as symbol of God's grace;
as words within the Word.
here as one we name our faith in You;
Built of tears and cries and laughter,
all are welcome in this place.
prayers of faith and songs of grace.
Let this house proclaim from floor to
Let us build a house where love is found
in water, wine and wheat;
all are welcome in this place.
a banquet hall on holy ground,
where peace and justice meet.
Here the love of God, through You, Jesus,
is revealed in time and space,
as we share in You the feast that frees us;
all are welcome in this place.
project. Father, we are confident that the new
facility will be completed, because You have
Our Father, we thank You for Your begun this good work.  Lord, I commit to
faithful love for us that never ends and Your praying diligently for this project.
mercy which never ceases.  They are new every
morning; great is Your faithfulness.  Lord, You
are God.  You created the heavens and earth and
put everything in place. You made the world to
All-powerful and merciful Father,
be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos.  you have created all things through
You are the Lord and there is no other.  You your Son
publicly proclaim bold promises; You do not
whisper obscurities in dark corners.   We thank and have made him the unshakable
You for giving our Architect the vision to build.  foundation of your kingdom.
Thank You for providing the resources for us to
build.  Thank You, Father, for being a wall of Through the gift of your eternal
fire and protection around our families and those wisdom,
involved in the construction of this new house.
grant that the undertaking we begin
In Jesus’ Name, we command that God’s today
Kingdom come and God’s will be done on earth
as it is in heaven for the construction of the for your glory and our own well-being

(MV HOUSE ) project.  We believe that You may progress day by day to its
will make our thoughts agreeable to Your will, successful completion.
so that the plans for this project may be
established and succeed.  Your Word, Father, We ask this through Christ our Lord.
declares that for lack of advice, plans go wrong; Amen.
but with many advisers there is success. 
Therefore, we confess that we will seek the
counsel of the godly as we proceed with this May the Lord almighty bless you
project.  We declare that we will write the vision
for this new project plainly so that those and kindly receive the desires of your
involved can run and carry the correct message hearts. Amen.
to others.  Father, we expect You to call forth
competent and skilled laborers for this project,
just as You called forth the artisans for the
building of the tabernacle.  We confess that they
will be filled with the Spirit of wisdom,
understanding and knowledge in all manner of
workmanship.  We proclaim that all involved in
this project will focus their attention and efforts
so that they can successfully complete their
assignments and bring glory and honor to Your
Name. We decree that favor surrounds this
project and we will have good success with
local, county and state government agencies, the
legal and banking communities and every entity
associated in the completion of this

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